It sickens me the way the Dem establishment's favorite media outlets are already trying to sandbag Tulsi and paint her as some sort of hawkish neocon. I think it's retribution for her jumping ship to support Bernie during the 2016 primaries. I just hope she's cunning enough to sidestep their attempts to discredit her. She really is the best option in the field at this point and they're shooting themselves in the feet by trying to eliminate her.

I have little doubt the eventual nominee will make many of the same mistakes Hillary made in 2020. It's tragically funny to watch the Democrats crashing in the same car and in the same way as they did before. It's like it's happening in slow motion, like those slow-mo videos of people getting hit in the head with water balloons. For self-labelled progressives, democrats seem to be really bad at forecasting, reading the cultural tides, and tend to repeat a lot of the same mistakes they've been making for decades.