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Thread: Democratic Presidential Debate

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Personally, I don't really mind if my country of Canada becomes multi-ethnic, but I would like it to remain monocultural at the very least.
    What is American/Canadian culture supposed to be?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    What is American/Canadian culture supposed to be?
    I consider language and accent very important, which most second generation immigrants and some first generation immigrants (immigrated as children) can truly master. So a big part of being a Canadian/American means speaking English as a first language with its distinctive Canadian/American accent first and foremost IMO.

    This is pretty accurate speaking as a Canadian:

    The culture of Canada embodies the artistic, culinary, literary, humour, musical, political and social elements that are representative of Canada and Canadians. Throughout Canada's history, its culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, especially British and French, and by its own indigenous cultures. Over time, elements of the cultures of Canada's immigrant populations have become incorporated to form a Canadian cultural mosaic. The population has also been influenced by American culture because of a shared language, proximity, television and migration between the two countries.
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  3. #243
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    Mutlitculturalism is actually just a transitional phase between evolving monocultures.

    This is pretty standard to evolution of cultures and societies. It's inevitable, and I think fighting it leads to the rise of authoritarian movements and extreme nationalism, i.e. what we saw in fascist nations of the 20th century Europe, or currently on the American far right.

    Western Roman society became more "multicultural" and less latin during the great migration as Germanic tribes were forced to migrate into Roman lands due to the masses of central Asian migrants pushing them, and from this the European culture of the middle ages eventually arose.

    I liken it to the Hegelian Dialect.

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    I consider language and accent very important, which most second generation immigrants and some first generation immigrants (immigrated as children) can truly master. So a big part of being a Canadian/American means speaking English as a first language with its distinctive Canadian/American accent first and foremost IMO.

    This is pretty accurate speaking as a Canadian:

    The culture of Canada embodies the artistic, culinary, literary, humour, musical, political and social elements that are representative of Canada and Canadians. Throughout Canada's history, its culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, especially British and French, and by its own indigenous cultures. Over time, elements of the cultures of Canada's immigrant populations have become incorporated to form a Canadian cultural mosaic. The population has also been influenced by American culture because of a shared language, proximity, television and migration between the two countries.
    According to that source: elements of immigrant cultures became incorporated to form a Canadian cultural mosaic. Melting pots work in both directions, and I think we're on the same page if you acknowledge this.

    Incidentally, the differences between Islamic and Western cultures are vastly and ignorantly overstated by commentators. Both are Abrahamic cultures with an overlapping range of moral beliefs that emphasize things like community and charity.

    It might come as a shock but, like Christianity, Islam borrowed heavily from Greek and Roman cultures; dig deep enough and you'll read about Islamic schools of thought that are rooted in Neoplatonism. Also, and I say this as someone who's not particularly enthralled by religious belief in general, and Abrahamic religion in particular, but there are frankly some things that today's Americans and Europeans can relearn from Islam, like generosity towards guests and respect for the elderly.
    Last edited by xerx; 07-31-2019 at 04:59 PM.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
    Go say that to the French Canadians.
    I left out French Canadians on purpose because they are the minority in Canada. However, Quebec has its own sense of culture and identity based around French mostly rather than English and that is completely fine.

    I consider French speaking to be more important within Quebec and less so outside of it, but English is prominent throughout the entirety of Canada. I actually consider most English speaking Canadians to be more similar to Americans culturally than French Canadians for this reason.
    Last edited by Raver; 08-02-2019 at 11:34 AM.
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  6. #246
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    I missed both of the debates, but from the looks of it Bernie won the first debate and Warren was runner up and Tulsi won the second debate and Yang was runner up IMO. The rest of the Democratic candidates had either mediocre or poor performances. The highlight was Tulsi owning Kamala.

    If I had to pick my favorite Democratic candidates, it would be Tulsi, Yang, Bernie and Warren in that order. Even though I like Tulsi and Yang more, Bernie and Warren have a much better chance to win. These videos give a good run through of what happened in the last two debates recently:

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  7. #247
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    A good summary of the second democratic debates:

