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Thread: What animes have LIE's as the protagonist?

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  1. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Well, I hate to say it but us Gamma's do make for some darn good villains/anti-heroes. Hopefully somebody will pen a story that reverses this unfortunate fact and brings to the fore the qualities that are most epic and heroic about my quadra. All it takes is one famous/infamous story that the general public learns of somehow to affect a major cultural shift.

    For instance, people used to name their girls "Lolita" with some frequency. They don't do that anymore. Why? That one pervert and that book he wrote. That's it really. Just one story told by some random mofo and boom, nobody dares use that name for their offspring again. Even I wouldn't, because defiance for defiance's sake feels a bit too much like I'm imitating Lucifer...
    In authors’ defence, Gammas are ruthless and goal-oriented. Betas are pretty ruthless and goal-oriented too, but Betas are very good at getting people to join their side and care about people joining their side; they like and need this validation for their movement. Gammas on the other hand will not go through the process of gathering forces unless it is absolutely necessary. Even when it is necessary, we believe our internal values (Fi) trump valuations of societal values (Fe) and rules (Ti) so we can be a bit underhanded. Not because we are evil, but because we truly believe the end (Fi) justifies our pragmatic means (Te). We might move our forces around like pawns (ESFp using their Fe to gain support or Gamma NT seeing the forces as chess pieces) , betray allies when they are no longer useful (ISFj: “They were never with us, so why fake sentiments when there is a bigger goal at hand”), break the law or use loopholes to get the upperhand (Gamma NT understand society’s rules (though don’t care about them) and use that to our advantage), etc. It is very hard to paint this approach to life in a good light.

    A good Gamma leader, though pragmatically uses their forces, actually cares about them. The only reason they would use forces in a cold manner is because they believe that this way will lead to less of them (their forces) getting hurt (Ni-Te planning). A good Gamma leader will be volitional (Se), but will have genuine concern for their people’s worries and not forget the values they championed to get their title (Fi). This leader will rarely ever be rovolted against as most revolutions are due to strict adherences “bad” societal rules (Ti, “unfair” hierarchies). If there is a revolt on the account of cold methods: 1. It would be most likely be small due to strong loyalty because they (Gamma leaders) don’t “brainwash” their followers (Fe), but just put our ideas out there (Te) and followers came naturally. 2. Those same cool methods will destroy any spark of a revolution.

    A good example of this type of leader is Otto Van Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor of Germany and an ENTj.
    Last edited by Investigator; 09-23-2019 at 03:20 AM.

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