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Thread: Social mission of IEIs

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli View Post
    IEIs are creators of narratives. This means they are natural actors (generally more Fe) and artists (generally more Ni subtypey). Diplomacy and tact are tools (Fi) used for end's means (Se Ti). All good at drawing you in for a cause, if they wish to do so. The cause could be for the good of humanity or it could be a purely selfish one. Good at garnering sympathy. Realizing individual potential and being fanatically altruistic is generally more of a Delta NF thing, I feel. Both EIEs and IEIs are good at creating images to support their narratives. EIEs profess more the "mover and shaker" aspect and IEIs a more passive existence, carving out and refining their narrative over time. More intellectual IEIs resemble ILIs in the seer/oracle/predictors of da Way faucet. It's kind of sad because most IEIs IRL I've met are kind of shallow/unstable (Fe) or too inert to realize their full potential (Ni), I suppose their duals help in this aspect.

    edit: realizing the "beauty of existence" and "inspirer" is a role that can be applied to all 4 NFs, all in a slightly different way. Likewise STs are in theory the most adept executioners of visions.

    Vitality- EIE
    Muse- IEI
    Idealism- EII
    Potential- IEE
    I've changed my typing from INFp to ENFp now, and looking back all those questions make a lot of sense to me. I'm all about altruistic idealism and potential for self-fulfillment.
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Maybe IEIs see the patterns of past and future in order to direct humanity to a noble purpose.

    Sometimes this is as simple as helping your company make a better mission and vision statement, or helping your friend realize his recurring negative behaviors.
    I think IEIs' social mission is also tied with their polr. I know all about the self-loathing of IEIs regarding their Te but IEIs are IEIs because they don't focus on what is factual, practical and efficient. IEIs help us focus on things that actually contributes to the growth of humanity, which are mostly intangible and couldn't be quantified. Without vision and calling, people wouldn't be mobilized.
    I relate to this a lot. Growing up I always thought I needed some kind of big "mission" of some kind. I wanted to help people, make a big difference in people's lives. & I felt a lot of pressure to turn my natural empathy into a practical profession. Like being a teacher or a nurse. But whenever I pursued those careers, I got frustrated with the weight of dealing with bureaucracies, administrations, or finances over humanity.

    One of the things I came to realize was that you don't have to have your identity wrapped up in any kind of "save the world" manifesto. You can make a difference just by helping the people you know, by reminding people of what really matters, acting with kindness and understanding, setting a good example, and doing the things that make you and your loved ones happy. & those seemingly small acts reverberate outward exponentially. We often have a larger influence on others than we think we do.

    I think about that story about the boy on the beach covered in starfish, throwing them back into the sea one by one while the old man watching him tells him it doesn't matter. "It matters to this one, and this one, and this one..."
    ~we're just out here havin a good time~

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    Quote Originally Posted by megedy View Post
    One of the things I came to realize was that you don't have to have your identity wrapped up in any kind of "save the world" manifesto. You can make a difference just by helping the people you know, by reminding people of what really matters, acting with kindness and understanding, setting a good example, and doing the things that make you and your loved ones happy. & those seemingly small acts reverberate outward exponentially. We often have a larger influence on others than we think we do.

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  5. #85
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    I personally have never been a "save the world" type of person. What does it even mean to "save the world"? We are facets of a process. We don't stand outside, inside, or alongside the "process" and thus cannot impact it. We are the process.
    Idealism is a game with no end. It is an onion with infinite layers and idealists see no end to their pursuits. They just keep peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling, and peeling...
    Once they get to where they are going they find another thing that isn't perfect, and if they could perfect everything they would find a way to lose it all to start over. Those who realize they are in for an endless game of "never quite getting there" settle for fixed attainable goals instead. They say, "And when we get there just around the bend, we'll finally settle and be alright!" There are two things here: They either are pulling the wool over their own eyes so as to continue their idealistic game to get high on it, or they are being genuine and don't realize a simpler way. The simpler way being: if you realize you can adjust the conditions under which the idealism game works (the rules, the start and finish line, the opponents, and whatever) you can set the conditions right at your feet and attain that perfection in an instant. Then it's done. The utter perfection is reached.

