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Thread: The Rise of Far Left Extremism

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    Default The Rise of Far Left Extremism

    I think I should make note that I am not talking about the average center leftist or even so called far leftists like Bernie Sanders and his proponents that advocate for social democratic policies (incorrectly labelled as democratic socialism) such as universal health care, free college, raising the minimum age to $15, etc... I am talking about a small percentage of the Left that are often labelled SJWs that have begun to inadvertently cause damage to our individual freedoms in their pursuit of what they believe is right. In the hyper pursuit of equality for minorities and the oppressed that sounds good in theory, but in practice infringes upon the rights of everyone indirectly. Like the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    As we lose the ability to have free speech, the definition of what hate speech is begins to have a broader meaning over time. This results in people becoming afraid to say certain things in certain environments. It also results in censorship of what we can say on social media as tech giants like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram further police what we can or cannot say online. In addition to having the threat of our jobs lost because we said something online that was offensive. This ultimately results in a more of authoritarian society over time under the guise of helping others. I am all for civil rights and protecting minorities, but not when it hinders on our ability to freely converse with others without fear of repercussions.

    I am well aware that far right extremist groups exist and are beginning to rise largely as a reaction to Liberal social policies like mass immigration and the Liberal media bias for major news media (minus Fox news). Unfortunately, the threat of the far left extremists is often ignored by authority figures and the media because it is sometimes seen positive or neutral in general compared to the far right extremists like neo-nazis that get scorned for beliefs that they obviously deserve. However, many benign center-right conservatives, libertarians, centrists and even some center leftists are labelled as far right by the extreme far left for simply having some or many standard center right conservative views that don't fit the social narrative.

    Here are a few examples of just a small fraction of the damage that the far left extremists have done:

    Far left extremists try to get a center left progressive professor fired from their college and they succeeded by forcing him to resign:

    Fast forward to incident:

    Far left vape shop owner has a meltdown on a conservative Trump supporter merely for wearing a MAGA hat:

    Far left caller tries to convince a center left progressive YouTube commentator that racism against white people is impossible:

    Conservative reporter Andy Ngo gets physically assaulted by ANTIFA members resulting in a brain hemorrhage for simply trying to tell a story:

    It's clear that these people are the other side of the coin in extremism compared to far right extremists. They are basically the left-wing version of neo-nazis, but they are often ignored or even praised by some that are unaware of how much damage these people are causing to other people and our society inadvertently. Not enough attention is brought to these people and the damage they are causing. We need to be able to call a spade a spade. ANTIFA members are basically terrorists that justify physical violence on innocent people under the guise of fighting fascism. They are far left extremist idenitarians that are campaigning to slowly erode our personal freedoms over time unknowingly under the guise of fighting hate speech.
    Last edited by Raver; 07-10-2019 at 04:49 PM.
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    The problem with the far left is that its ideologies are called moderate by the media and they usually get away with it without most people noticing at all. Far left ideologies are just what the bright state wants to put in place next. The bright state is colleges and media that are bought by the government, which no one realizes are what the "deep state" correlates to because they're blinded by the light. The way it gets away with it is that the bright state has a near-monopoly on public discourse, and if an idea is arrived at via public discourse, even if it's strongly guided public discourse, it's painted as moderate, because hey, it's somewhere in-between the two ideas that you just heard people argue for. Long live "extremists" who aren't actually racists or anything else heinous!

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    MGS2 covered this back in 2001:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    MGS2 covered this back in 2001:


    that was a great game. The gameplay experience was ...… solid

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    @Raver You don't pass for "white" and damn sure not in the "anglo"/"nordic" sense (like I do, even though I'm also "mixed"); "left wing extremists" like ANTIFA fight so that your new world mongrel ass doesn't get strung up by a tree somewhere or have your head bashed in just because you look like you belong to some Central American caravan. Say thank you and STFU. Enough with these retarded, intellectually dishonest false equivalencies. There's no way in hell one can honestly equate Antifa with the likes of far right extremists like Neo-Nazis. Those types of groups seek to eradicate and divide diverse societies (that created people like me and you), victimizing marginalized populations and calling for state-sanctioned discrimination. Antifa protects those marginalized populations and was borne from a desire to stop state-sanctioned discrimination. PERIOD.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Enough with these retarded, intellectually dishonest false equivalencies. There's no way in hell one can honestly equate Antifa with the likes of far right extremists like Neo-Nazis. Those types of groups seek to eradicate and divide diverse societies (that created people like me and you), victimizing marginalized populations and calling for state-sanctioned discrimination.
    Drawing equivalence with Nazis is indeed retarded. When they should be calling them Communists instead.

