Epic thread/forum pwnage. Like I said. The racist shit on Biden will never stick because his connection to Obama transcends Kamala "Poop for Brains" Harris' racist accusations in the minds of black voters. Now all these fat faced pundits figured that out, finally, i said it way back when, pay me the fckin half a million year, not only did I get that, I'm the only one who predicted Trump's victory. I got the best sense for this stuff.


Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
Remember, I was the only one on the forum posting at the time of the last election who called Trump's victory.

Biden will go untouched to the nomination if all they can manufacture on him is a blemish or two on his Civil Rights Voting Record. Only Kamala "Poop For Brains" Harris would be the party puppet to manufacture a racist accusation against Biden (it's an IEE thing...think the paranoiac from the black panther thread)...if Kamala actually had a brain to think with she would know how fckin futile that is. Biden only served as Obama's VP for Eight Years. Obviously Obama (especially Michelle) vetted the piss out of Biden's Civil Rights Record prior to bringing him on as a VP...Kamala "Poop for Brains" shows that you don't need a high IQ to get elected to the Senate. I wanted to puke at her pathetic attempt at manipulation.

A Trump-Biden faceoff will be preferable....two guys that actually have gotten things done and know how to get things done...don't just hang their hat on having opinions like commie crackpot Bernie or manufacturing racist accusations like "Poop for Brains" Kamala. Obama's VP for crissake, give me a break.
Warren has no shot. She piqued with skills she learned on her college debate teams, but with every trillion dollars she wants to spend to bait the liberal kooks in this country, she goes down in points, rightfully so, the fuck. Nobody can ever move up in the goddman world under this lady's insane tax scheme.

Nerd Buttigieg is falling flat on his nerdy face with the black vote...biggest nerd I've ever seen in a presidential debate and looks like that creepy face from Mad Magazine.

They keep bum Bernie diapered up on the stage in a 1970s forty dollar sears and roebucks suits, even though he's mentally ill and belongs in a nuthouse and what about the phony Katherine Fauvre looking woman whatever the hell her name is, that Hillary Clinton called a Russian Spy. Castro was five times a better debater than those two creepoids.

Kamala Harris is nothing more than a low intelligence shin-kicker who starts shit she can't finish, and I swear Cory Booker wannabe Obama is the biggest troll in debate history.