    And what could we even save anyways? We came from "nothing" and when the universe is done jacking off, it will just fold back up again. Nothing you could chase could possibly even last, well maybe for your lifetime, but what about those ripples we want to leave behind us when we die? Our progeny will chase the ripples, and their progeny will chase, and so on. Then one day it will end regardless of whether the imagined finish line was reached or not.
    And all we are is just a constant flux of matter. The matter that comprises your body was once comprising something else, and is under constant potential to move on to another form. Everything around us is just as much "life" as we are. even rocks, though they are some really dumb motherfuckers honestly. We think we are hot shit because we are so complex and intelligent compared to everything else. pffffft! Haha! We wish! We are just as much a facet of our environment as every tree and the ground we walk on. It's all particles being blown around in the wind and sometimes great things happen for a while, like tornados, or dogs chasing their own tails, haha! Then it stops.

    So yeah, such idealism is actually for stinkers (jk jk)

    All I do with my life is sit on the sidelines, participate when prompted, and cheer for people when they score their goals.

    Lol sorry for the spiel it just sorta came out like that.

  6. #86
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    Consequence/prediction of material events is something I associate more with ILIs. People who are bad at it might call it “seeing into the future.” High logic allows them to categorize material events onto a systematic map that can be recalled. The world is just one large, cruel, uncaring system, after all. Likewise rigid idealistic values relating to individual morality, in a persistent unshakeable way is more suited to IJ temperament and therefore EII. For a type mission, anyway. Individual mission can be whatever you want. However, I find Fe creatives to have on average high empathy (not kindness, mind you) due to unwillingly being liable to the emotions of others. Even bitchy IEIs are a thousand times “nicer” than me simply because they think of people and have them in the front of their heads more. For split subtype at least.

    edit: “traversing the axis of time” is cool and all and certainly an aspect of Ni. But in a lot of the real life Ni doms this aspect is quite toned down and more of a hidden well to be drawn from when the need arises than something I think a lot of them can actively tap into at will. Almost an imperceptible skill. Doesn't lend itself well to verbalization unless those skills are sharpened. But when the ability to tune into Ni and communicate it is developed, that's where the All Knowing Ni Seer is unlocked and bestows their Ni-whiz unto Earth.

    IEI social mission is possibly the most abstract and difficult to conceptualize in terms of tangible impact. So I feel for them, bro.
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 02-05-2021 at 08:34 PM.

  7. #87
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    I can not see anything wrong by saying "personal comatose cheerleader". So I think it is their personal duty to latch on energetic gogetter who gets serious depressive episodes because no one tells the gogetter how much he can do and admire his muscles (even if non existent).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    E9 is very common for IEI, I don't think enneagram explains it. Also I don't think 7 would be typical for an SLI at all. Typical 7s are Ne leads or SEEs.
    I know e7 is not typical of SLI. I have only seen them as 9,6 and possibly 5.

    I am 100 % iei- as I already said.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by BethanyR View Post
    Off the top of my head..being an annoying reminder to people (through example or discussion) that they should be less selfish, and should think about how their behaviour or words affect other people- (their feelings or stress levels.) Keeping people in check..trying to reduce the dog eat dog mentality of the world. Trying to reduce the tit for tat mentality of the world which can so quickly spiral out of control into much pain and many more problems. Trying to stop people spreading hate and anger.

    At the same time..encouraging people to talk about their problems and concerns and listening to them, trying to empathise.

    Sticking up for vulnerable, unprivileged people...or those who are struggling or whose problems are going unnoticed.

    Showing love and care to people who show it to me..(not because they do it to me, but because it’s important for people to feel that their love is valued) and for people to bring out the love and happiness in each other..and being a caring friend and respectful colleague.
    I agree with @Northstar that this sounds a bit more like Fi. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you are Fi ego, and my knowledge of socionics is imperfect anyways.

    It very well may be the case that you are just a more compassionate person than one would expect!

    I remember I used to feel absolutely certain I was ILI, but I learned the hard way that I am not! I have a pal who also self-typed as ILI and at some point we made an arrangement to move in together and work on one of his startup business ideas. It involved learning how to code and program and euuugh... other techy businessy stuff. I just couldn't do it. SO SO SO much Te involved and I fell apart instantly. I also learned through that that he is actually LIE (he didn't really care since he didn't ever care about typology much), so I got to learn first hand what it was like to live with a supervisor who sort of subconsciously thought I was some semi-dual/mirror hybrid to him. We are fortunately still on good terms, but we are not anywhere near as close as before (which is honestly okay).