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  8. #248
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    I remember in the first debate I was kind of lapping what Kamala Harris said up even though someone had told me - maybe don't trust her, she's saying what she needs to say and doesn't really believe it. After that I watched some videos about her record and good lord my opinion on her dropped like a rock. This time around I was saying hopefully someone will stand up and take her out, and I'm glad someone did. She took Biden out, Tulsi took her out. In some people's opinions someone needs to take Tulsi out, too, saying she's a war hawk. I haven't seen that hawkishness from her, in fact, mostly, of the stuff I've seen, she seems to be quite reticent to advise war, but I don't know a hell of a lot about any of these candidates this time around, so I could be wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I remember in the first debate I was kind of lapping what Kamala Harris said up even though someone had told me - maybe don't trust her, she's saying what she needs to say and doesn't really believe it. After that I watched some videos about her record and good lord my opinion on her dropped like a rock. This time around I was saying hopefully someone will stand up and take her out, and I'm glad someone did. She took Biden out, Tulsi took her out. In some people's opinions someone needs to take Tulsi out, too, saying she's a war hawk. I haven't seen that hawkishness from her, in fact, mostly, of the stuff I've seen, she seems to be quite reticent to advise war, but I don't know a hell of a lot about any of these candidates this time around, so I could be wrong.
    You are pretty much spot on in regards to the Democratic candidates. Tulsi is not a war hawk, in fact she is the complete opposite. The media spinsters try to frame her as an Assad apologist because she met with Assad for seeking peace.
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  10. #250
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    Epic thread/forum pwnage. Like I said. The racist shit on Biden will never stick because his connection to Obama transcends Kamala "Poop for Brains" Harris' racist accusations in the minds of black voters. Now all these fat faced pundits figured that out, finally, i said it way back when, pay me the fckin half a million year, not only did I get that, I'm the only one who predicted Trump's victory. I got the best sense for this stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Remember, I was the only one on the forum posting at the time of the last election who called Trump's victory.

    Biden will go untouched to the nomination if all they can manufacture on him is a blemish or two on his Civil Rights Voting Record. Only Kamala "Poop For Brains" Harris would be the party puppet to manufacture a racist accusation against Biden (it's an IEE thing...think the paranoiac from the black panther thread)...if Kamala actually had a brain to think with she would know how fckin futile that is. Biden only served as Obama's VP for Eight Years. Obviously Obama (especially Michelle) vetted the piss out of Biden's Civil Rights Record prior to bringing him on as a VP...Kamala "Poop for Brains" shows that you don't need a high IQ to get elected to the Senate. I wanted to puke at her pathetic attempt at manipulation.

    A Trump-Biden faceoff will be preferable....two guys that actually have gotten things done and know how to get things done...don't just hang their hat on having opinions like commie crackpot Bernie or manufacturing racist accusations like "Poop for Brains" Kamala. Obama's VP for crissake, give me a break.
    Warren has no shot. She piqued with skills she learned on her college debate teams, but with every trillion dollars she wants to spend to bait the liberal kooks in this country, she goes down in points, rightfully so, the fuck. Nobody can ever move up in the goddman world under this lady's insane tax scheme.

    Nerd Buttigieg is falling flat on his nerdy face with the black vote...biggest nerd I've ever seen in a presidential debate and looks like that creepy face from Mad Magazine.

    They keep bum Bernie diapered up on the stage in a 1970s forty dollar sears and roebucks suits, even though he's mentally ill and belongs in a nuthouse and what about the phony Katherine Fauvre looking woman whatever the hell her name is, that Hillary Clinton called a Russian Spy. Castro was five times a better debater than those two creepoids.

    Kamala Harris is nothing more than a low intelligence shin-kicker who starts shit she can't finish, and I swear Cory Booker wannabe Obama is the biggest troll in debate history.

  11. #251
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    The gist of todays' article apes up everything I've been saying since day one, that "Kamala Harris is nothing more than a low intelligence shin-kicker who starts shit she can't finish..."

    As usual, the fat-faced pundits are slow to catch up to that which was obvious to me from the first debate. I love it. Hopefully poop for brains embarassed her state enough they don't send her back to the senate.

    "Mehlenbacher wrote, assailing Rodriguez and Harris’ sister, Maya, the campaign chairwoman, for laying off aides with no notice. “With less than 90 days until Iowa we still do not have a real plan to win.”

    It was hardly the only time Harris has appeared uneasy or indecisive about whether to go on the offensive. In the July debate, Harris did not respond sharply to an attack on her prosecutorial record from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, even after Harris had been prepped for the topic.

    On a conference call after the debate, several of Harris’ donors were alarmed and urged the campaign to strike back at Gabbard more aggressively, two people on the call said.

