Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
I remember in the first debate I was kind of lapping what Kamala Harris said up even though someone had told me - maybe don't trust her, she's saying what she needs to say and doesn't really believe it. After that I watched some videos about her record and good lord my opinion on her dropped like a rock. This time around I was saying hopefully someone will stand up and take her out, and I'm glad someone did. She took Biden out, Tulsi took her out. In some people's opinions someone needs to take Tulsi out, too, saying she's a war hawk. I haven't seen that hawkishness from her, in fact, mostly, of the stuff I've seen, she seems to be quite reticent to advise war, but I don't know a hell of a lot about any of these candidates this time around, so I could be wrong.
You are pretty much spot on in regards to the Democratic candidates. Tulsi is not a war hawk, in fact she is the complete opposite. The media spinsters try to frame her as an Assad apologist because she met with Assad for seeking peace.