    My point is that IF (big phat IF) you are not IEI then you will find out sooner or later and there is no reason to think you are not IEI unless something like that happens, but entertaining a moderate degree of open-mindedness about type could potentially save you some stress.

  10. #90
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    "save the world" type people has always felt like a really authoritative Delta thing to me. I kind of loathe things like that. I think if you want to help things it starts more with your inner circle and cleansing that only- not dictating to the rest of the world how to behave. There is almost always an urge for power and dominace not "help" - with the helpers. Even in my state, they call it 'mental health authority' which is very problematic to me- and it's really a whole slew of Deltas that are attracted in positions like that, I believe. I don't think we should ever refer to somebody's mental health and authority in the same sentence- it drives people away from help that might really need it. I would say that in this sense, systems like these needs to be destroyed by Beta's fire and then built up back up etc.

    I was always treated better by 'dark evil' people anyway then by people obnoxiously "good" like that. All they wanted to do was try to imprison me for made-up crap that never happened so they could look 'superior.' Ew. It's the worst kind of evil to me really.

    Though OTOH I mean do I enjoy murder, rape, real abuse, punching a baby in the face? Of course not. That kinda stuff is kinda like the same stuff as the other stuff but just in a reverse way, two sides of the same coin type deal- so it annoys me too. That draws a line to me and isn't really what Beta is about- although I think if a Beta is immoral like that it's probably the most "obvious" and easiest to spot. Doesn't really mean Beta itself is evil to me. I'm not really against physical violence or Se justice though if the person deserves it.

    So nah, I don't like sadistic assholes either really - although ime people who are too 'over the top' sadistic are often more Gamma than Beta. Beta is just the right mean-ness for me really.... and I'm still proud to be part of the Beta quadra even though we are scapegoated/misunderstood- I kinda even like that in a sense. Makes me feel like we always know what we're talking about the best but every person should be proud of what quadra they are in and not have self-loathing. I think I am tired of insulting myself to try and cajole assholes who would never like me anyway- so I am making a personal vow to not do that anymore. A LSI on here that I like a lot (they know who they are) taught me that I didn't have to lower myself to make my point despite being a "victim" type.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    "save the world" type people has always felt like a really authoritative Delta thing to me. I kind of loathe things like that. I think if you want to help things it starts more with your inner circle and cleansing that only- not dictating to the rest of the world how to behave. There is almost always an urge for power and dominace not "help" - with the helpers. Even in my state, they call it 'mental health authority' which is very problematic to me- and it's really a whole slew of Deltas that are attracted in positions like that, I believe. I don't think we should ever refer to somebody's mental health and authority in the same sentence- it drives people away from help that might really need it. I would say that in this sense, systems like these needs to be destroyed by Beta's fire and then built up back up etc.

    I was always treated better by 'dark evil' people anyway then by people obnoxiously "good" like that. All they wanted to do was try to imprison me for made-up crap that never happened so they could look 'superior.' Ew. It's the worst kind of evil to me really.

    Though OTOH I mean do I enjoy murder, rape, real abuse, punching a baby in the face? Of course not. That kinda stuff is kinda like the same stuff as the other stuff but just in a reverse way, two sides of the same coin type deal- so it annoys me too. That draws a line to me and isn't really what Beta is about- although I think if a Beta is immoral like that it's probably the most "obvious" and easiest to spot. Doesn't really mean Beta itself is evil to me. I'm not really against physical violence or Se justice though if the person deserves it.

    So nah, I don't like sadistic assholes either really - although ime people who are too 'over the top' sadistic are often more Gamma than Beta. Beta is just the right mean-ness for me really.... and I'm still proud to be part of the Beta quadra even though we are scapegoated/misunderstood- I kinda even like that in a sense. Makes me feel like we always know what we're talking about the best but every person should be proud of what quadra they are in and not have self-loathing. I think I am tired of insulting myself to try and cajole assholes who would never like me anyway- so I am making a personal vow to not do that anymore. A LSI on here that I like a lot (they know who they are) taught me that I didn't have to lower myself to make my point despite being a "victim" type.
    For me, I view the structure and authority as ways to ensure life's essentials get to everybody without a lot of chaos or uncertainty. I'm also politically leftist, so that tempers my desire for authority somewhat, but I still like the idea of a nurturing well-planned society where life's ugly moments are taken care of and nobody does without life's necessities.