    Harris also knew her response had been insufficient, a view quickly reinforced by her advisers. In interviews, many of them point to that debate moment as accelerating Harris’ decline and are so exasperated that they bluntly acknowledge in private that Harris struggles to carry a message beyond the initial script.

    "The 2020 Democratic field has been defined by its turbulence, with some contenders rising, others dropping out and two more jumping in just this month. Yet there is only one candidate who rocketed to the top tier and then plummeted in early state polls to the low single digits: Harris."

    "In one instance after another, Harris and her closest advisers made flawed decisions about which states to focus on, issues to emphasize and opponents to target, all while refusing to make difficult personnel choices to impose order on an unwieldy campaign, according to more than 50 current and former campaign staff members and allies, most of whom spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose private conversations and assessments involving the candidate."

    "Many of her own advisers are now pointing a finger directly at Harris. In interviews several of them criticized her for going on the offensive against rivals, only to retreat, and for not firmly choosing a side in the party’s ideological feud between liberals and moderates."

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    @Kill4Me I'm curious who you think would win between Biden and Trump.

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    “Poop for Brains” Harris closed up shop and joins the quitter ranks of her fellow IEE 9w1 Beta Boy O’Rourke, different subtype, different stack. Poor Beta Boy had to drop out because he ran out of sympathy cards to play. At least Beta bitch doesn’t go down in history as the dumbest candidate in primary race history for trying to pin racism on Obama’s Vice President like Poop for Brains did…Sorta like how every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings, every time an American flushes a toilet the backwater flows into Kamala Harris’ head in the form of an idea. Hence the name, Kamala… “Poop for Brains”…Harris.

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    Can I fckin' call it or what...I said this guy Booker is the biggest troll in debate history.


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    Fuck I tell everybody...Biden has the black vote in his back pocket. Read all my politics post since shit kicked off...I told you how this fckin' election was going to play out from the very first debate way back when. Remember, I'm the only one on this forum who called Trump's victory. I didn't put together the only valid logically/conceptually/structurally flawless breakdown for every type, wing stack using 2500 exemplars for nuthin'...just like when I tell or type people that they are a certain type in enneagram and socionics it means that's their type. Take it to the bank.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Remember, I was the only one on the forum posting at the time of the last election who called Trump's victory.

    Biden will go untouched to the nomination if all they can manufacture on him is a blemish or two on his Civil Rights Voting Record. Only Kamala "Poop For Brains" Harris would be the party puppet to manufacture a racist accusation against Biden (it's an IEE thing...think the paranoiac from the black panther thread)...if Kamala actually had a brain to think with she would know how fckin futile that is. Biden only served as Obama's VP for Eight Years. Obviously Obama (especially Michelle) vetted the piss out of Biden's Civil Rights Record prior to bringing him on as a VP...Kamala "Poop for Brains" shows that you don't need a high IQ to get elected to the Senate. I wanted to puke at her pathetic attempt at manipulation.

    A Trump-Biden faceoff will be preferable....two guys that actually have gotten things done and know how to get things done...don't just hang their hat on having opinions like commie crackpot Bernie or manufacturing racist accusations like "Poop for Brains" Kamala. Obama's VP for crissake, give me a break.
    "Biden drew robust support from African-Americans in South Carolina, who make up nearly 60 percent of the state’s Democratic electorate. Sanders has worked hard to build alliances with African-Americans after being trounced by Hillary Clinton in South Carolina in 2016. However, the best-known black politician in the state, Rep. James Clyburn, endorsed Biden."

    I told the forum how shit was going to play out. I told the forum how shit would go down. And it did. It is.

  16. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post

    I told the forum how shit was going to play out. I told the forum how shit would go down. And it did. It is.
    Ho, you are not Nostradamus; Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller saw that coming. But best believe Biden's bumbling, fumbling, short circuiting ass will be eaten alive come Super Tuesday, thanks in large part to California.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Fuck I tell everybody...Biden has the black vote in his back pocket. Read all my politics post since shit kicked off...I told you how this fckin' election was going to play out from the very first debate way back when. Remember, I'm the only one on this forum who called Trump's victory. .
    There was actually about 6-8 people that said it including me. ..inumbra, i think lungs said something, bnd said something, i think kim said something ect.