    Antifa protects those marginalized populations and was borne from a desire to stop state-sanctioned discrimination. PERIOD.
    Naive. It's a bunch of sadistic nihilists seeking a pretext to break things (and people).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    Naive. It's a bunch of sadistic nihilists seeking a pretext to break things (and people).
    As an active member of ANTIFA for 4 years of my life, I can personally assure you that I directed any and all sadistic impulses towards those first directing their sadism at me and mine (and most usually based on nothing more than superficial differences like race/ethnicity/nationality/religion/etc...). Personally, I'd have been much more content to focus that intensity on my studies as opposed to kicking in skulls but I wasn't the one going around spray painting swastikas on dorm room doors, hanging nooses from trees, or jumping brown students with weird accents, thereby creating a mentally/spiritually/emotionally/physically untenable atmosphere for the most vulnerable--acts like that go beyond cutesy theoretical arguments concerning the "freedom of speech." I'm not saying that those things happened to me personally, but because I'm not a bitch ass, completely empathy impaired piece of shit skating through life on his own unearned privilege, I decided to be proactive (with my fists) against those trying to make life harder and more uncomfortable for others who only want to exist and live unimpeded. I regret nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Are you serious?

    Every terrorist group, mafia, and gang out there claims to fight for some "oppressed" group, does that make them legitimate? The ends don't justify the means in these cases. (not any of the methods employed by such groups works anyways)
    What one claims versus what actually is are two different things and I only care about the latter; regardless of how much right wing extremists claim to be "oppressed," the empirical data does not support this:

    In fact, 2018 saw the highest percentage (98%) of right-wing extremist-related killings since 2012, the last year when all documented killings were by right-wing extremists. Right-wing extremists also killed more people in 2018 than in any year since 1995. For comparison, only 62% of extremist killings in 2017 were committed by right-wing extremists, and only 21% in 2016.

    All that and yet Raver's shucking and jiving ass wants to speak about the rise of "left wing terrorists." GTFOH. Like I said the first time, I have absolutely no patience for his intellectual dishonesty. For anyone with more than 3 fully functioning brain cells, it's more than obvious who and what entities comprise an ACTUAL threat.

    P.S. Are you from the former Soviet Union? It just seems that something gets to throbbing in your asshole whenever anything "communist"-adjacent is mentioned. Feel free to relax. ANTIFA operates within a different framework and context. They will never be the monsters responsible for the Soviet atrocities. The right wing MFers caging/molesting/starving/abusing/neglecting brown migrant children at the US Southern border, on the other hand....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    As an active member of ANTIFA for 4 years of my life, I can personally assure you that I directed any and all sadistic impulses towards those first directing their sadism at me and mine (and most usually based on nothing more than superficial differences like race/ethnicity/nationality/religion/etc...). Personally, I'd have been much more content to focus that intensity on my studies as opposed to kicking in skulls but I wasn't the one going around spray painting swastikas on dorm room doors, hanging nooses from trees, or jumping brown students with weird accents, thereby creating a mentally/spiritually/emotionally/physically untenable atmosphere for the most vulnerable--acts like that go beyond cutesy theoretical arguments concerning the "freedom of speech." I'm not saying that those things happened to me personally, but because I'm not a bitch ass, completely empathy impaired piece of shit skating through life on his own unearned privilege, I decided to be proactive (with my fists) against those trying to make life harder and more uncomfortable for others who only want to exist and live unimpeded. I regret nothing.
    Holy shit you sound like a delusional freak

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    Holy shit you sound like a delusional freak
    lol This is rich coming from you. Have you seen your posts? Throwing stones while perched atop a fortress of brittle, frozen glass.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    As an active member of ANTIFA for 4 years of my life

    i read enough.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    All that and yet Raver's shucking and jiving ass wants to speak about the rise of "left wing terrorists." GTFOH. Like I said the first time, I have absolutely no patience for his intellectual dishonesty. For anyone with more than 3 fully functioning brain cells, it's more than obvious who and what entities comprise an ACTUAL threat.
    I think it's intellectually dishonest to focus solely on "extremism" as opposed to crime in general. The fact is that the vast majority of violent crime is intraracial (occurring between members of the same race). Of the interracial crime that does occur, a disproportionate mount of this crime is black on white. Of the white on black crime that does occur, the vast majority of these incidents do not qualify as "hate crimes."

