Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
IMO, there are two aspects of intelligence metaphorically speaking: hardware and software. Hardware is how fast you learn and think, so basically think of it as the speed processor in your brain, which has absolutely nothing to do with type. Software is how you think because of your personality, which is partially influenced by type, but other factors matter just as much if not more. So software has more to do with intellectualism rather than brainpower, but it is an aspect of intelligence nonetheless.

True intelligence is often recognized as someone that is strong at both: hardware and software. What type does, is influence what types of intelligence you are more likely to be better at. In terms of hardware or brainpower, type is irrelevant. However, NTs would stereotypically be better at what we define as intelligence such as math, logic and science and smarter software wise. Where as NFs, STs and SFs would be better at other types of intelligence that are not as valued. Take all of this with a grain of salt btw as I am merely generalizing ideas.
Yea I always thought of standardized testing like SAT/IQ testing like the hardware testing...Similar to the 40 yard dash times during the NFL combines.... It tests your raw processing power... like it can be a predictor of academic success.... but it doesn't take into account the person's discipline and intangibles; it's why you aren't guaranteed success just because you went to a great school. like you mentioned this is only one aspect of intelligence... gotta take into account other factors.