tbh you are right, I shouldn't have assumed that you knew the following and therefore it's not a weird response at all.

By the time of the 11th century, usury was completely outlawed in Christendom, and Christians who practiced usury or supported it were excommunicated. At this time usury did not mean "with excessive interest", as it was later redefined, and was simply the process of lending money with interest for commercial gain, which was considered antithetical to the Christian idea of charity. The only people in all Christendom who were able to loan money for interest were Jews, which is why the Christian authorities kept Jews around so that they could raise cash quickly. Jews were often persecuted and you can find lots of records of their loans being wiped by Kings and pogroms arising because Christians felt hard done by from interest rates.

Over time the rules because relaxed and usury was redefined to add excessive measures, to the point that now our entire economic life revolves around loans and debt and interest, and we pay taxes to pay the interest on the debt we owe banks and pay extra interest on our mortages, car loans, overdrafts etc, which by the way - if not excessive by modern standards - certainly would be considered excessive interest by medieval and premedieval standards.

Well ok, maybe you like usury. Maybe I like usury. Anyway it's not illegal. And it's much less sinful than it used to be, because over time its definition was changed, until now usury dominates our society.

But you said homosexuality was the only sin that was redefined to no longer be a sin. You are of course correct that it is currently being redefined to be less sinful. But you're wrong that it's the only one. The other sin that was redefined was usury. And you don't even seem to know about it - because you had to google it, and hilariously and ironically arrived with the redefinition. Don't shoot the messenger man. Next time you go to church ask your pastor/vicar/priest/whatever about usury and see what they say. But it's a historical fact that usury was once very, very illegal, and very, very sinful, and now it has been redefined to be totally legal and hardly sinful at all.

And ok, that doesn't make you wrong about gays. But I think this situation is pretty weird.

All the powerful people, the people who own entire countries and run entire financial systems, you don't wanna mess with those people, even if what they're doing is sinful as hell. And remember that you can't serve God and mammon simultaneously. Anyway, those people - better not criticism them, better not learn about how sinful their activity is. If Christians in the Third World do get upset about it, you can always get the CIA to zap their testicles with a tractor battery! Why not, done it before.

But GAYS - Oh shit! Now that's some serious sin, yeah. But unlike bankers and the heads of FTSE 250 companies, gays are below you in the social strata. So it's ok to bully them lol. It's ok to point out their sinful behaviour and parallel their gay pride marches to pro murder parades. That's what pisses me off. Not the "homophobia", not the ignorance of what constitutes a sin and what doesn't, and not even the blatant hypocrisy. What pisses me off is you and all the other religious conservatives sided with the big powerful guys, ignored their sins, and instead turned on the little guys, the minorities, because they're lower than you and an easy target. You saw a difficult, powerful group of people sinning, and you saw a weak, downtrodden group of people sinning, and you chose to shit on the latter.

That's lame as fuck.