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Thread: What's my type (other than blondes)?

  1. #81
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    ^this is more fittting of an ILI, with Fi as Hidden Agenda (=to love). Fi is not about voicing "we got so close, I love you for the day we spent today" (<Fe), it's more about creating this emotional closeness you talk about.

    btw, as myresearch said, it can be that the things we claim about ourselves and what we actually do are not the same..

  2. #82

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    Do you see other aspects of ILI? Ignoring Ne? Demonstrative Ti?

  3. #83

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    I should say that I pretty consistently get along great with Betas and Alphas, but Gammas and Deltas I can struggle a bit with.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by DonutTaganes View Post
    Do you see other aspects of ILI? Ignoring Ne? Demonstrative Ti?
    no, the videos were too random to tell for sure.

    Ne was apparent in the first one, you picked some objects to which you're close to (Fi) and that was supposed to show us who you are. potential of objects, randomness, creativity: Ne.

    it was that reference to you close interpersonal attitudes to make me suspicious, it looked Ni.

    then in the second video you said how workaholic you are, which is Te with a Se push in your case, because it was as if you despise those who work less and you, getting pride from the fact you're somehow stronger than them.

    Si didn't look like smth you particularly enjoy, but who knows. Se force a quality you admire. Fe was looked for when in need, not out of enjoyment but again, who knows. Fi is not really what you mentioned, btw. Ni looked easy to you and not ignored, but the curiosity you voiced about Ni is just something N in general. Ne too is about spirituality and crazy ideas. So about Ti, you said you like to create charts and scoring tables, which is again something T in general.

    I'd lean towards Se values. Te looked valued, Ti I'm not yet sure. Fi was showing in my opinion, Fe something you delegate and not look for.

    I really don't know : ) if you like ILE go for it, I can see it fitting you (I'm just not sure that's really the case, but there are not enough elements to tell).

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    Quote Originally Posted by DonutTaganes View Post
    I should say that I pretty consistently get along great with Betas and Alphas, but Gammas and Deltas I can struggle a bit with.
    What qualities or traits frustrate you the most when seen expressed in others? What tends to disrupt your plans or your ideas of how things ideally should be? I mean expressed traits that you would be glad without when you want/try to actualise something.

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    When I know I'm doing a good thing but people don't go along with it because it's new or weird. Once folks buy in to my projects we always find success, but every goddamn time I've got a new one I have to drag a portion of people kicking and screaming, and all that additional work I have to do slows down the actual project.

    I hate it when others demand manners from me. Sometimes I'll say please, sometimes I'll say thank you, and I am nearly always respectful in all my requests. When someone says, "Say please," to me or another person all I see is an asshole trying to force someone into submission.

    I get frustrated by people who give up easily. Who have "I can't" narratives. Sometimes I slip into that space too, but there are some folks who are consistently in that headspace and I hate it.

    When people repeat other's words without having thought it through for themselves. An example being someone quoting a claim made in a TV commercial without reading a study about it or experimenting for themselves.

    I have a hunger for the audacious, and sometimes I get frustrated by the fear that others experience around that. "Oh someone might be offended," or, "that would be too awkward," has held me back multiple times and it's a bummer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DonutTaganes View Post
    When I know I'm doing a good thing but people don't go along with it because it's new or weird. Once folks buy in to my projects we always find success, but every goddamn time I've got a new one I have to drag a portion of people kicking and screaming, and all that additional work I have to do slows down the actual project.

    I hate it when others demand manners from me. Sometimes I'll say please, sometimes I'll say thank you, and I am nearly always respectful in all my requests. When someone says, "Say please," to me or another person all I see is an asshole trying to force someone into submission.

    I get frustrated by people who give up easily. Who have "I can't" narratives. Sometimes I slip into that space too, but there are some folks who are consistently in that headspace and I hate it.

    When people repeat other's words without having thought it through for themselves. An example being someone quoting a claim made in a TV commercial without reading a study about it or experimenting for themselves.

