Not really. I don't smoke cuz my dad died from lung cancer, though he was born with bad lungs on top of that and the smoking all those years since he was 12 just put a nail in the coffin. But shitty lungs runs in my family so if I started to smoke, I'd probably get cancer. Well I'll most likely get cancer anyway lol but I try not to do things that are bad for me. Even If I will die anyway and its all just meaningless lol.

I don't do drugs either, cuz I saw how they almost destroyed my best friend. Ppl perceive me as an uncool worthless dork cuz of this sometimes but eh, I guess I'd rather be unloved but still alive.

I've tried weed before and didn't like it, it smells like a skunk's ass and is kinda overly str8 male douche like sorry. =/ I did it when I had a really bad cold tho and it just somehow made the cold worse. My sister told me I had a really bad strain and I should do it more, but it just kinda turned it off for me in general.

I'll try not to judge ppl for smoking/drinking if they don't judge me for not doing it. My uncle smokes but he's really nice about it and always asks if he can smoke around me. lol I don't care if he does it, I actually like the way his cigarettes smell cuz its all manly and hot and shit. (I love my uncle cuz he's heterosexual as can be yet ironically so damn homoerotic without realizing it, its so fun lol) I didn't like the kind my dad smoked though, so I think some brands cause cancer more than others maybe idk.