For the record my ole pal Sol is being misleading. I haven't "recently" changed my type. I joined the forums listed as EIE (due to typing ENFJ in MBTI) in July of last year, a year ago. I figured Extroverts are supposed to be more social and such so I figured I must be some very social, dominant Introvert. A knowledgeable acquaintance on the forums typed me D-IEI-Fe, so I went with that for about 4 months at the end of last year. The more myself and my peers read on Socionics literature and the more feedback I got from people here and on discord the more IEI became untenable. I then made a type-me thread (which anyone can access) and the response was overwhelmingly an EIE typing. Sol has doggedly pursued me, which I'm not here to complain about, but I'm not going to let him frame it like I "recently" arbitrarily changed my mind on something, when that is false.

Furthermore, @hag, who is an actual ESI on the forums, and I have been together for quite a while now and are visiting each other soon. She laughs at the idea of me being an Introvert and especially an ESI. My typing was primarily the feedback of others from months of live chat on discord and my own continued research of the field. I can't say anymore than anyone else that that will never change or that my understanding of Socionics is perfect, but what I and many others can say is that I'm not an ESI and almost certainly not an Introvert. That said, I adore ESI and I'm not offended to be likened to one, as they are among the most noble types to me, I just don't cognitively relate to the typing and its various literature.