intuition is one of useful info, one of thinking ways, - for anything. if you take it into account, besides other functions, - you may get better results as use more of info. though strong functions give higher quality, to use weaker ones good is harder but possibly with a training

you may construct a plan based on concrete logical analysis, but also you may "feel" where are risky places and work them with more efforts. you may feel outcomes of the processes which are not evident, to feel which outcomes are more possibly to be. to use other intuitive ways of making decisions and understanding of the world

N types have more of conscious attention on imagination and intuitive feelings. better in using them for results

you may choose what product to buy by logical comparision. also you may use "feelings" to what model to trust more
this mb useful, but may lead to worse choices also
anyway, N type will take such impressions more seriously and will use them more for the decisions

N types better deal with abstractions and imagination, in general. for example, better in mathematics and theoretical researches. better in writing of sci-fi in the sense of new technologies and more complex texts

etc banal info you may read anywhere