    I value order, efficiency, neatness, and pleasant surroundings, but very much struggle to create this myself. That's why I look for people who can help provide that, so long as its not being done is a prejudiced or bigoted way.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I was always treated better by 'dark evil' people anyway then by people obnoxiously "good" like that. All they wanted to do was try to imprison me for made-up crap that never happened so they could look 'superior.' Ew. It's the worst kind of evil to me really.
    What made these 'dark evil' people dark and evil?

  13. #93
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    I value order, efficiency, neatness, and pleasant surroundings, but very much struggle to create this myself. That's why I look for people who can help provide that, so long as its not being done is a prejudiced or bigoted way.
    tbh this sounds more like Te dual seeking to me. I value order somewhat- but not efficiency or neatness and I don't really even care much for pleasant surroundings if it's too pleasant. One time I was hanging around a bunch of Deltas and they were like "whoa isn't it so beautiful out here?" And I'm like "This is boring. You're being boring." lol I like beauty but I also like it to be somewhat rough around the edges idk. If it's 'too neat' or Holy I probably won't like it.

    This doesn't mean I condone ppl doing 'evil' things either but Delta's idea of a nice world feels like Hell to me in many ways.

    What made these 'dark evil' people dark and evil?

    Drug abuse mostly. And I think they didn't really fit in well to the confines of a Te system (like me).

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
    I agree with @Northstar that this sounds a bit more like Fi. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you are Fi ego, and my knowledge of socionics is imperfect anyways.

    It very well may be the case that you are just a more compassionate person than one would expect!

    I remember I used to feel absolutely certain I was ILI, but I learned the hard way that I am not! I have a pal who also self-typed as ILI and at some point we made an arrangement to move in together and work on one of his startup business ideas. It involved learning how to code and program and euuugh... other techy businessy stuff. I just couldn't do it. SO SO SO much Te involved and I fell apart instantly. I also learned through that that he is actually LIE (he didn't really care since he didn't ever care about typology much), so I got to learn first hand what it was like to live with a supervisor who sort of subconsciously thought I was some semi-dual/mirror hybrid to him. We are fortunately still on good terms, but we are not anywhere near as close as before (which is honestly okay).

    My point is that IF (big phat IF) you are not IEI then you will find out sooner or later and there is no reason to think you are not IEI unless something like that happens, but entertaining a moderate degree of open-mindedness about type could potentially save you some stress.

    I think there was a part of me (when writing my original post) that wanted to tell’s ok to want to be a good person. Or to see yourself as a good person. IEIs can be vulnerable people (in more ways than one) and I think a lot of them will be sad to read comments on this forum that might sound quite negative about them/ their approach to life. I mean the forum in general..

    of course, it’s best not to take random comments to heart..(all types can be good people, goodness is not about type..discussion about typology is tricky by its nature etc) and it’s ok to be bad sometimes of course! Haha. But I think it will happen that people get a bit upset and maybe down on themselves after reading about typology.

    I’m also not trying to advocate that one should try to be a good person at the cost of their own happiness. IEIs should follow their hearts to find out what they truly care about..and also make sure they ask for lots of help along the way (and yes, one shouldn’t feel pressured to do a job that involves helping people)

    Also, I am actually trying to embrace my ‘bad side’ more. This mainly takes the form of being more assertive, maybe even a little manipulative, and not being so accommodating/ not letting people walk over me..or be so dependent on them. It feels good. I used to feel so attached to people..I think I would get quite bad anxiety when I went a while without speaking to them. But I wasn’t really conscious of the anxiety..I guess it was a sort of neediness. I am starting to feel more calm and self assured.

    I think I will be a better friend for it too.

    I’m not sure what my point is. I’m not confident talking in terms of ‘fi’ or ‘fe’.

    I just think it’s ok to want to help can bring a lot of joy and confidence- just make sure you get help back from somewhere..if you need it.

    this is all coming from a person who has not had an easy life, by any definition.

    Again, I’m sure of my type.

    edit: I'm not sure if I'm comfortable writing the lines 'I'm not trying to advocate that one should try to be a good person at the cost of their own happiness.' Some people can't help but put others before themselves and some people are the opposite. The latter need to learn to be better people- to notice and care about the people who are not as fortunate or self-interested as themselves.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 03-22-2021 at 10:12 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post
    I agree with @Northstar that this sounds a bit more like Fi. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you are Fi ego, and my knowledge of socionics is imperfect anyways.