    White on black "hate crimes" are thus a minority of a minority of a minority, comprising of <.01% of total crime in general, and even occurring less often than black on white "hate crimes" when taking into account population sizes. In other words, a black man is literally thousands of times more likely to be killed by another black man than by a white man, let alone a white man who also identifies as a white supremacist.

    Meanwhile, despite the absurdly low numbers when looking at crime in general, the left is still OBSESSED with white supremacy; constantly droning on and on about its dangers, constantly parroting that it's "on the rise", super desperate to identify people who disagree with them as "secret white supremacists".... heck there are even those willing to make equivalencies between white hoods and MAGA hats. Collectively this leads me to believe that the left operates by means of intellectual extortion; either agree with us or be prepared to be lambasted as a nazi/ racist/ white supremacist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    I think it's intellectually dishonest to focus solely on "extremism" as opposed to crime in general. The fact is that the vast majority of violent crime is intraracial (occurring between members of the same race). Of the interracial crime that does occur, a disproportionate mount of this crime is black on white. Of the white on black crime that does occur, the vast majority of these incidents do not qualify as "hate crimes."

    White on black "hate crimes" are thus a minority of a minority of a minority, comprising of <.01% of total crime in general, and even occurring less often than black on white "hate crimes" when taking into account population sizes. In other words, a black man is literally thousands of times more likely to be killed by another black man than by a white man, let alone a white man who also identifies as a white supremacist.

    Meanwhile, despite the absurdly low numbers when looking at crime in general, the left is still OBSESSED with white supremacy; constantly droning on and on about its dangers, constantly parroting that it's "on the rise", super desperate to identify people who disagree with them as "secret white supremacists".... heck there are even those willing to make equivalencies between white hoods and MAGA hats. Collectively this leads me to believe that the left operates by means of intellectual extortion; either agree with us or be prepared to be lambasted as a nazi/ racist/ white supremacist.
    Doesn't sound like it:

    Interracial Crime Study Finds Whites More Likely to Assault Blacks Than the Reverse

    Also let's not forget that the police that are actually shooting and killing innocent black people.

    "X race has high crime rates - therefore, X race has some sort of defective 'violent genes'" is a typical playbook by the far-right racists.

    All these "We should restrict immigrants by race or ethnicity" arguments are also obviously far-right racialist arguments, no doubt about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    I think it's intellectually dishonest to focus solely on "extremism" as opposed to crime in general. The fact is that the vast majority of violent crime is intraracial (occurring between members of the same race). Of the interracial crime that does occur, a disproportionate mount of this crime is black on white. Of the white on black crime that does occur, the vast majority of these incidents do not qualify as "hate crimes."
    This simply has to do with the statistical reality of there being way more Whites than Blacks, and hence Blacks are more likely to come into contact with Whites, than the other way around:

    The argument that black people who commit crimes are specifically seeking out white victims is simply not true. In an article in the American Journal of Sociology, for example, sociologist Robert M. O’Brien pointed out that population size and the impact of segregation help explain why overall rates of black-on-white crimes are higher than white-on-black crimes. Essentially, black people are far more likely to come into contact with white people in the course of their daily life than the other way around

    However, the far-right spin is to say that blacks are deliberately targeting whites, which is not true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    White on black "hate crimes" are thus a minority of a minority of a minority, comprising of <.01% of total crime in general, and even occurring less often than black on white "hate crimes" when taking into account population sizes.
    This is simply not true, disproportionate amount of blacks suffer at the hands of hate crimes than whites:

    The majority of those crimes were driven by hatred against black and Jewish people, but they also included crimes against people for being gay, Muslim, Hispanic, and other identifiers. Several hundred crimes were coded as being anti-white, although those appeared at a far lower rate than the percentage of the United States population that is white. (Eighteen percent of race-based hate crimes reported to the FBI last year were anti-white, while whites make up 77 percent of the U.S. population. Compare that to black Americans, who make up 13 percent of the country, but suffered 49 percent of reported race-based hate crimes.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    Meanwhile, despite the absurdly low numbers when looking at crime in general, the left is still OBSESSED with white supremacy; constantly droning on and on about its dangers, constantly parroting that it's "on the rise", super desperate to identify people who disagree with them as "secret white supremacists".... heck there are even those willing to make equivalencies between white hoods and MAGA hats. Collectively this leads me to believe that the left operates by means of intellectual extortion; either agree with us or be prepared to be lambasted as a nazi/ racist/ white supremacist.
    Maybe because it actually is on the rise:

    But nice attempt at a spin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deprecator View Post
    Meanwhile, despite the absurdly low numbers when looking at crime in general, the left is still OBSESSED with white supremacy; constantly droning on and on about its dangers, constantly parroting that it's "on the rise", super desperate to identify people who disagree with them as "secret white supremacists".... heck there are even those willing to make equivalencies between white hoods and MAGA hats. Collectively this leads me to believe that the left operates by means of intellectual extortion; either agree with us or be prepared to be lambasted as a nazi/ racist/ white supremacist.
    What's intellectually dishonest is not acknowledging that tiki torch carrying bigots and all of those similarly inclined comprise only a [rather explicit] subdivision of white supremacy and exist within an overarching system of centuries old, deeply embedded structural racism that, in addition to a current US administration hellbent on rolling back human/civil rights for marginalized communities, altogether form a very real existential threat to certain Americans, as evidenced by >

    • Republican governors and GOP-majority state legislatures deploying an array of voter-suppression tactics, including closing hundreds of polling stations in minority and low-income precincts, slashing early voting hours, reinstating poll taxes, mandating discriminatory voter ID laws and purging millions from the voter rolls.
    • Extreme gerrymandered Congressional districts across the United States that violate the basic Constitutional concept of “one person, one vote" by diluting the electoral strength of large, racially diverse cities, and magnifying the power of overwhelmingly white suburbs and sparsely populated rural areas.
    • Imposing a travel ban on people travelling from Muslim majority countries to separating children from their parents at the Mexican border to denying the rights of people seeking asylum.
    • What about the fact that white families hold 90% of the national wealth, Latino families hold 2.3%, and black families hold 2.6% and the wealth gap is only increasing. It’s next to impossible to build wealth without steady and rewarding employment. But the black unemployment rate has been consistently twice that of whites African-Americans are 2x as likely to be unemployed. over the past 60 years, no matter what has been going on with the economy (whether it’s been up or down). Hmm, maybe higher education would help with that? Well, according to the data, blacks with college degrees are twice as likely to be unemployed as all other graduates. That may be because, as one study found, job applicants with white-sounding names get called back about 50% more of the time than applicants with black-sounding names, even when they have identical resumes.
    • How about the fact that while black children constitute 18% of preschoolers nationwide, Black students are 3x more likely than white students to be suspended for the same infractions. they make up nearly 50% of suspensions. When all age groups are examined, black students are three times more likely to be suspended than white students, even when their infractions are similar. Overall, black students represent 16% of student enrollment and 27% of students referred to law enforcement. And once black children are in the criminal justice system, they are 18 times more likely than white children to be sentenced as adults.
    • How about the fact a 2012 study found that a majority of doctors have “unconscious racial biases” when it comes to their black patients. One study found that 67% of doctors have a bias against African-American patients. Black Americans are far more likely than whites to lack access to emergency medical care. The hospitals they go to tend to be less well funded, and staffed by practitioners with less experience. But even black doctors face discrimination: they are less likely than their similarly credentialed white peers to receive government grants for research projects.

    • What about the redlining that essentially barred blacks and other minorities from sharing in the American Dream and building wealth like their white counterparts, and although it was officially outlawed in the ’60s, the practice has still persisted. In fact, during the Great Recession, banks routinely and purposely guided black home buyers toward subprime loans. A recent study demonstrated that people of color are told about and shown fewer homes and apartments than whites. Black ownership is now at an all-time low (42%, compared to 72% for whites).
    • Given all of the above, is it shocking that blacks make up 13% of the population yet 40% of the prison population? Perhaps because if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person has a better chance of being arrested. It’s also true that, once arrested, black people are convicted more often than white people. And for many years, laws assigned much harsher sentences for using or possessing crack, for example, compared to cocaine. Finally, when black people are convicted, they are about 20% more likely to be sentenced to jail time, and typically see sentences 20% longer than those for whites who were convicted of similar crimes. And as we know, a felony conviction means, in many states, that you lose your right to vote. Right now in America, more than 7.4% of the adult African American population is disenfranchised (compared to 1.8% of the non-African American population).

