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Thread: Member Questionnaire (MTNW)

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  1. #1
    Alomoes's Avatar
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    Dropping the a in aesthetics confuses me.

    Still this could go a lot of ways. This could be a weak LIE, I was and am in a similar position, but dealing with it.

    Solution is to probably reevaluate your life and priorities.

    Fun fact, an extrovert in a place that doesn't like what they're going to say for whatever reason will look like an introvert.

    So I see Si polr in the part with bumping around into things. That's worse than me though. I usually go and eat too much or too little and then mother nature takes it's course in a couple weeks.

    If you are LIE, I suggest figuring it out. You mention saying I don't know a lot, that's okay, but it's better knowing. Also, if you're LIE, ignore health except for what you read on the internet that makes sense. Like excercise lowering risk of stroke. Good luck following through though. I don't really. I really don't know how to help you other than keep on keeping on, and you'll be fine. Still don't know how to be excellent though, so don't ask about that.

    This could be something else I don't know much about, like LSE or EIE. If you're EIE, good luck, I don't know. If you're LSE, I'm sure you'd not be having this problem.

    If you're Fi based, ESI or SEE or something, also don't know. Probably not Ne based.

    I will say IEI is possible. I wouldn't know. From your content you seem like a feeler.

    What is unlikely is logical sensor of any kind. They're usually kind of callous, and I don't see that here.

    So yeah. You'll have to respond to this with answers to my questions for me to know. Anne Frank is nice though I haven't read it. I saw a play about it. Might go and read it, but probably not. Books and me have been disagreeing lately. Ironic considering the amount I write.


    Alpha is possible, Beta is possible, Gamma is possible, and Delta is possible. If Delta, ENFp is the bet.

    If Gamma, SEE or ESI is the bet.

    If Beta, IEI is the bet, but also EIE.

    If Alpha, any, but prossibly ESE or SEI. I don't know how much about LII and and ILE other than they have Si values. They're likely as well.

    I'd like to say you got the Fi, and not the Ne, so Gamma, but I'll wait for a response.
    Last edited by Alomoes; 05-12-2019 at 02:33 AM.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    So yeah. You'll have to respond to this with answers to my questions for me to know.
    Okay, any specific questions in particular?

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