    It very well may be the case that you are just a more compassionate person than one would expect!

    I remember I used to feel absolutely certain I was ILI, but I learned the hard way that I am not! I have a pal who also self-typed as ILI and at some point we made an arrangement to move in together and work on one of his startup business ideas. It involved learning how to code and program and euuugh... other techy businessy stuff. I just couldn't do it. SO SO SO much Te involved and I fell apart instantly. I also learned through that that he is actually LIE (he didn't really care since he didn't ever care about typology much), so I got to learn first hand what it was like to live with a supervisor who sort of subconsciously thought I was some semi-dual/mirror hybrid to him. We are fortunately still on good terms, but we are not anywhere near as close as before (which is honestly okay).

    My point is that IF (big phat IF) you are not IEI then you will find out sooner or later and there is no reason to think you are not IEI unless something like that happens, but entertaining a moderate degree of open-mindedness about type could potentially save you some stress.
    Your story sounds like typical supervision story. Not that I experienced kindred confusion really but man when people beat you you with your PoLR you are outta luck. It is like "what is dis stuff you feed down my throat?" kind of thingy I thought you were cool.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    Interesting. I could see it.
    I often wondered what I could bring to my dual except being an "expensive pet" they help care for and maintain.
    I have an LSE buddy whose wife threatened to leave him if he didn't shape up. He came over to my house in an absolute panic. He looked like his life was ending. I simply told him to shape up. I guess he did, because they are still married.

    I think that an LSE would give his last dime to keep around the person who actually loves him. Because, really, who else would? The only time an LSE is a wanted man is when his picture is posted in the Post Office.

    Now, I like my friend. But he has all the foresight of a brick. An EII could diplomatically help him with that.

    Here is LSE Johnny Cash playing a duet with ESI Bob Dylan, when Cash's wife, June, steps in and steers the bull back in the direction he should be going.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    tbh this sounds more like Te dual seeking to me. I value order somewhat- but not efficiency or neatness and I don't really even care much for pleasant surroundings if it's too pleasant. One time I was hanging around a bunch of Deltas and they were like "whoa isn't it so beautiful out here?" And I'm like "This is boring. You're being boring." lol I like beauty but I also like it to be somewhat rough around the edges idk. If it's 'too neat' or Holy I probably won't like it.

    This doesn't mean I condone ppl doing 'evil' things either but Delta's idea of a nice world feels like Hell to me in many ways.

    Drug abuse mostly. And I think they didn't really fit in well to the confines of a Te system (like me).

    I guess since you value Se, you like adventure and chaos?

    I know I'd like to enforce my ethics on the community to make it better, and that always seemed like a very Se thing to do.

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    I guess since you value Se, you like adventure and chaos?
    Somewhat yeah. I like to take little trips and explore I'm not sure how 'adventurous' that is. And I am comfortable with a certain amount of chaos I don't need everybody to get along like my ILE friend does. ((Obviously that is preferable but seems unrealistic and really hard to maintain.)) I understand and accept sometimes people aren't just going to get along.

    I know I'd like to enforce my ethics on the community to make it better, and that always seemed like a very Se thing to do.

    "Enforcing ethics" sounds much more Fi than Se.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I have an LSE buddy whose wife threatened to leave him if he didn't shape up. He came over to my house in an absolute panic. He looked like his life was ending. I simply told him to shape up. I guess he did, because they are still married.

    I think that an LSE would give his last dime to keep around the person who actually loves him. Because, really, who else would? The only time an LSE is a wanted man is when his picture is posted in the Post Office.

    Now, I like my friend. But he has all the foresight of a brick. An EII could diplomatically help him with that.

    Here is LSE Johnny Cash playing a duet with ESI Bob Dylan, when Cash's wife, June, steps in and steers the bull back in the direction he should be going.

    I loved that song.

    While I'm a man, and more-than-likely asexual, I feel like I'd play the more traditionally feminine role in a relationship in a lot of ways. I've had students point-blank ask me if I'm gay in class, and I tell them no, which is true, but I don't really think I'm straight, either. My LSE mother thinks I'm a "genderless blob", and while she does a lot to help me, she doesn't like that I'm not traditionally masculine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    Somewhat yeah. I like to take little trips and explore I'm not sure how 'adventurous' that is. And I am comfortable with a certain amount of chaos I don't need everybody to get along like my ILE friend does. ((Obviously that is preferable but seems unrealistic and really hard to maintain.)) I understand and accept sometimes people aren't just going to get along.

