Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Second best, in the sense of not being any trouble, was Extinguishment. We quickly settled into a routine where we interacted almost not at all. We just established absolute rules (you can drink the other guy's beers as long as you replace them within 24 hours, and you never drink the last beer in the fridge if it belongs to him, you clean the place once a week, your dishes are never left unwashed overnight, etc.), and then we proceeded to live our lives as if the other person literally wasn't there. We spoke almost not at all, but still had sympathy for each other.

Two very bad roommates I had were both Mirrors. We irritated the hell out of each other in ways that were almost indescribable. They were both OK guys at a distance, but living with them changed that perception. That j/p difference, coupled with similar other preferences, made for some horrible character surprises.
Hmm I haven't really had an Extinguishment / Contrary roommate, but there was a guy who stayed in the same hostel as me for a couple of weeks. We would hang out and play cards all the time. I actually learned a lot from him.

What you wrote about mirror could just as well apply to my own experience. I also have a close relative whose type is ILE. We normally have a good relationship, but when we went traveling together and shared a room for a while things got somewhat dicey. Perhaps we can generalize a rule that mirror roommates are especially problematic? It is worth considering.