Quote Originally Posted by Blackberry View Post
Serious question... Intuitives are able to see hidden potential of stuff (Ne) and how stuff is going to develop in the future (Ni)... I think most of this process happens automatically and subconsciously. The question is...if they are able to see this kind of stuff, why a lot or most seem not able to do something about it? Is it for lack of Sensing? I think that often a lot of the "problems" I have are fault of me not being able to forecast and see stuff through Ne/Ni. But then I see N ppl and often they seem unable to do something with the "knowledge" they get from their insights. Often they just get stressed out or simply discouraged. So, I'd like to ask intuitives if they feel like their intuition helps them in some practical way (I mean if they have been able to use their insights to get some tangible benefit).

I think together N and S compliment each other ideally and would get worthy results if working together, but often also I see ppl don't listen to each other so instead of compliment each other they just clash (probably due ego, unhealthiness, lack of respect and miscommunication and misundestanding -different elements-). Do you think there's a solution? Realistically and not romantically, do you think there's a solution?
I like to say I'm blind, but I'm not deaf. And it's not in the physical meanings, this is esoteric BS.

Intuition helps me make funny jokes at the right time, and also suddenly pull out the answer to my code problems (CS major) from the infinite void of possible answers. Also allows me to make good music.

Sadly, for every good pick, there's a number x of horrendous bad picks. I haven't done statistical analysis on success rate, cause I don't have the info on it, but, I did somehow pull number one on the stock market game for 1 day. Then I got really scared when I started losing money, and made bad deals. Why I have yet to do the stock market today, even though I'd probably do okay short term, but long term, I'd even out as information changed, if I didn't make mistakes like panic on day 2 when the market goes through a micro crunch.

Good news is with concrete logical frameworks and effort, I can fix everything and get less wrong answers.