    The facts don't give a fuck about your feelings, dude. White Supremacy is pervasive, it's just that the most colorful aspects of it get the most attention. But they are just the more ostensible, readily beheld symptoms of a systemic cancer melded to the bones of the country. When right wingers hurl accusations of "anti-white hatred" and "white guilt" at liberals, it makes me laugh to keep from crying because all they are doing is projecting. The right wing has done more to stifle, debase, disenfranchise and dehumanize than any other American demographic and so it's fitting that they project their guilt on those who seek to fight for and defend the disenfranchised. Moreover, though I don't think the vast majority of the American public is explicitly racist, a lot of people implicitly and unknowingly support racist and bigoted systems and institutions put into place centuries ago, which only exacerbates white supremacy; and the motherfuckers with the tiki torches and MAGA hats, in particular, actively want this. Sounds like you're mad that we actively and accurately call a thing, a thing.

    @Singu You're the real MVP of this thread. Well done.

    @Raver aka Tio Tomas, keep on tap dancing bruh (or sleepily strumming your guitarron), you're doing amazing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    @Raver You don't pass for "white" and damn sure not in the "anglo"/"nordic" sense (like I do, even though I'm also "mixed"); "left wing extremists" like ANTIFA fight so that your new world mongrel ass doesn't get strung up by a tree somewhere or have your head bashed in just because you look like you belong to some Central American caravan. Say thank you and STFU. Enough with these retarded, intellectually dishonest false equivalencies. There's no way in hell one can honestly equate Antifa with the likes of far right extremists like Neo-Nazis. Those types of groups seek to eradicate and divide diverse societies (that created people like me and you), victimizing marginalized populations and calling for state-sanctioned discrimination. Antifa protects those marginalized populations and was borne from a desire to stop state-sanctioned discrimination. PERIOD.
    Are you serious?

    Every terrorist group, mafia, and gang out there claims to fight for some "oppressed" group, does that make them legitimate? The ends don't justify the means in these cases. (not any of the methods employed by such groups works anyways)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    @Raver You don't pass for "white" and damn sure not in the "anglo"/"nordic" sense (like I do, even though I'm also "mixed"); "left wing extremists" like ANTIFA fight so that your new world mongrel ass doesn't get strung up by a tree somewhere or have your head bashed in just because you look like you belong to some Central American caravan. Say thank you and STFU. Enough with these retarded, intellectually dishonest false equivalencies. There's no way in hell one can honestly equate Antifa with the likes of far right extremists like Neo-Nazis. Those types of groups seek to eradicate and divide diverse societies (that created people like me and you), victimizing marginalized populations and calling for state-sanctioned discrimination. Antifa protects those marginalized populations and was borne from a desire to stop state-sanctioned discrimination. PERIOD.
    this has to be a shitpost.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    this has to be a shitpost.
    I can see why Sol types him EIE now

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    Left wing identity politics certainly is a problem.

    The whole isssue as to why the media won't denounce it is because complex explanations don't work in a soundbyte. "Fascism is bad, ANTIFA is against fascism, therefore saying they are bad makes you a fascist". Seek reaction, get ratings, rinse and repeat. Not that I don't believe they could do better, because they certainly could, but the fact is they don't.
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    Neither Antifa nor the "alt-right" are/were extremists. Put any of them in a situation in which they'd be expected to die for their cause and they'd show how spineless they are. Just sad excuses for human beings symptomatic of a dying nation.

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    Leftism is better understood not as an ideology, but as a protocol for attaining power in the era of mass politics.

    There are a few 'leftists' from a now bygone era who might be sincere in denouncing what they see as 'extremism', but they're merely useful idiots who haven't kept pace. Or they're just manipulating you by feigning to be a voice of reason.

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    left/right wing activism is a privileged child's game. Mind you, I'm not saying they don't have some legitimate concerns, but at the end of the day they're mostly a bunch of privileged millennial white kids from upper middle class backgrounds playing dress-up. The biggest difference is where they direct their contempt--the lefties inward because they're self-hating WASPs, whilst the righties direct it outward at brown people.

    Must be nice to be a trust-fund baby.

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    As it has been stated numerous times by Bezmenov “[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.” are nothing but a tool for cultural subversion.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    As it has been stated numerous times by Bezmenov “[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.” are nothing but a tool for cultural subversion.
    Assuming he wasn't just making up a load of BS for the right to say the left are just tools lol. Something similar happens in Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich where Nazism was talked of as a form of socialism, but ****** had private meetings with corporate executives, and they did really good business during his reign in Germany.

