I know several istps that are outgoing. I think when they 1st meet people they try to size them up to figure what they are all about. I use to work along side one and we use to talk and joke about observations of people and situations all day long( we worked in a job that we had to deal with people all day long. We thought along similar lines so we come up with the same conclusions alot on things. I work with a guy now thats an istp and he is real outgoing.I had a roommate when i was in the military that was an istp and he was real outgoing and outspoken. They are very well liked and popular and respected among everyone one. They are also physically dominate and can be intimidating if the situtation calls for it but are not bullies like the esfp or estp can be at times especially during childhood.(esfp's are more hot tempered ,estps are more calculating from what i observed from my circle of friends and family and acquaintances) Many of the outgoing ones are very outspoken types also i notice. I noticed they are very intuned to people's feelings also. They are also very compassionite people. You can see that it is from their heart. Istp's like to joke around laugh and like people to joke around aslo. I think a lot depends if they grew up in a large family or and around lot of people during early childhood that determimes their outgoingness.