Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I think life would be better if health care was free and everyone could wear rags and not be looked down upon.
ahaha i agree. strangely i am not so sensitive about wearing rags. i remember my last supervisor told me i couldn't wear some of my clothes to work anymore bc they had holes in them, and i strangely had no reaction. normally i feel so oppressed in the workplace, and i will feel oppressed by things that block self-expression as well, but i guess i've reached this point in life where well, clothing costs money and i can't manage the money, and um i rarely replace my clothes (this is part of "searching for venus" really because i'm not expressing myself the way i ideally like to) and somehow i can just be detached from it. i was somewhat annoyed at not being able to wear the clothes with holes i guess bc clothing costs money, but i mean, meh, i just couldn't be concerned enough about it. i didn't feel anything like humiliation about my bad clothing being pointed out and i guess it's that to me clothing is in the realm of self-expression and i don't care if it has holes, but i'm not really expressing myself through my clothes currently bc they fell out of my priorities as something i can't manage, so i just dimmed the lights in that area and i guess it didn't feel "oppressive" lol bc i intentionally dimmed the lights years ago and with that intention i accepted all its consequences, so the consequences are not painful, they just are what i kind of expected though i didn't specifically expect anything. it's also mb my anti-materialism wanting to be a spirit sometimes thing, like i feel like all of me that is holy is not bound by my clothes, though she shines much more brightly when she can express herself more dramatically through attire and so that unfulfilled need is the actual thing that hurts.

really my work clothes are like a statement of how much i don't like work haha, they are crappy office clothing bc offices have a crappy implicit dress code lol, and so it's like your norms are met by my attire, but let's not pretend it's cool. /hides passive-aggressively/ that they gather holes and what not are a symbol of decay, that i am not well. and that's simply the truth.

in part rags can match my clothing identity - i liked the grunge style in high school i recall in part bc it was more like rags.

but where i'm going with this, to me, clothing is so important for expressing one's self that there really should be as few bars on what to wear as possible... my Fe valuing can't stand the blocking of self-expression, and doesn't like people being funneled into norms ("you can express yourself but only in these 3 acceptable ways we suggest!"). and that ofc includes ppl not wanting to express themselves through their clothes or not giving a shit, that should be allowed too (because it's actually still self-expression lol).