    It's not a good idea to look at Bezmenov's statement uncritically. He could have just been a right wing guy himself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Assuming he wasn't just making up a load of BS for the right to say the left are just tools lol. Something similar happens in Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich where Nazism was talked of as a form of socialism, but ****** had private meetings with corporate executives, and they did really good business during his reign in Germany.
    it certainly wasn't a made up thing because you see the exact manifestation of what he was talking about in today's society. He focused on defining how ideological subversion works dividing it into 4 stages (through process called brainwashing):
    The first stage is called "demoralization" which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country. In other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking.
    Once demoralization is completed, the second stage of ideological brainwashing is "destabilization". During this two-to-five-year period what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (any ruling ideology) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it.
    The third stage would be "crisis". It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis. The crisis would bring "a violent change of power, structure, and economy" and will be followed by the last stage, "normalization." That's when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

    you decide at which stage we currently are.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    it certainly wasn't a made up thing because you see the exact manifestation of what he was talking about in today's society. He focused on defining how ideological subversion works dividing it into 4 stages (through process called brainwashing):
    The first stage is called "demoralization" which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country. In other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking.
    Once demoralization is completed, the second stage of ideological brainwashing is "destabilization". During this two-to-five-year period what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (any ruling ideology) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it.
    The third stage would be "crisis". It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis. The crisis would bring "a violent change of power, structure, and economy" and will be followed by the last stage, "normalization." That's when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

    you decide at which stage we currently are.
    That kind of thinking is extremely prone to apophenia. It's curious to think about but unreliable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    it certainly wasn't a made up thing because you see the exact manifestation of what he was talking about in today's society. He focused on defining how ideological subversion works dividing it into 4 stages (through process called brainwashing):
    The first stage is called "demoralization" which takes from 15 to 20 years to achieve. According to the former KGB agent, that is the minimum number of years it takes to re-educate one generation of students that is normally exposed to the ideology of its country. In other words, the time it takes to change what the people are thinking.
    Once demoralization is completed, the second stage of ideological brainwashing is "destabilization". During this two-to-five-year period what matters is the targeting of essential structural elements of a nation: economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. Basically, the subverter (any ruling ideology) would look to destabilize every one of those areas in the United States, considerably weakening it.
    The third stage would be "crisis". It would take only up to six weeks to send a country into crisis. The crisis would bring "a violent change of power, structure, and economy" and will be followed by the last stage, "normalization." That's when your country is basically taken over, living under a new ideology and reality.

    you decide at which stage we currently are.
    An interesting take on Revolution. I think it is sort of like having driving instructions for a spaceship when you actually have a sandbox.

    I don't believe that you can create a revolution in a country just by re-educating the youth. I've never seen any examples of this. Instead, my theory of revolution states that there are only two classes that matter. The class with political power and the class with money. When the two classes consist of the same people, no revolution. When the classes consist of different people, then there will be revolution.

    I could elaborate if you care to hear about it. Otherwise, I'm pretty busy right now and I hope your day goes well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    An interesting take on Revolution. I think it is sort of like having driving instructions for a spaceship when you actually have a sandbox.

    I don't believe that you can create a revolution in a country just by re-educating the youth. I've never seen any examples of this. Instead, my theory of revolution states that there are only two classes that matter. The class with political power and the class with money. When the two classes consist of the same people, no revolution. When the classes consist of different people, then there will be revolution.

