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Thread: Why do you hate freedom?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    One thing I abhor is when people accuse the other side of having an echo chamber while wanting their own. It's a big part of the reason I despise Jordan Peterson and why I never joined the anti-SJW crusade.
    The extreme far left (SJWs) are big opponents of free speech in the guise of shutting down hate speech, they are essentially authoritarian leftists giving Liberals a bad name. However, I realize at the same time that they do not represent the average center leftist. Also, far left does not mean being pro universal health care, free higher education and the nordic economic model. These are center left concepts in Western Europe and other nations outside of the US.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    The extreme far left (SJWs) are big opponents of free speech in the guise of shutting down hate speech, they are essentially authoritarian leftists giving Liberals a bad name. However, I realize at the same time that they do not represent the average center leftist. Also, far left does not mean being pro universal health care, free higher education and the nordic economic model. These are center left concepts in Western Europe and other nations outside of the US.
    I cut SJWs some slack when they're teenagers or in their early twenties because I remember being young and an idiot, but I agree that a lot of their views are authoritarian, illiberal, and damagingly closed-minded.

    Here's the thing, the noise against SJWs has allowed something very similar to go unnoticed. "Liberty University" is a prominent Christian university founded by the late Jerry Falwell that enforces a Christian ethos on its students: students are required to read the bible, are taught creationism, and are prohibited from interacting with the opposite sex.

    Liberty University censors the contents of school newspapers, removes chapters about human sexuality from its textbooks, and bans speakers it dislikes, including Libertarians. Source:

    In 2017, Liberty University's president removed an anti-Trump Christian author from campus, citing the usual "safety" and "private property" excuses. Source:

    From a civil rights perspective, there is nothing wrong with this -- if people want safe spaces to practice their beliefs, they have every right to establish echo chambers. For all I know, having a thoroughly religious indoctrination might even be pleasant and beneficial to some subset of people. But why the selective outrage against Liberal safe spaces then? It's because one side is always held to a much lower standard in this stupid debate.

    It gets worse: the university regularly issues statements condemning safe space culture on Liberal campuses while trumpeting its own commitment to free expression. Jordan Peterson, hypocrite that he is, visited Liberty university as a speaker and congratulated them for being a beacon of free speech.

    It's a shame because I like some anti-SJW figures like the Weinstein brothers and Jonathan Haidt. I've been following Haidt ever since the evolutionary group selection controversy (2010-ish).
    Last edited by xerx; 01-24-2021 at 05:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I cut SJWs some slack when they're teenagers or in their early twenties because I remember being young and an idiot, but I agree that a lot of their views are authoritarian, illiberal, and damagingly closed-minded.

    Here's the thing, the noise against SJWs has allowed something very similar to go unnoticed. "Liberty University" is a prominent Christian university founded by the late Jerry Falwell that enforces a Christian ethos on its students: students are required to read the bible, are taught creationism, and are prohibited from interacting with the opposite sex.

    Liberty University censors the contents of school newspapers, removes chapters about human sexuality from its textbooks, and bans speakers it dislikes, including Libertarians. Source:

    In 2017, Liberty University's president removed an anti-Trump Christian author from campus, citing the usual "safety" and "private property" excuses. Source:

    From a civil rights perspective, there is nothing wrong with this -- if people want safe spaces to practice their beliefs, they have every right to establish echo chambers. For all I know, having a thoroughly religious indoctrination might even be pleasant and beneficial to some subset of people. But why the selective outrage against Liberal safe spaces then? It's because one side is always held to a much lower standard in this stupid debate.

    It gets worse: the university regularly issues statements condemning safe space culture on Liberal campuses while trumpeting its own commitment to free expression. Jordan Peterson, hypocrite that he is, visited Liberty university as a speaker and congratulated them for being a beacon of free speech.

    It's a shame because I like some anti-SJW figures like the Weinstein brothers and Jonathan Haidt. I've been following Haidt ever since the evolutionary group selection controversy (2010-ish).
    Fair enough. The political climate is so hot right now that you have extremist authoritarians emerging on both sides of the political spectrum competing against each other. I don't really know who Jonathan Haidt is, but I like the Weinstein brothers a lot, it was a shame on what happened with Bret Weinstein at his former college, but at least he got some publicity as a center leftist that is bringing the anti-SJW to light.