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    Poll after poll shows Biden is the only one electable against Trump like I been saying even before these polls were made. the Biden would have already coasted to the nomination but for all these retards staying in the election, and the hunter biden thing did not help. He also had a few stupid faux pas's going into New Hampshire. Stupid minor shit. Shitbum Bernie shit of all shits is obviously unelectable in general election unless there is a great depression of sorts. The black vote spoke in South Carolina and said GTFO you Fidel Castro loving Commie shitbum. Good thing human bobblehead Steyer dropped out should have never been there in the first place, bobbling his head around on the debate stage like a pencil-necked nerd. fckin guy thinks he's running for president of the world...its just a nomination for chrissake who gives a fuck. buttigieg looks like the guy from mad magazine (by the way I came up with the mad magazine compairson before before Trump did)...buttigieg has displayed no anger whatsoever and his apologizing and self-hate for being gay has isolated him from the LGBT. botox faced Warren and her college debate star bullshit is nothing more than a dnc wind-up doll. Bloomberg is a fckin' weakling. He's by far the worst debater I ever saw, choke artist spends 7 million dollars a day and now has air time tonight to address the nation about Coronavirus...what a joke. who gives a fuck how good you can sound in an ad or tv spot how about when motherfuckers are throwing boulders at your head, does he fight or freeze up like a little bitch. he stood there silent likes a little bitch. Funny watching warren tear him a new butthole, some Jerry Springer shit!

  20. #260
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    Kill4Me's Trump imitation is weird as shit

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Poll after poll shows Biden is the only one electable against Trump like I been saying even before these polls were made. the Biden would have already coasted to the nomination but for all these retards staying in the election, and the hunter biden thing did not help. He also had a few stupid faux pas's going into New Hampshire. Stupid minor shit. Shitbum Bernie shit of all shits is obviously unelectable in general election unless there is a great depression of sorts. The black vote spoke in South Carolina and said GTFO you Fidel Castro loving Commie shitbum.
    Delusion. Biden is the only candidate sundowning worse than Trump; he's one minute away from telling every other candidate to get off of his lawn. His "few stupid faux pas" are not "minor shit," because they illustrate a troubling pattern of cognitive decline--that's fairly obvious to any idiot. Furthermore, his only notable accomplishment, one that he Carnival barks at every given chance, is that Obama's neo-liberal ass chose him--THAT, in large part, is how he eked out a victory in SC. Black voters in SC are among the oldest and most moderate/conservative in the electorate; it's not surprising that they'd overwhelmingly side with Biden, so calm the fuck down.

    Furthermore, the polls show that Trump loses to ALL of the Democratic nominees in the general election. He loses badly to both Biden AND Sanders. And as far as the Dem primary is concerned, there is overwhelming support for Sanders, even among black voters and POC overall. Not to mention, in the month of February alone, Sanders raised $46 million dollars because he has a swell of grassroots appeal while the Biden campaign is financially and structurally on life support. Nobody in their right mind should back Biden over Sanders. If you're going to weigh in, you should at least know what the fuck you're talking about.

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    Personally, I'd vote for a box of rocks before I'd vote for Trump. I'd vote for a broken toilet before I'd vote for Trump. And something is happening on, where about 30% of the women are putting in their profiles "I value my family and I'm looking for a guy who is honest and intelligent and interested in sports, but IF YOU SUPPORT TRUMP, I DON'T THINK WE WILL GET ALONG." Which I find to be remarkable. The hate is palpable.

    Regarding the candidates, it's true that Biden's brain is melting, although he's a decent enough guy, and decency is the last thing to go, from what I've seen. He's not as decent as Buttigieg, but Buttigieg is gay and 80% of America is secretly or openly homophobic. It's true that Bloomberg is a casual racist and was a Republican last week and is only in it for the money. (And if you think that a guy with $80B ever stopped caring about money, you are sadly mistaken. The last thing we need is an actually smart billionaire in the White House.) It's true that Warren comes off as strident. And it's true that Bernie has the Youth vote. Hell, every time I walk around town, some guy in his twenties with a voter registration clipboard is asking me to vote for Bernie. I don't really think Bernie's economic ideas are up to the level of Warren's, not even close. But as I said, I'll vote for anyone but Trump. But here's Bernie's particular problem:

    The truth of the matter is that old farts vote. Almost all of them vote. Who do you think they are going to vote for?

    As I said, I'm voting for anyone but Trump. But I'm voting.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-02-2020 at 02:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Personally, I'd vote for a box of rocks before I'd vote for Trump. I'd vote for a broken toilet before I'd vote for Trump. And something is happening on, where about 30% of the women are putting in their profiles "I value my family and I'm looking for a guy who is honest and intelligent and interested in sports, but IF YOU SUPPORT TRUMP, I DON'T THINK WE WILL GET ALONG." Which I find to be remarkable. The hate is palpable.

