Quote Originally Posted by Kray View Post
Thank you much for providing an explanation, you make a pretty good point.

Also sorry for the confusion. I was moreso referring to mbti ISTP (which would align "better" with LSI I suppose). I realize mbti and socionics are definitely not equivalents by any means, especially with the definitions of the cognitive functions and information elements differing the way they do, however based upon what I have read so far, IE Ne and CF Ne seem to be very similar in definition and focus, so I thought it would be worth mentioning.
According to model g, we all act like our supervisee when we are in our element. Supervisee's social mission block is supervisor's self-affirmation block, so it make sense that you appear to be LSI(Ti+Si) on some occasions according to model g. (See: https://www.the16types.info/vbulleti...VICTOR-GULENKO)

Edit: Based on the content and VI of your video, I don't think that your Ne is invisible. Do you think that your Ne is weak?