    There was a time I was into Jordan Peterson and I still like him, but I realize now he is better within his own domain of psychology. When he branches out into other domains where he's less knowledgeable such as politics, he is prone to making mistakes.

    Personally, I am into watching Tim Pool atm in regards to current political issues as he is a center left journalist that used to work Vice, but I consider him more of a centrist because he focuses most of his energy on anti-SJW extreme leftism, anti-liberal media bias and anti-big tech censorship as well. Then I watch other conservative and liberal political youtube commentators as well to get more of a well rounded perspective on today's political climate.
    Last edited by xerx; 01-24-2021 at 05:22 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Fair enough. The political climate is so hot right now that you have extremist authoritarians emerging on both sides of the political spectrum competing against each other. I don't really know who Jonathan Haidt is, but I like the Weinstein brothers a lot, it was a shame on what happened with Bret Weinstein at his former college, but at least he got some publicity as a center leftist that is bringing the anti-SJW to light.

    There was a time I was into Jordan Peterson and I still like him, but I realize now he is better within his own domain of psychology. When he branches out into other domains where he's less knowledgeable such as politics, he is prone to making mistakes.

    Personally, I am into watching Tim Pool atm in regards to current political issues as he is a center left journalist that used to work Vice, but I consider him more of a centrist because he focuses most of his energy on anti-SJW extreme leftism, anti-liberal media bias and anti-big tech censorship as well. Then I watch other conservative and liberal political youtube commentators as well to get more of a well rounded perspective on today's political climate.
    Pool is a hack. I admire leftists who aren’t afraid to be critical of other leftists but he doesn’t hold the right to the same standards. He’s also been photographed getting chummy with known right wing personalities, which by itself doesn’t matter, but looks a little fishy considering his whole persona of the impartial centrist voice of reason. At the end of the day these types of content creators are just youtube pundits masquerading as journalists, telling people what to think. No different than the talking heads on Fox News and MSNBC. Think for yourself.

    Last edited by perpetuus; 06-18-2019 at 11:26 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Perpetual Now View Post
    Pool is a hack. I admire leftists who aren’t afraid to be critical of other leftists but he doesn’t hold the right to the same standards. He’s also been photographed getting chummy with known right wing personalities, which by itself doesn’t matter, but looks a little fishy considering his whole persona of the impartial centrist voice of reason. At the end of the day these types of content creators are just youtube pundits masquerading as journalists, telling people what to think. No different than the talking heads on Fox News and MSNBC. Think for yourself.

    He is just one person I listen to out of other liberal and conservative political commentators. He tends to be hated by the left in general because he calls them out specifically since the media is liberal dominated: (CNN, MSNBC) and social media companies have a liberal bias as well: (Facebook, YouTube). Anyways, he is a centrist or center leftist that focuses mostly on attacking the left because that is what the establishment leans towards and he does it to get views as well.

    I don't blame him for that, you have to pick a side ultimately if you want to get views on youtube and he obviously sides with the right despite being centrist or center left. I don't consider him a hack, but he is definitely biased towards the right, which is why I watch leftist commentators when I want a more balanced perspective. I still think he produces quality content despite his bias. He also is more balanced compared to center right conservatives that I also watch.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    He is just one person I listen to out of other liberal and conservative political commentators. He tends to be hated by the left in general because he calls them out specifically since the media is liberal dominated: (CNN, MSNBC) and social media companies have a liberal bias as well: (Facebook, YouTube). Anyways, he is a centrist or center leftist that focuses mostly on attacking the left because that is what the establishment leans towards and he does it to get views as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post

    I don't blame him for that, you have to pick a side ultimately if you want to get views on youtube and he obviously sides with the right despite being centrist or center left. I don't consider him a hack, but he is definitely biased towards the right, which is why I watch leftist commentators when I want a more balanced perspective. I still think he produces quality content despite his bias. He also is more balanced compared to center right conservatives that I also watch.
    I think my gripe with Pool is that he seems selectively outraged. I share many of his criticisms of the left. I just think he lets the right get off the hook very easily, then tosses out an occasional "I don't particularly like Trump" statement and hopes that will make him appear more balanced. Criticizing the left in itself isn't the problem for me, it's how he presents himself as some balanced voice of reason when he's made it very clear with whom he has an axe to grind. I think Pool wants to have it both ways, but sorry, he's not Christopher Hitchens. I reference Hitchens because in the last few decades, he's one of the few public speakers who was able to attack both the left and the right for their insanity without truly giving any fucks about which side he appeared to be on. I'm guessing Pool consciously believes he's being an impartial centrist, but I think on some level the direction he's taken with his videos has been dictated by the patrons who keep his channel thriving. Hitchens was probably more left than right, but he rarely seemed to discriminate when it came to attacking what he thought were bad ideas, regardless of where the ideas were coming from and where the Overton Window happened to be.