    Regarding the candidates, it's true that Biden's brain is melting, although he's a decent enough guy, and decency is the last thing to go, from what I've seen. He's not as decent as Buttigieg, but Buttigieg is gay and 80% of America is secretly or openly homophobic. It's true that Bloomberg is a casual racist and was a Republican last week and is only in it for the money. (And if you think that a guy with $80B ever stopped caring about money, you are sadly mistaken. The last thing we need is an actually smart billionaire in the White House.) It's true that Warren comes off as strident. And it's true that Bernie has the Youth vote. Hell, every time I walk around town, some guy in his twenties with a voter registration clipboard is asking me to vote for Bernie. I don't really think Bernie's economic ideas are up to the level of Warren's, not even close. But as I said, I'll vote for anyone but Trump. But here's Bernie's particular problem:

    The truth of the matter is that old farts vote. Almost all of them vote. Who do you think they are going to vote for?

    As I said, I'm voting for anyone but Trump. But I'm voting.
    Yeah, ultimately, I'm going to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, period--though I'd probably have to sufficiently drug myself if it were Bloomberg (which, at this point, it's fairly safe to say it won't be). He proves his garbage-hood by his narcissistic lack of priority. Imagine if he had devoted the hundreds of millions WASTED on his campaign to shoring up down ballot senate races or pushing back on the very real voter suppression? Or if he cares about the black vote and making amends, pouring money into Flint, Michigan and their ongoing water crisis or something along those lines? Anyway, I first chose Warren over Sanders because I believe her policy ideas are more practical, effective and fleshed out, but I think a mix of sexism and the understandably petrified corporate media took her down by way of propping up MFers like Buttigieg, who was descent in as much as he was ripe with flowery platitudes, though lacking in convincing and substantive arguments. But he dropped out today so he's no longer a factor.

    At this point, the only viable candidates are Biden and Sanders, neither of whom are perfect nor ideal--one's brain is made of swiss cheese and the other had a heart attack not too long ago. But overall Sanders is sharper, more coherent and competent, and better appeals to things I care about, like making America look more like Canada and Western Europe. lol It's true that he's yet to significantly mobilize the youth vote but it's also true that up until the SC primary, he was winning the popular vote, and still has the most delegates--my point is that he's the front runner, and evidently procuring the votes he needs to be that. The SC primary hit 2008 numbers of voter turnout, which I pray is a harbinger. If the polls are to be believed, the California primary will most likely deal a deathblow to most of the other candidates and effectively anoint Sanders as the presumptive nominee. We will see.

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    Buttigieg has dropped out. That honestly surprises me. The Klob hasn't been doing well so far, and so I figured she would be the next to drop.

    Personally, I'm not convinced he was planning this. He was campaigning until the end. The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if the DNC forced him out to force voters to coalesce around Biden and slow Sanders' momentum. Maybe he was promised a VP, but I don't think he's a strategically good choice to balance Biden. Either way I expect he'll probably endorse Biden.

    I figure Warren is too much a narcissist to drop out for a while. She's a snake, though, and this is increasingly clear to the average voter. She's not going to gain many new supporters, and as her campaign circles the drain she might lose a few. I'm not sure where they'd siphon to -- Sanders, maybe?

    Bloomberg is trying to buy the election. I almost want him to win so I can hear Democrats try to explain what makes him better than Trump.

    Biden is a corrupt soup-brain, and Trump will slaughter him on the debate stage. But I imagine a lot of people will vote for a vegetable over Trump, so no bets on the general election.

    Sanders may be a succdem, but a social democrat is better than a liberal, and he's fundamentally a good person, unlike anyone else in this race, and, frankly, if he manages to get M4A implemented, the lives of everyone I know will be improved. He's the best candidate by far. He won't do very hot in the southeast because Southern Democrats are exclusively black church women, and the black religious establishment's allied itself with Biden (the SC party boss is James Clyburn, who particularly runs a well-oiled machine). Black people are also generally conservative, as a rule. But I'm cautiously optimistic about his chances in Texas; most Latino youth seem to like Sanders, and I think their enthusiasm might stand a chance of swaying their families.

