Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Well you could say that people are "naturally" conservative or something, and they'd rather stick their heads in the sand, and not do anything and doom themselves. But how can it be that we know that rationally it's wrong, but we "don't feel it in our hearts"? Well the solution is that we'd better have systems, institutions, laws, cultures, etc, to save us from our own human foibles so that we don't screw ourselves up. So sometimes, if not often the case, those rational systems that we create are even more clever than ourselves. But of course, it doesn't mean that they're perfect, and they're also error-prone like anything else.
Well, the idea of generational theory is that we reinvent these systems, institutions and laws during a winter crisis as our previous ones all come crashing down, which we are going through right now. As for people that are naturally conservative or naturally liberal, I believe that they both play a crucial role in all of this. Liberals' purpose is to introduce positive ideas that will benefit society, conservatives' purpose is to reject negative ideas that will harm society, while centrists tend to support both sides specifically in ways they view beneficial. Neither role should be discredited or diminished as they both are valuable for society, but in completely different ways.

Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
Every time is a winter for somebody. Although I do tend to agree with the whole hard times...strong men thing.
This is true. However, society's four turnings actively reflect a human life and I don't think that it's coincidental that both last roughly ~80 years. Society eroding and reinventing itself every ~80 years makes sense as it is in tune with the average life span. I also agree that we all go through our own winter, fall, spring and summer seasons in our own life as well. So society, just like a human life goes through its own ups, downs and everything in between.

Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
so millennials aren't the huge pussies we're made out to be?
If this theory is correct, millennials will be looked back in history as a strong minded and effective generation just like the greatest generation. We all know the real worst generation of modern times is the baby boomers :

And who better to represent the quintessential baby boomer than Donald Trump himself?