    I have a hunger for the audacious, and sometimes I get frustrated by the fear that others experience around that. "Oh someone might be offended," or, "that would be too awkward," has held me back multiple times and it's a bummer.
    Ok, you remind me a little of a classmate of mine. Something I tend to disagree on with him are our methods regarding conflict. Just a quick fortune telling guess btw; I think you would be sufficiently capable of standing up for yourself in order to get harassers off your back (although in a somewhat stiffer and frustrated way than through direct force), would be quite conscientious, especially about the logic behind reasoning. But you would view yourself as less ideologically inclined and more subdued, “ordinary” (as annoying as that may sound).

    In case you don’t agree with my prediction, that’s fine. Please also state the parts of it you disagree with if they’re present. I would also like to know how you feel about yourself when’s you are at your best, in your happiest, most satisfied mood. How does your worldview look like in such a setting? What qualities of yourself are you the most grateful for then?

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    In terms of your prediction I think you're fairly spot on, but I'm definitely not subdued or ordinary and am in fact one of the strangest people in my social circle. My inclination for ideology goes up and down over time, I'm deeply attracted to them but find myself ejecting once I get more deeply involved (partially because I get sick of the internal politics of the ideology, partially because I get hesitant about making connections with people within the ideology).

    My best state is my Spiritual State. That's, for example, the time that I put myself into a trance, went on a hike, and "met" the Angel of Death. The time I took peyote. When I'm casting chaos magic. Stuff like that.

    The traits I have in that space are: a full buy in with the universe, as opposed to a sense of nihilism or solipsism, an acceptance for myself and for the world, totally living in the moment, and absolute confidence in myself.

  9. #89
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    Probably IEE or ILE imo. IEE seems to be best best, you seem somewhat emotive.
    If you're a 5, I could see why that could make you come off as less emotive to others.

  10. #90

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    Quote Originally Posted by DonutTaganes View Post
    In terms of your prediction I think you're fairly spot on, but I'm definitely not subdued or ordinary and am in fact one of the strangest people in my social circle. My inclination for ideology goes up and down over time, I'm deeply attracted to them but find myself ejecting once I get more deeply involved (partially because I get sick of the internal politics of the ideology, partially because I get hesitant about making connections with people within the ideology).

    My best state is my Spiritual State. That's, for example, the time that I put myself into a trance, went on a hike, and "met" the Angel of Death. The time I took peyote. When I'm casting chaos magic. Stuff like that.

    The traits I have in that space are: a full buy in with the universe, as opposed to a sense of nihilism or solipsism, an acceptance for myself and for the world, totally living in the moment, and absolute confidence in myself.
    Yeah, I think you’re definitely an Ne-ego. Like queentiger said, I think it is really between ILE and IEE. I would think of ILE a bit more possible however. I think that Aristocratic/Democratic could possible answer this question for you.

    How do you view people in general? Do you tend to categorize them in their lifestyles/cognition/ideology or however you see them/yourself as different? A tendency to generalize people into groups. Or rather see them as individuals making individual choices/lifestyles/ideologies for themselves without being really divided in groups? A tendency to focus on the difference between individuals rather than focusing on the commonalities between people within a certain spectrum.

    I for one, tend to divide people into Se or Si- valuing for myself, especially if it is about judging certain mindsets/behaviors. Or into winners/losers in life for example, basing that assumption on a generalization of psychological features rather than necessary results or achievements. I would say that such a tendency in myself is probably more correlated with the Aristocratic view on the world than the Democratic one.

  11. #91

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    If the question is IEE vs ILE then ILE is no question in terms of 1D Ti vs 1D Fi.

  12. #92

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    Quote Originally Posted by DonutTaganes View Post
    If the question is IEE vs ILE then ILE is no question in terms of 1D Ti vs 1D Fi.
    Yeah, Alpha NT for sure. I have seen you mention not having a negative relationship with certain “functions” in terms of PoLR. Don’t forget that it is possible that you have created a pseudo-IE to fill in the gap of your PoLR. It is quite common if you are required to use that function often. I would say your type is ILE. If you have a doubt about it fitting you, LII-Ne would be a second option for you. But that’s more up to you or more experienced “typologists” on this is forum.

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