I'm sure this isn't the case based on my experience with LIEs just online, but I'm making a thread cuz I have a lot of time on my hands.

I know one irl LIE now pretty well, cuz i live in his house, and the one thing that stands out to me about him as a person is the freakish amount of courtesy he possesses. He had surgery the other day and I asked him how he was feeling and he said with a pity-filled voice, "I didn't go through 1% of what you did," even though he just had surgery..Si polr, I guess, but he's fucking entitled to bitch. He asked if it was rude to text at the table while I ate lunch even though I never make conversation lol. Every night he's watching tv in the room next to my bedroom and when I go to sleep he asks if he should mute it for me every damn time I go to bed even though I always say no. He's way more polite than the LSE I know so it couldn't just be Fe role. I'm sure it's just him as a person idiosyncratically but since I know a so- called dual now and this is what stands out I figured I'd ask. Maybe its cuz he has an ESI wife who was a grade school teacher and prompted him like he's a 2nd grader, idk.

What's your experience?