Quote Originally Posted by electric
The only thing I'm nervous about ENFps is their ability to change their entire life plan in a matter of days sometimes hours, leading me to think they didn't really think it through.
I was just in the shower thinking about this. The ISTp's i know that are my age also seem a little scattered about their life plans.

For instance the ISTp friend of mine told me yesterday that he might move into a granny flat on the river, then he said a bit later he wanted to move out with his friend up in the hills. Then i mentioned to him i wouldn't mind living in England and he said "lets do it". I looked at his wall and he had a do to list and one of his items was "move to tasmania"

Another ISTp girl i talked to on the net said she wanted to move to the south of france and live there. About a month later she moved to Fiji following this guy she likes. I dont know if Fiji would be a good place to live atm though

So i dunno ISTp's also seem a little restless too