    "Enforcing ethics" sounds much more Fi than Se.
    I like trips and exploring, as well, but you seem to want something different out of it than I do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    I loved that song.

    While I'm a man, and more-than-likely asexual, I feel like I'd play the more traditionally feminine role in a relationship in a lot of ways. I've had students point-blank ask me if I'm gay in class, and I tell them no, which is true, but I don't really think I'm straight, either. My LSE mother thinks I'm a "genderless blob", and while she does a lot to help me, she doesn't like that I'm not traditionally masculine.
    I wouldn't worry about not appearing traditionally masculine. My mother was LSE and she wore the pants in the family, and my sister is LSE and she married an IEI (I know, Conflictors) because she looks like a man and he looks not traditionally masculine.

    A female LSE is going to want a guy like yourself.

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    Maybe she's more worried about how jerks are going to treat you in the world then 'ew my son isn't a real man!' - although I'm sorry if I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she doesn't deserve. But sometimes it's more that type of thing. If she's too warped in religion and anti-gay dogmatic teachings.... it can cloud her judgement even though in her heart that's what she really means.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Maybe she's more worried about how jerks are going to treat you in the world then 'ew my son isn't a real man!' - although I'm sorry if I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that she doesn't deserve. But sometimes it's more that type of thing. If she's too warped in religion and anti-gay dogmatic teachings.... it can cloud her judgement even though in her heart that's what she really means.
    I could see that, given how I was bullied and unable to hold a real job until my mom finally took pity on me and hired me herself. Working for my mom, I was finally able to scrape together enough money to move into my own house down the street from her. Its not a big house. Its 939 square feet, but it fits my needs as a single man.

    You hit the nail on the head with religion, though. She's a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness, and I think the other Jehovah's Witnesses are a bad influence on her. I would have been 5th generation, but I left as a teenager.

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    Really sorry about the bullying. I was bullied a lot too but you have to just immediately be cruel and jerk-ish to somebody back to ppl if they are being jerk-ish to you first. Don't be all sweet gay boi nice to somebody who doesn't deserve such kindness as of course that will just make the bullying even worse. "Terrorize those who try to terrorize you" is good real world life advice.

    She's a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness, and I think the other Jehovah's Witnesses are a bad influence on her. I would have been 5th generation, but I left as a teenager.
    Str8 moms can worry too much about what their 'Karen Knitting Klan' thinks of them rather then focus their relationship on their own family. I think it reminds me of that Mama's Family show I liked (way back in the 80s lol) where Vicki Lawrence's mom was all harsh and conservative/judgemental but at the end of the episode she's like 'can it you old fool!' and broke the cycle by refusing to be bigoted & close-minded like her mom. I mean it's idealistic but I do think it's healthy to stand up to your "friends" like that especially when you realize they are bullying and disrespecting a member of your own family.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    I could see that, given how I was bullied and unable to hold a real job until my mom finally took pity on me and hired me herself. Working for my mom, I was finally able to scrape together enough money to move into my own house down the street from her. Its not a big house. Its 939 square feet, but it fits my needs as a single man.

    You hit the nail on the head with religion, though. She's a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness, and I think the other Jehovah's Witnesses are a bad influence on her. I would have been 5th generation, but I left as a teenager.
    Hey, @The Internationale, I just wanted to say that you're doing better than I am with your houses at 939 square feet. Mine is 800 square feet if you don't count the basement, which is actually empty except for the utility stuff.

    I think I could actually be happy in a space of about 200 square feet, as long as I had some land I could walk around on.

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    Nothing. All they do is eat hot chip, post on onlyFans and die
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hey, @The Internationale, I just wanted to say that you're doing better than I am with your houses at 939 square feet. Mine is 800 square feet if you don't count the basement, which is actually empty except for the utility stuff.

    I think I could actually be happy in a space of about 200 square feet, as long as I had some land I could walk around on.
    Yeah, I don't need anything bigger. If anything, if I have somebody who wanted to move in with me, I'd just build a carport in my backyard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    I guess since you value Se, you like adventure and chaos?

