Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
Yeah, there are some people who *want* to have more fucked up darkness in their lives, and can’t appreciate that others want to relish the bits of joy and dopamine that pop up in this often otherwise disturbed, dark world... The laughter ruins their quality of life.
So true story. I used to work with an SLE and if I was in a bad mood, he'd expect me to be act congenial and it would irritate me and I'd disengage more. I think from his perspective, I was wallowing in being depressed or something. Socionics works people. Different strokes.

Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post

ESEs don't command people to laugh, they have no Se, SEEs just do that to establish a form of hierarchy, and even this prodding is meant to be fun for them... guess it comes natural having ILIs as duals