Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
People should realize that the more people, the better.
Until everyone's living in sardine can apartments and you can't walk outside without getting clobbered by the stench of crowded streets? Until there's no nature left because we've 'developed' it all just to keep more bodies breathing?

Fuck that shit. Depopulation, please.

Countries that don't accept any immigrants will probably decline due to declining population.

You bring up Edo period Japan. Well Japan still doesn't accept any immigrants, and now with its aging population, there aren't enough young people to support the older generation. And they're still unwilling to accept immigrants to solve the problem. It can only slowly decline and collapse later on.
Japan's going to be just fine. It's normal for population sizes to go up and down—a situation of limitless population growth is not normal. But you live in a context without historical perspective where you don't know any better.

Hey look, they're giving away free houses so young people can more easily start families: https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/05/asia/...mes/index.html

Sounds nice, doesn't it? Can't do that here because there's too many people (and banks would complain that it'd "ruin" the overpriced housing market).