    Edit: I forgot Gabbard was a thing. She also seems like a decent person, aside from being the ambassador for Hindu Nazis. Unfortunately, her campaign is doomed. I think she'll endorse Sanders once she drops.
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 03-02-2020 at 04:40 PM.

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    The Klob is out, a day after Butt. Conspiracies? Probably! What do they mean? I'm not sure!

    Depending on how many Minnesotans early voted (IIRC, those votes will still go to the Klob), Minnesota will probably go for Sanders.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The Klob is out, a day after Butt. Conspiracies? Probably! What do they mean? I'm not sure!

    Depending on how many Minnesotans early voted (IIRC, those votes will still go to the Klob), Minnesota will probably go for Sanders.
    She's going to endorse Biden this evening and word is the Biden campaign is in the processing of securing the same from Butt. The moderates are consolidating around Biden, in order to get him across the 15% thresh hold for a major delegate haul in California; meanwhile Warren is still pointlessly holding out when she should also drop out and support Sanders, especially if she actually cares about a progressive agenda.

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    motherfuckers should be blowing up constructive posts on my shit because I'm the only one that predicted Biden's nomination and this entire election has played out under the conditions I laid out. Looks like I come out right on this one like I did calling Trump victory when everybody was like oh no oh no never will happen....three steps the fck behind me as usual. I convey actual knowledge, I can read a motherfucker like nobody before or since even over a television monitor. Rest is playing checkers, I play chess , not just when it comes to typology and all the member types (see my list) but also political elections, political forecasting and many other fckin things. Reason I'm so good at it pertains to my superior knowledge at assigning members their accurate and correct typological label. I did not put togethers the only structurally/conceptually/logically valid breakdown for every type wing and stack and crack the VI templates for all socionics types and subtypes for nothing! What did I tell about Biden, he knows how to get things done, to get results, now he spent fuckin shit money on this campaign and he's currently holding a strong lead and proclaiming himself as the candidate who knows how to get results. I knew his fckin gameplan before he did. best part is hehehe trump can keep exploiting the rift between bernie supporters and the DNC centrist candidate, like I said from day one and I"ll get the post later to show it, exploit the rift divide and conquer bring over them Bernie supporters and professional pussy/bitch squad (aka Antifa) who think the DNC conspired against their candidate BOOM Trump got another four years!!! bwahahaha

  28. #268
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    I agree with K4M in that it's hopelessly naive to think that any left-winger can become president. America itself is fundamentally a right-wing nation and elections are mostly just there to provide superficial lip service towards democracy and to distract idiots from taking more forceful, grassroots methods of political change. The furthest left America has even been was when it was under FDR and that only happened because of the Great Depression. And even FDR(and Bernie) wasn't a true leftist or radical, he merely did what was strategic and necessary to preserve the establishment in the long run. Anyone who considers them a leftist ought to completely tune out from American politics and focus their attention elsewhere. Elections are only ever going to be between moderate right-wing candidates (like Biden) and far-right candidates (like Trump), with centrist like Bernie MAYBE having a shot if there is a serious economic crisis going on.
    Last edited by Muddy; 03-05-2020 at 03:58 AM.

  29. #269
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    I think that the US can have a leftist President, and will, but not until the influences of corporations are removed from politics, and the wealth of the 1% is brought down to be more in line with the 99%.

    I’m confident that this will happen, but probably not for thirty years or so, and when it does happen, the world economy is going to look very different from what it looks like now.

    Demographics are against the Authoritarian Republicans. If they could embrace the average citizen, they would find plenty of conservatives in the ranks of the poor and non-white. But presently, their racism seems to be tripping them up. They are like the Nazies, who first came for the mentally ill, then the communists, then the unionists, and on and on, in their search for the “purest of the pure.” Of course, ultimately, no one was pure enough for them. Everyone was their enemy.

    Additionally, environmental damage from the very energy we need to use to solve the environmental damage is going to reduce our standard of living. It actually already is happening but the fall in wages is being masked by the media outlets of the rich, who are saying “Don’t look over there. Here is something different that you can be outraged about but are impotent to change, so it is a safe target for you. And us.”

    As the damage mounts, it will become harder to hide, and it will force a redistribution of wealth because distributed wealth is what it will take to achieve even a relatively soft landing. Billionaires buying yachts and elections are not going to fix the problems. It will take all of our resources being directed at pollution reduction to even stabilize the pollution at a lower number of humans.