    I know I'd like to enforce my ethics on the community to make it better, and that always seemed like a very Se thing to do.
    "enforce ethics" is a Fi+Fe job. As a high F type, you've already got what you need to do your job well. But try not to overdo it on a gamma type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    I am good at moralizing at people, but sometimes people resist me, and my attempts to apply pressure on people to do the right thing if/when people resist me, tends to get chuckles and laughs.
    People resist you is pretty normal, no two people are the same, so just move on. Not all people want the same thing like you do, like this:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    People resist you is pretty normal, no two people are the same, so just move on. Not all people want the same thing like you do, like this:

    I won't ignore evildoers. I'll find someway to get them to straighten up.
    I just usually have to end up solving the problem indirectly.

    "You will either do what's right or I'll cause problems for you."

    I try to be the voice for the voiceless and stamp out injustice wherever I find it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    I won't ignore evildoers. I'll find someway to get them to straighten up.
    I just usually have to end up solving the problem indirectly.

    "You will either do what's right or I'll cause problems for you."

    I try to be the voice for the voiceless and stamp out injustice wherever I find it.
    This is why your dual is LSE and your conflictor is SLE. And people laugh at you because they know you are making threats while being a weakling.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    This is why your dual is LSE and your conflictor is SLE. And people laugh at you because they know you are making threats while being a weakling.
    I can kind of see your point here: EII is like a courtroom judge, and LSE is like a courtroom bailiff. Acting alone, I end up having to try to fill both roles, and trying to do both can seem comical to onlookers. I can usually find an LSE in the area amiable to my cause within a day or so, and they can apply the force/pressure I failed to apply, but sometimes, I end up just needing to talk to people and try to turn public opinion against the wrong-doer. That often eventually punishes the person in question.

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    EII/IEI/SEI (ESI somewhat) can all seem similar on the surface but I think in the sense of IEI vs EII- one wants Te and the other loathes it.

    EII always seemed like they wanted to suck up to Te authority and not question or challenge it whereas I would suck up to if I needed to for my own self-benefit but I would also clash/challenge with it more- they wanted to be included in the Te institution and I kinda just wanted to see the entire thing blown up. ((I mean not with anybody in it- just the Te itself destroyed.))

    Despite being shy/"victimy" and "nice" because I'm introverted, soft and kinda girl-ish (the way all IEI/SEI/EIIs kinda are) - I always liked provoking Te-ego authorities and not really coddling up to them. I also liked stuff that owned/made fun of the common Te perspective. I mean I was always considered more of a 'bad boy' than good boy really by the objective world but I do know how to play being a good boy if I really have to. Being a good person objectively always felt like a Te/Fi thing to me that I never followed or valued.

    But I mean generally speaking- all four of those types would have strong 'healing magic' as it were, which if you would look at it superficially can feel like "saving the world". I have been told how much I impressed some people that I nice to some people most people find awful and can't stand- and they 'don't know how I do this.' Although the person who told me this was probably an EIE that was bogged down working for IEEs.

    Healers: SEI/IEI/ESI/EII (ISFp/INFp/ISFj/INFj)
    Damage Dealers: LII/LSI/ILI/SLI (INTj/ISTj/INTp/ISTp)
    Hybrids/Bards/Utility Mages, Support misc. etc : ESE/EIE/SEE/IEE (ESFj/ENFj/ESFp/ENFp)

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    But I mean generally speaking- all four of those types would have strong 'healing magic' as it were, which if you would look at it superficially can feel like "saving the world". I have been told how much I impressed some people that I nice to some people most people find awful and can't stand- and they 'don't know how I do this.' Although the person who told me this was probably an EIE that was bogged down working for IEEs.

    Healers: SEI/IEI/ESI/EII (ISFp/INFp/ISFj/INFj)
    Damage Dealers: LII/LSI/ILI/SLI (INTj/ISTj/INTp/ISTp)
    Hybrids/Bards/Utility Mages, Support misc. etc : ESE/EIE/SEE/IEE (ESFj/ENFj/ESFp/ENFp)
    I like these a lot! (the labels and the groups)

    yea..there is more than one way to save the world

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    Interesting. I could see it.
    I often wondered what I could bring to my dual except being an "expensive pet" they help care for and maintain.
    Moral support and to uplift morale.

    Morale boost is also what IEI does. They share this role.

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    bring coffee to another wannabe world conqueror and all money taker

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    Hum the social mission of an IEI at work was to knock the other IEI out of the organization. Some IEI find themselves not interested in doing this and would rather show up to work and get along and be friendly.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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