Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
I read some of his stuff and he's at least correct that Millennial media is bland and conformist compared to what they had in the 1960's. This isn't a bad thing per se; watching boomers age into tattooed grandparents who get naked at Rolling Stones concerts is cringe-inducing af.
Agreed, it is basically the difference between those who reached young adulthood during a counter culture summer phase in the 1960s and those who reached young adulthood during a recession winter phase in the 2010s.

Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
After 2008 something changed and life got harder, or at least it kinda got harder to earn good money with just hard work and a bit of intelligence.
People generally underestimate how significant and traumatic the 2008 recession was. We were fortunate to diminish and avert it with government bail outs, but that was merely a band-aid that protected the general economy and several big corporations mostly from failing like it did in the 1930s during the great depression.

Only in the long term, will the repercussions of the 2008 recession to average middle class and working class families become fully apparent. What we are seeing so far is a worsening trend of a diminishing middle class, rising living costs and salaries not keeping up. Current cultural and societal upheavals were likely sparked from the 2008 recession.