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Thread: The Rise of Far Left Extremism

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    Raver's Avatar
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    Default The Rise of Far Left Extremism

    I think I should make note that I am not talking about the average center leftist or even so called far leftists like Bernie Sanders and his proponents that advocate for social democratic policies (incorrectly labelled as democratic socialism) such as universal health care, free college, raising the minimum age to $15, etc... I am talking about a small percentage of the Left that are often labelled SJWs that have begun to inadvertently cause damage to our individual freedoms in their pursuit of what they believe is right. In the hyper pursuit of equality for minorities and the oppressed that sounds good in theory, but in practice infringes upon the rights of everyone indirectly. Like the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    As we lose the ability to have free speech, the definition of what hate speech is begins to have a broader meaning over time. This results in people becoming afraid to say certain things in certain environments. It also results in censorship of what we can say on social media as tech giants like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram further police what we can or cannot say online. In addition to having the threat of our jobs lost because we said something online that was offensive. This ultimately results in a more of authoritarian society over time under the guise of helping others. I am all for civil rights and protecting minorities, but not when it hinders on our ability to freely converse with others without fear of repercussions.

    I am well aware that far right extremist groups exist and are beginning to rise largely as a reaction to Liberal social policies like mass immigration and the Liberal media bias for major news media (minus Fox news). Unfortunately, the threat of the far left extremists is often ignored by authority figures and the media because it is sometimes seen positive or neutral in general compared to the far right extremists like neo-nazis that get scorned for beliefs that they obviously deserve. However, many benign center-right conservatives, libertarians, centrists and even some center leftists are labelled as far right by the extreme far left for simply having some or many standard center right conservative views that don't fit the social narrative.

    Here are a few examples of just a small fraction of the damage that the far left extremists have done:

    Far left extremists try to get a center left progressive professor fired from their college and they succeeded by forcing him to resign:

    Fast forward to incident:

    Far left vape shop owner has a meltdown on a conservative Trump supporter merely for wearing a MAGA hat:

    Far left caller tries to convince a center left progressive YouTube commentator that racism against white people is impossible:

    Conservative reporter Andy Ngo gets physically assaulted by ANTIFA members resulting in a brain hemorrhage for simply trying to tell a story:

    It's clear that these people are the other side of the coin in extremism compared to far right extremists. They are basically the left-wing version of neo-nazis, but they are often ignored or even praised by some that are unaware of how much damage these people are causing to other people and our society inadvertently. Not enough attention is brought to these people and the damage they are causing. We need to be able to call a spade a spade. ANTIFA members are basically terrorists that justify physical violence on innocent people under the guise of fighting fascism. They are far left extremist idenitarians that are campaigning to slowly erode our personal freedoms over time unknowingly under the guise of fighting hate speech.
    Last edited by Raver; 07-10-2019 at 04:49 PM.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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