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Thread: VI video! I'm not sure-EII or IEE

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    Disbelief Jung
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    Quote Originally Posted by COVID 007 View Post
    ESE's are emotive. Yup. They are probably more driven to drive atmosphere whereas IEE's reflect on atmosphere on individual basis more. In this sense it applies. Obviously this cannot be seen from the vids.
    It is supposedly observable from very first stances. I find it actually useful for distinguishing between types and VI from ppl you know little.

    Constructivists: "I try to reduce emotional contact. I always start with a set of automatic responses (give slippers, pour some tea or coffee...)" "It is so much easier to come into contact over some objective matter (interaction by pertaining to the matter at hand)" "I prefer when people offer me concrete solutions to my problems—it is better than consolations" "If I wish to help, then of course by action. Very rarely I call just to inquire how things are going. I track moods in parallel"

    Emotivist: "First of all, I attempt to create a comfortable psychological atmosphere. I try to direct new people into the situation, "build bridges", help them "accommodate" so that they feel at ease" "I strike up new contacts with words, not actions" "Before a dialogue I as if check the emotional states of people involved and try to positively orient them" "It's easier to change the emotional background" "I can talk about various things that I don't believe in or have no interest in simply "for the spirit" of the conversation" "I need new experiences so I am likely to visit a new place. If I return, then I return to a place where "the road has changed" since I last visited"

    Ofc ethics still ethics, logicals the same. It doesn't mean logics magically change into ethicals or the opposite, I think is more about in what types direct their energy and how they make contact with the world and others. I think Logical types that are emotivists focus more on the emotional atmosphere in interactions than giving importance to topics. Topics, information etc, are more like an are in second place.
    A good example could be just to observe how forum users make contact and what they prioritize in, for example think in how interact emotivists like Adam, Sol, North, etc its obvious that for them, is more important to build up bridges to ppl than stick to theory.

    Examples of concrete types would be N9L, Ashlesha, ExEs (who are often absent little participative despite being Fe), and in this case in point, User123, who came with the reason of being typed and and limits her emotive contact/interaction with ppl. Constructivist base most of their interactions in that much or how little is someone/something constructive. They often try to be constructed or give it to others and not so much by the level of emotivity in their relations.

    Last edited by Faith; 05-29-2020 at 02:04 AM.

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