    If the wealth isn’t distributed, then comes the deluge. Not from an aware and angry populace, but from a terminally polluted world.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 03-05-2020 at 04:19 AM.

  30. #270
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    Hell I tell this forum...THE HELL I TELL YOU> BIDEN WOUDL COAST TO THE NOMINATION. What's happening right now? Biden is coasting to the nomination. Killed it. Michigan. Killed it. Missouri. Killed it. Carolina. Killed it. Mississippi. Nostradamus ain't got shit on me. I'm KING KONG of typology.

    I told you Trump would win. He won. Everybody said oh no way can't happen. I told you Biden would win. I told you Bidenz would coast to the nominations. Hunter Biden shit broke it, he lost in Ohio lost in New Hampshirez everybody said oh no way can't happen biden can never coast to the nomination see K4M you ain't right about all of your enneagram and socionic types. GUESS what, time to pay the piper hehehe, collection time. That's all my knowledge from running putting togehter developing the ONLY VALID BREAKDOWN for every type, wing and stack. 2500+ exemplars and cracked the VI templates for every socionics type and subtype. You think somebody who did all that would not be able to tell you which of these bum politicians would coast to the nominationz.

    the ONLY VALID BREAKDOWN for every type wing and stack

    VI TEMPLATES for every socionics type and subtype

    I PUT THAT shit together. Just like I did for the member lists. I knew Trump would win. I knew Biden would win.

  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Hell I tell this forum...THE HELL I TELL YOU> BIDEN WOUDL COAST TO THE NOMINATION. What's happening right now? Biden is coasting to the nomination. Killed it. Michigan. Killed it. Missouri. Killed it. Carolina. Killed it. Mississippi. Nostradamus ain't got shit on me. I'm KING KONG of typology.

    I told you Trump would win. He won. Everybody said oh no way can't happen. I told you Biden would win. I told you Bidenz would coast to the nominations. Hunter Biden shit broke it, he lost in Ohio lost in New Hampshirez everybody said oh no way can't happen biden can never coast to the nomination see K4M you ain't right about all of your enneagram and socionic types. GUESS what, time to pay the piper hehehe, collection time. That's all my knowledge from running putting togehter developing the ONLY VALID BREAKDOWN for every type, wing and stack. 2500+ exemplars and cracked the VI templates for every socionics type and subtype. You think somebody who did all that would not be able to tell you which of these bum politicians would coast to the nominationz.

    the ONLY VALID BREAKDOWN for every type wing and stack

    VI TEMPLATES for every socionics type and subtype

    I PUT THAT shit together. Just like I did for the member lists. I knew Trump would win. I knew Biden would win.

    Are you the result of a syphilitic pregnancy? Steady diet of paint chips? Raised and then abandoned by feral hogs?

    Seriously, you're a parody of parody of a parody. What kind of grifter, low cunning, sociopathic motherfucker tries to conflate a lucky guess with his piss poor typing method?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Biden will go untouched to the nomination if all they can manufacture on him is a blemish or two on his Civil Rights Voting Record.

    A Trump-Biden faceoff will be preferable....two guys that actually have gotten things done and know how to get things done...
    This whole time you've said Biden would "coast" to the election based on the premise that he had "gotten things done" but that premise was always faulty af. First off, after months of terrible debate performances, Biden plummeted in the polls, so much so that the week before the SC primary, Biden and Sanders were within 5 percentage points of each other--THAT's how little faith the voters in SC had for him, a state Biden had long set up shop in and therefore should've been handily destroying the competition. He was even competing with Steyer, FFS, someone who bought his way into the election at the last minute.

    Biden had no significant campaign infrastructure and, financially, was on death's door. On his own, he was flailing and would've tapped out had it not been for 1.) Bloomberg's corporate shilling ass jumping in and taking some of the heat off of his back by being an inert punching bag, 2.) Jim Clyburn's endorsement, where 47% of black voters admitted he was a crucial factor in their decision to back Biden, 3.) the $100,000,000+ worth of almost entirely positive national coverage he received in the 72 hours following his win in SC, and 4.) all of this, in significant part predicated on the Washington establishment's blinding fear of a Bernie Sanders presidency. Biden is nothing but a swiss cheese headed puppet coasting off of deep seated cynicism and fear of the American public; he barely got anything "done" on his own accord, and so you're technically still a no nothing hack.

