Quote Originally Posted by Irime View Post
What do you mean? I've noticed this in Fi-doms (mainly ESIs, I don't know a lot of EIIs, so I think their weak intuition is also a factor) but more often the opposite. Instead of trying to do something by figuring it by themselves, they will seek some 'expert' to explain everything (even if it means they will waste time) which is basically this:

Things I noticed:
- they find someone knowledgeable and using their Fi they build a relationship with that person, building a dependence system (which for me as a non Fi-valuer is a little uncomfortable and just... ugh)
- they will do it with a lot of people constructing a whole network of people whom they can pester about anything Te related
- in the academic setting they will complain about professors whom they deem untrustworthy and unprofessional because that one time they didn't have that one piece of information, were unavailable or for some other reason didn't want to share their knowledge
- unwilling to figure out a problem by themselves, they prefer when the solution is presented to them, like "No, I'm not even looking at this exercise, I have to ask the teacher what to do". Then they will analyse the solution and always follow it unless confronted with an exception which causes them to freak out (I think it's normative Ti)
- they prefer know-how to know-why. Once I was tutoring one ESI and all my Ti attempts at explaining the problem failed. He just wanted to know what to do
- weak at differentiating more and less useful pieces of information e.g. when learning a language they may buy a ton of books and using all of them instead of one or two good with a good studying plan. They will learn, but it will take longer (unless they become discouraged and abandon it)
- when solving a problem they may apply too much precision which often adds a ton of unnecessary work like using a caliper instead of a ruler
right, should have caught advice first on instructions lol

in wanting to know what to do dii jump in and do it without fully having read instructions