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Thread: Are we in the middle of a winter?

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    Disbelief Jung
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    I think humanity will face a technological revolution. Modern society was structured because of the industrial revolution.
    I think a global reset and a new economical system via technology is going to emerge as the ultimate, sustainable and brand new solution with multiple benefits. There will be a war for technology. The one who controls and impose it will rule the world. China already has this technology and is testing it in its cities. I don't think North America will be able to keep up with the leadership. But Amazon is testing this method with physical stores. It will the end of physical money. Automatic phone payments are going to be used as transition and adaptation. The winner of this battle would brand people and migrate their account info to skin dispositive. It will be used as ID. People would be no longer able to receive money, buy or sell without it. Immigration problems will end. There would be no terrorism as everyone will be identified automatically in airports or at distance via street surveillance cameras or similar. Black market and corruption is going to be limited as money is going to be tracked and monitored. Criminality will descend as ppl could be easily identified. Individual Spying. Totalitarian state covered up with promises of peace and security for all. Millenials will think the end of physical money will erase injustice. Freedom and the world as we know it is going disappear and change. The new terrorists would be those who don't accept this new system. They would be labeled and stigmatized as potential criminals and terrorists. They would be confined and their possessions taken by government as they can't pay bills anymore.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    I think humanity will face a technological revolution. Modern society was structured because of the industrial revolution.
    I think a global reset and a new economical system via technology is going to emerge as the ultimate, sustainable and brand new solution with multiple benefits. There will be a war for technology. The one who controls and impose it will rule the world. China already has this technology and is testing it in its cities. I don't think North America will be able to keep up with the leadership. But Amazon is testing this method with physical stores. It will the end of physical money. Automatic phone payments are going to be used as transition and adaptation. The winner of this battle would brand people and migrate their account info to skin dispositive. It will be used as ID. People would be no longer able to receive money, buy or sell without it. Immigration problems will end. There would be no terrorism as everyone will be identified automatically in airports or at distance via street surveillance cameras or similar. Black market and corruption is going to be limited as money is going to be tracked and monitored. Criminality will descend as ppl could be easily identified. Individual Spying. Totalitarian state covered up with promises of peace and security for all. Millenials will think the end of physical money will erase injustice. Freedom and the world as we know it is going disappear and change. The new terrorists would be those who don't accept this new system. They would be labeled and stigmatized as potential criminals and terrorists. They would be confined and their possessions taken by government as they can't pay bills anymore.
    IMO, while the details are certainly up for debate, I think it is becoming clearer as time passes by that the future of humanity worldwide in 1st and 3rd world countries alike to varying degrees is heading towards a dark grim cyberpunk future. Totalitarian tiptoe is akin to the boiling frog metaphor. We are slowly heading towards totalitarianism so in the span of years it is not noticeable, but in decades it more evident and in centuries it becomes obvious.

    Nearly everything we are witnessing occurring politically from both sides of the spectrum only confirm what I am suspecting and fear. Either enough people wake up to put a stop to it or we end up submitting to tyranny. It is clear we are heading towards a world that benefits the few at the expense of the many. The many are too busy fighting amongst themselves to notice unfortunately. A lot of my political beliefs are based on preventing a dystopian future. This movie did a good job of showing a potential cyber punk future hundreds of years from now:

    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    I think humanity will face a technological revolution. Modern society was structured because of the industrial revolution.
    I think a global reset and a new economical system via technology is going to emerge as the ultimate, sustainable and brand new solution with multiple benefits. There will be a war for technology. The one who controls and impose it will rule the world. China already has this technology and is testing it in its cities. I don't think North America will be able to keep up with the leadership. But Amazon is testing this method with physical stores. It will the end of physical money. Automatic phone payments are going to be used as transition and adaptation. The winner of this battle would brand people and migrate their account info to skin dispositive. It will be used as ID. People would be no longer able to receive money, buy or sell without it. Immigration problems will end. There would be no terrorism as everyone will be identified automatically in airports or at distance via street surveillance cameras or similar. Black market and corruption is going to be limited as money is going to be tracked and monitored. Criminality will descend as ppl could be easily identified. Individual Spying. Totalitarian state covered up with promises of peace and security for all. Millenials will think the end of physical money will erase injustice. Freedom and the world as we know it is going disappear and change. The new terrorists would be those who don't accept this new system. They would be labeled and stigmatized as potential criminals and terrorists. They would be confined and their possessions taken by government as they can't pay bills anymore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragdoll Lynx View Post
    I think humanity will face a technological revolution. Modern society was structured because of the industrial revolution.
    I think a global reset and a new economical system via technology is going to emerge as the ultimate, sustainable and brand new solution with multiple benefits. There will be a war for technology. The one who controls and impose it will rule the world. China already has this technology and is testing it in its cities. I don't think North America will be able to keep up with the leadership. But Amazon is testing this method with physical stores. It will the end of physical money. Automatic phone payments are going to be used as transition and adaptation. The winner of this battle would brand people and migrate their account info to skin dispositive. It will be used as ID. People would be no longer able to receive money, buy or sell without it. Immigration problems will end. There would be no terrorism as everyone will be identified automatically in airports or at distance via street surveillance cameras or similar. Black market and corruption is going to be limited as money is going to be tracked and monitored. Criminality will descend as ppl could be easily identified. Individual Spying. Totalitarian state covered up with promises of peace and security for all. Millenials will think the end of physical money will erase injustice. Freedom and the world as we know it is going disappear and change. The new terrorists would be those who don't accept this new system. They would be labeled and stigmatized as potential criminals and terrorists. They would be confined and their possessions taken by government as they can't pay bills anymore.
    If money became digital humanity will become a slave race. Black markets will spring up in response. You could kiss your freedoms goodbye. They won't confine people in prisons and they won't take your possessions. You just will be locked out from the system. Not much different from today, except today you can still walk around with physical cash and that buys you freedom of movement and life.

    China is already practising a Social Credit system. Your good behaviour gives you rewards, your bad behaviour, what they deem to be bad, will have you locked out from the system. You can't have facebook, you cant buy a train ticket to go someplace. This is already happening today.

    If money goes digital you will become a total serf of the Banking State.

  5. #5
    Disbelief Jung
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    If money became digital humanity will become a slave race. Black markets will spring up in response. You could kiss your freedoms goodbye. They won't confine people in prisons and they won't take your possessions. You just will be locked out from the system. Not much different from today, except today you can still walk around with physical cash and that buys you freedom of movement and life.

    China is already practising a Social Credit system. Your good behavior gives you rewards, your bad behavior, what they deem to be bad, will have you locked out from the system. You can't have facebook, you cant buy a train ticket to go someplace. This is already happening today.

    If money goes digital you will become a total serf of the Banking State.
    yep, I know, its not some dystopian future, is happening now, but it will extend over other countries and whoever wins the current economic and technological war is going to implement worldwide a new economic system /new crypto currency.

    But, what would happen if for example, 20% of the population won't submit to this system? Do you think you will be able to keep your possessions (without being able to pay taxes and services bills) to walk around freely like a beggar? Bet no. Ppl who doesnt submit to the system will be a big problem, they would be confined otherwise they will stealing and commit other kind of crimes.

    Now a problem is this stuff would be "sold" as good, positive, innovating, sustainable,fair and any other adjective useful for getting ppl accepting it without thinking twice. Fear, insecurity and poverty will be a tool for pushing it. I think this is going to be implemented step by step in the next 30 years. A lot of steps are being tried right now in different places around the globe.


    When most ppl think on a world without "money" they imagine a utopian world were peace, security and mutual benefit would reign, banks will be abolished and debts won't exist. Sustainable energy will be there for all and hippies will exchange organic stuff they cultivate in their garden by manual labour, but in reality this could turn to be digital slavery.

    For example, bunch of TEDX talks about "moneyless" societies already working on ppls minds (as always) to accept something presenting the benefits and inifinte postive possibilities of it (but not the potential risks and implications) mentioning obvious facts and well known failures and deficiencies of the current system.

    @Raver, yeah, a lot of movies from the recent years seem to portray interesting cyberpunk post apocalytpic future scenarios, but I was thinking more in some crypto socialism or communism that will be given as solution to current problems in the next decades.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-24-2019 at 05:25 AM.

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