    Biden has lied consistently about his role in civil rights and being arrested in apartheid South Africa; his winning streak doesn't cancel out how disoriented and confused he is. During his acceptance speech on Super Tuesday, he confused his sister for his wife. And in the middle of a catastrophic pandemic, caused by the sheer fucking STUPIDITY, greed and irresponsibility of the moron you try to emulate like a cucked, testes cupping bitch, Biden is still not supporting Medicare4All, something Dem voters overwhelmingly want AND Americans overall desperately need, now more than ever. Your support of him and Trump is why I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hope you and that Tang colored cunt come down with a juicy, lung scarring case of COVID-19--you want to champion an incompetent, prison grade, low IQ psychopath responsible for the eventual deaths of thousands/maybe millions, you deserve that at the very least.

  32. #272
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    Bernie out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    (...) his winning streak doesn't cancel out how disoriented and confused he is. During his acceptance speech on Super Tuesday, he confused his sister for his wife.
    Honestly, I'm just having a hard time seeing how this debate between him and Trump wouldn't become a train wreck, seeing these gaffes he will be an incredibly easy target to ridicule.

    Then again, many people at this point don't give a shit about his actual capabilities or autonomy, if he isn't Trump, it will be good enough for them. Especially now, with Obama's support:
    Last edited by Asenath; 04-10-2020 at 11:59 AM.

    I want to know
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    I don't think there's going to be very much change until Millennials and Zoomers are the right age to be leading major institutions. I mean institutions like General Electric and the American Bar Association, not Facebook. This is also usually the age at which people start to take their civic privileges seriously and begin to vote en masse.

  35. #275
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    Make sure everybody on this thread kisses the ring as we can chalk this thread up to another k4m victory. I told EVERYBODY. Again, I called it. I TOLD EVERYBODY BIDEN WOULD GO UNTOUCHED TO THE NOMINATION if that's all they could manufacture. I told everybody Kamala "poop for brains" harris' racist accusations would never stick. None of you called it. You were all doing airy posts about speculative theoretical shit rather than throwing your hat into the ring with a prediction. Remember that high confidence correlates with a forthrightness when it comes to predicting outcomes. You don't think I put together the only valid breakdown for every type, wing and stack using 3000+ exemplars for nothing do you.

    Just admit that I'M SHARPER AND MORE INTELLIGENT at this stuff. That's okay. My read on these things is lightning years sharper.

    Learn from me, even though such sharp instincts as mine can't be taught.

    even when Bernie got lucky in New Hampshire I was holdin' strong that Biden takes it down.

    I said not only would he win the nomination but that a bidenz-trump faceoff would be preferable and finally the dumbass masses figured that out in the end.

    ALL IN:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Remember, I was the only one on the forum posting at the time of the last election who called Trump's victory.

    Biden will go untouched to the nomination if all they can manufacture on him is a blemish or two on his Civil Rights Voting Record. Only Kamala "Poop For Brains" Harris would be the party puppet to manufacture a racist accusation against Biden (it's an IEE thing...think the paranoiac from the black panther thread)...if Kamala actually had a brain to think with she would know how fckin futile that is. Biden only served as Obama's VP for Eight Years. Obviously Obama (especially Michelle) vetted the piss out of Biden's Civil Rights Record prior to bringing him on as a VP...Kamala "Poop for Brains" shows that you don't need a high IQ to get elected to the Senate. I wanted to puke at her pathetic attempt at manipulation.

    A Trump-Biden faceoff will be preferable....two guys that actually have gotten things done and know how to get things done...don't just hang their hat on having opinions like commie crackpot Bernie or manufacturing racist accusations like "Poop for Brains" Kamala. Obama's VP for crissake, give me a break.
    LOOK I EVEN defined the angle that would come to decide Biden over Bernie. Dementia Joe communicates proven results. Commie Bernie is an idealist crackpot who can't get shit done.

    I'll give that second debate to Biden. Biden is the only one on the stage that communicated proven results...that he can get things done. Garbage things. Just about all of what he did deserved to be undone. Not all, most. Trump needs to find a better insult on Biden. "Sleepy Joe" is terrible...there's nothing Sleepy about Biden.

    Last night's biggest loser was Bernie. Commie Bernie communicated zero proven results. Bernie, "How you going to get this done?" "Well, 10000 people will stand up and demand it!" What a fckin retard. He does all this ranting and raving about corporations and special interest groups. No proven results. That bum can't get anything done. He's a crazy idealist and last night's biggest loser.




    I TOLD YOU......I TOLD YOU.....I TOLD YOU.....

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