    I could elaborate if you care to hear about it. Otherwise, I'm pretty busy right now and I hope your day goes well.
    you haven't seen them? well do a cross-sectional comparative study of educational systems 20 years ago and now. worst revolutions are the silent, subversive and gradual ones you're not even aware of.
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss BabyDoll View Post
    Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.” are nothing but a tool for cultural subversion.
    The bright state isn't Marxist-Leninists though. Marxist-Leninists don't believe that there's no such thing as truth and that the blood-dimmed tide of madness should be loosed on the world because that's the ultimate form of the oppressed turning on their oppressors. Marxist-Leninists didn't turn gay pride month into some sort of religious holiday (I like gay people, but seriously?) This isn't the Soviet Union.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    This isn't the Soviet Union.
    You're not wrong. It's shaping up to be something worse—insofar as the global implications of its anomie. At least the USSR's rot was largely contained within its own borders.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    You're not wrong. It's shaping up to be something worse—insofar as the global implications of its anomie. At least the USSR's rot was largely contained within its own borders.
    I did mean it was worse. We would end up blown back to the Stone Age but slinging nuclear waste in unidentifiable steel ruins with broken neo-bicameral minds and lead-heavy hearts if American politics continued in this direction without change. Fortunately, that's not going to be completed, but it's still not good a good trajectory to see to begin with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    The bright state isn't Marxist-Leninists though. Marxist-Leninists don't believe that there's no such thing as truth and that the blood-dimmed tide of madness should be loosed on the world because that's the ultimate form of the oppressed turning on their oppressors. Marxist-Leninists didn't turn gay pride month into some sort of religious holiday (I like gay people, but seriously?) This isn't the Soviet Union.
    the point of the quote wasn't to take every single part of it literally but to understand how the principle of useful idiots works. you can easily swap Marxist -Leninist with any current leftist ideology (albeit i'd still go on and call it cultural marxism) and it would still make sense.
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    Who are the "left-wing extremists"? Eco-terrorists? Revolutionary communists?

    Right-wing killings eclipsed all other extremist-related murders in 2018. The numbers don’t lie.
    In 2018, at Least 50 US Deaths From Surging Right-Wing Extremist Attacks
    Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S., ADL Finds

    - 17 people killed in Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh
    - In 2018, domestic extremists killed at least 50 people in the U.S
    - In 2017, 37 people were killed
    - In 2016, 72. In 2015, 70.
    - The majority of the murders were committed by white supremacists, with a smaller number perpetrated by anti-government extremists and extreme misogynists who identify as "involuntary celibates" or incels.
    - Only one of the 50 murders had any connection to Islamist extremism — and even then the perpetrator had ties to white supremacy.

    - 51 people killed in New Zealand Christchurch Mosque shootings
    - A white supremacist at a Veterans Affairs home in Tennessee allegedly set his African-American roommate on fire, then boasted about it to a white supremacist group.
    - Another Pittsburgh white supremacist was charged with stabbing an African-American man to death

    The right-wing extremists have actually been killing dozens of people in-discriminatory via mass-shootings, etc, while the "left-wing extremists" are calling people racists on YouTube. And we're supposed to care about left-wing extremists more because they're more dangerous. Right.

    If you still think that the problem is left-wing extremists, then either you're very naive or very disingenuous.

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    Ugh @Raver isn't this just like an overly privileged straight white male. How dare you. As your punishment you will write 'I am an overly privileged str8 male cistard that will learn to listen to others before I speak' on the chalkboard 500 times.

    But lol yeah, I mostly agree. Taken too far, a far left person becomes just as obnoxious and bullying as some republican asshole with a gun pistol whipping an innocent ****** in the face, who is doing nothing but minding his own business. His only crime being born a little more effeminate and less aggressive than his peers, he isn't even talking or announcing his homosexuality but he's being cruelly bullied by a bunch of assholes. It's like that, in reverse.

    It becomes problematic as like some well meaning but aloof liberal professor will start talking about how privileged and easy str8 male whites have it, but the average str8 male white who works a minimum wage job at the taco stand or gas station obviously doesn't feel that way, and doesn't live some overly privileged glamours life in the least and why are people picking on him anyway, and they wonder why colleges lost so many males really. It is true though that I think, the white str8 males on the very top that are also wealthy- hold a lot of the power and cruelly hoard it for themselves but then people will kinda start talking about it in a way that doesn't really bring any good results or solution.

    I always really liked the quote "Conservatives who want to conserve are as rare as liberals who actually want to liberate."

    Its also about dividing the population as a whole, as the media will of course focus on some SJW or other type they know is really extreme and far out there/and so distant from the average Joe that they know they will be despised, as a way to troll the masses I think. So even being offended by it you play into their game.

    Good thing you realize that in moderation things like feminism and gay rights/opportunities won't cause society or civilization to implode. How power is distributed is also really complex, but the way the blue pill matrix sends the message basically that women are good and holy and men are bad and ugly and well, it is really bad and ugly what they are doing and sending that message to little boys. Power corrupts because it's power, it doesn't care if you are a str8 male asshole or a faggy effeminate wisp.