    Last edited by perpetuus; 06-18-2019 at 12:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Perpetual Now View Post

    I think my gripe with Pool is that he seems selectively outraged. I share many of his criticisms of the left. I just think he lets the right get off the hook very easily, then tosses out an occasional "I don't particularly like Trump" statement and hopes that will make him appear more balanced. Criticizing the left in itself isn't the problem for me, it's how he presents himself as some balanced voice of reason when he's made it very clear with whom he has an axe to grind. I think Pool wants to have it both ways, but sorry, he's not Christopher Hitchens. I reference Hitchens because in the last few decades, he's one of the few public speakers who was able to attack both the left and the right for their insanity without truly giving any fucks about which side he appeared to be on. I'm guessing Pool consciously believes he's being an impartial centrist, but I think on some level the direction he's taken with his videos has been dictated by the patrons who keep his channel thriving. Hitchens was probably more left than right, but he rarely seemed to discriminate when it came to attacking what he thought were bad ideas, regardless of where the ideas were coming from and where the Overton Window happened to be.

    Fair enough. I think the issue with him is that his audience is largely comprised of the right. He does have plenty of leftist views and is likely a centrist overall, but he still focuses on attacking the left regardless because that made him popular and it's where he gets his support.

    I like him because his political views tend to be similar to mine and he sees the flaws the left has like I do. However, I am not going to deny that he focuses on attacking the left way more than the right. Which is why I started to watch some center leftist commentators as well to get a more balanced perspective on political issues recently.
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    Eccentric Neurotic Narcissist andreasdevig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Personally, I am into watching Tim Pool atm in regards to current political issues as he is a center left journalist that used to work Vice, but I consider him more of a centrist because he focuses most of his energy on anti-SJW extreme leftism, anti-liberal media bias and anti-big tech censorship as well. Then I watch other conservative and liberal political youtube commentators as well to get more of a well rounded perspective on today's political climate.
    Tim Pool is awful. I doubt he's a leftist. He blames everything on the left. And he has shown his gross bias. He reported on the fake news story about Ocasio-Cortez and the 'empty parking lot'. He defends Steven Chrowder's homophobia yet has no problem calling Ilhan Omar an anti-Semite (while claiming people play the victim too much). He's just awful.
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    Quote Originally Posted by andreasdevig View Post
    Tim Pool is awful. I doubt he's a leftist. He blames everything on the left. And he has shown his gross bias. He reported on the fake news story about Ocasio-Cortez and the 'empty parking lot'. He defends Steven Chrowder's homophobia yet has no problem calling Ilhan Omar an anti-Semite (while claiming people play the victim too much). He's just awful.
    I don't watch him as much anymore because despite being a center leftist or centrist like he claims, I slowly realized over time that he still reports like a standard conservative to cater to his conservative viewers. He's fine if you want to get a conservative viewpoint on American viewpoints, but if you want a leftist take that is roughly balanced or still being left leaning, but with sufficient criticism of the left and right without being that biased, Jimmy Dore is a lot better in that regard IMO.
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    Quote Originally Posted by andreasdevig View Post
    Tim Pool is awful. I doubt he's a leftist. He blames everything on the left. And he has shown his gross bias. He reported on the fake news story about Ocasio-Cortez and the 'empty parking lot'. He defends Steven Chrowder's homophobia yet has no problem calling Ilhan Omar an anti-Semite (while claiming people play the victim too much). He's just awful.
    Yeah I find him to be a weasel in how he claims to be some innocent unbiased centrist when anyone with eyes can see he is parroting all the same anti-left hysteria you find in places like the The_Donald. I hate people who mask themselves as victims.

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