Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
I'll give that second debate to Biden. Biden is the only one on the stage that communicated proven results...that he can get things done. Garbage things. Just about all of what he did deserved to be undone. Not all, most. Trump needs to find a better insult on Biden. "Sleepy Joe" is terrible...there's nothing Sleepy about Biden.

Last night's biggest loser was Bernie. Commie Bernie communicated zero proven results. Bernie, "How you going to get this done?" "Well, 10000 people will stand up and demand it!" What a fckin retard. He does all this ranting and raving about corporations and special interest groups. No proven results. That bum can't get anything done. He's a crazy idealist and last night's biggest loser.

Pete Buttigieg looks like the face from Mad Magazine.

Eric Swalwell impersonated Marco Rubio for two hours.

Kirsten Gillibrand had so much white make up on her face she looked a Kabuke performer.

Michael Bennet has a face only a mother could love on payday.

John Hickenlooper was duller than watching paint dry.

Kamala "mush for brains" Harris (IEE-Ne 9w1 so/sp) did Whackjob Warren proud.

Hey, there is an Asian guy on the stage...never figured out what he was doing there. Just grab an Asian guy off the street, dress him up in a suit and tell him to stand on stage for two hours.
IMO, Biden lost the debate, Kamala nailed him on working with segregationists in the past and his reply was lackluster. Kamala probably won the debate judging by the crowd's reaction even though I disagreed with her most of the time on her policies and ideas. She strikes me as an ESE or maybe an EIE, lead backed up by demo or HA via her aggression to Biden.

Sanders did good in terms of promoting his social democratic ideas to his base, his goal is not to appeal to economic centrists or economic conservatives, but economic leftists. He also did good in terms of highlighting himself as anti-corporate corruption. As for Yang doing poorly, the moderators snubbed him because the establishment media must see him as threatening.