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    I do have trouble seeing the threat of left wing extremism if anyone (like @Raver, who I think is decent and not a right wing nutjob) wants to explain how my own freedoms are threatened, I've historically seen the anti-SJW thing as a laughable internet phenomenon targeting college kids and other inconsequential people but now and again I see them getting someone fired and im like, ah ok. And I saw they attacked that journalist and he got a brain injury (which im obviously sensitive about) but I don't see mass shooters and real fuckin weirdos like on the right. (But my views, I guess, are biased towards right wing views being weird, I'll concede that..a lone shooter is objectively weirder than window smashing in a group tho, I think)

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I do have trouble seeing the threat of left wing extremism if anyone (like @Raver, who I think is decent and not a right wing nutjob) wants to explain how my own freedoms are threatened, I've historically seen the anti-SJW thing as a laughable internet phenomenon targeting college kids and other inconsequential people but now and again I see them getting someone fired and im like, ah ok. And I saw they attacked that journalist and he got a brain injury (which im obviously sensitive about) but I don't see mass shooters and real fuckin weirdos like on the right. (But my views, I guess, are biased towards right wing views being weird, I'll concede that..a lone shooter is objectively weirder than window smashing in a group tho, I think)
    The problem is it's being normalized. When ****** had his brownshirts there was lots of window-smashing and no lone shooters, and it wasn't because brownshirts were just angsty teens with blue hair who listened to punk and wanted a group to break windows with.

    If I go to a college class and say something like "Shakespeare is great" someone will say I'm oppressing them and I should join them in replacing Shakespeare with some whiny radical feminist author who no one's ever heard of because their writing simply isn't very good. Having a common culture of some form matters a lot because without it we'll go to the Stone Age. People don't have to love Shakespeare and opera but replacing it with authors who aren't very good isn't a viable alternative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    If I go to a college class and say something like "Shakespeare is great" someone will say I'm oppressing them and I should join them in replacing Shakespeare with some whiny radical feminist author who no one's ever heard of because their writing simply isn't very good. Having a common culture of some form matters a lot because without it we'll go to the Stone Age. People don't have to love Shakespeare and opera but replacing it with authors who aren't very good isn't a viable alternative.
    It's not about replacing Shakespeare, it's about expanding the literary canon. All those dead white authors are not in the canon because they are better, but because nobody paid attention to the rest. Zora Neale Hurston is objectively far better than Hemingway, but as a black woman author, she had a much harder time. That's what it's about.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    It's not about replacing Shakespeare, it's about expanding the literary canon. All those dead white authors are not in the canon because they are better, but because nobody paid attention to the rest. Zora Neale Hurston is objectively far better than Hemingway, but as a black woman author, she had a much harder time. That's what it's about.
    No, it's about replacing authors. People who actually read have already read Zora Neale Hurtson. People who don't want to read want to get rid of Shakespeare and replace it with Derrida (not black women) and Tumblr poetry. Just because you don't know this is a problem doesn't mean it isn't a problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    No, it's about replacing authors. People who actually read have already read Zora Neale Hurtson. People who don't want to read want to get rid of Shakespeare and replace it with Derrida (not black women) and Tumblr poetry. Just because you don't know this is a problem doesn't mean it isn't a problem.
    This is not my experience. Also, the people who don't want to read are not the ones who make the decision of what to include on the reading list for a class.
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    @Alonzo this thread is about left-wing extremism.

    I'm not saying right-wing extremism isn't a problem either, but trying to draw attention from the former by emphasizing the latter is simply whataboutism.

    Also, I'm not saying right wing extremists are victims. I'm saying every group based on coercive force, whether it's Antifa, some right wing activists, Islamic terrorists, the Sicilian mafia, I could go on and on, is based on some notion of protecting some group which is supposedly oppressed. These groups may or may not actually be oppressed, that's not actually the point. The problem is that these groups are based on a "might is right" worldview, they end up causing harm not just to the people they stand up to but innocents as well. Not to mention the fact that pragmatically speaking, these groups either get nowhere in their efforts (ie Antifa) or end up causing more harm than the people they stand up to (Sicilian mafia).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    @Alonzo this thread is about left-wing extremism.

    I'm not saying right-wing extremism isn't a problem either, but trying to draw attention from the former by emphasizing the latter is simply whataboutism.
    I assume @Alonzo's point was to emphasize that this post is drawing attention away from a real problem by directing it to one that doesn't exist. @Raver is finding examples of petty-bourgeois liberals using somewhat underhanded methods against conservatives and calling this "far left" "extremism."

    In contrast, I am an actual far-left extremist. Ask me anything, folks.

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