Tribes are overrated. They descend into groupthink where individual inputs are not rewarded enough.

You are original and cannot be replaced. Baby, you're a firework lol.

When I think of 'tribes' I think of a group of hateful conservative Christians getting pitchforks and blaming every social ill on the town's only known ******. Burn the witch, burn her! Everybody will feel better if they see the weird outcast nobody liked anyway being tortured. They're an easy target cuz 'they are not like us.'

Now even ppl who felt 'different/outcast' they join another tribe of their own to counteract that, then even too those people become the bullies without even really realizing it. There have been tribes for pedophilies even lol. And you won't necessarily feel love and belonging being around other witchy weirdos like yourself anyway.

This is kinda why capitalism works over socialism, because as heartless as captialism is- the other way would be even more heartless, where we all would be forced under the 'same tribe' to get along.

If you want to get along with other people better, I have found that most people cannot handle the truth and to get along with them requires a lot of telling them what they want to hear. Although it's fake and manipulative as hell, the world runs on manipulation and functions because of manipulation sooo idk. If you are honest with most people, they try to twist things to fit their own self-serving agenda (which completely destroys you and only benefits them, of course)... and you can only really get along with them by outplaying them. It's horrible in the moral sense but it kinda has to be that way, for your own protection.

People join tribes for protection. But then what happens when the tribe dismantles and they turn on you because you have some sort of uniqueness that they can't tolerate or accept? Seems to only work for basic bitches that don't really have anything special about them besides the power of being like everybody else, and really bad for people who are naturally unique and creative and talented.

You are better off alone, with the small few moments that you find connection then joining in with that dumb groupthink crap.

People suck and aren't worth it. Love yourself. <3