Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
SJWs are a disease that permeates the left in general, not just the extreme left. The reality is that the far-left is quite divided between identity politics obsessed SJWs and the more libertarian ones who view capitalism as the main issue. The Communist Party USA itself for example got split over in-fighting between SJWs and non-SJWs.

Here's a pretty good representation of the current far-left:

Yeah, that is a good point. The main divide on the left is between those that dwell with identity politics and those that deal with economic politics. The ones that deal with identity politics are the ones that make the left look bad because they use the guise of hate speech to undermine free speech. Those are the leftists I mainly have an issue with and center right conservative commentators focus primarily on them to criticize the left. Like you said, there are even center leftists that are involved in identity politics to an extent, but they're not as extreme as SJWs.

As for far leftists in terms of those that seek to dismantle capitalism and replace it with socialism, my mindset is more along those on the center left that advocate for social democracy, which is retaining capitalism with socialist elements like the nordic model as opposed to democratic socialism, which is simply socialism that the far left supports. When it comes to economics, I consider myself more on the center left, but when it comes to identity politics, I lean more towards the center right. Overall, I'm either a left-libertarian or a centrist depending on one's perspective.