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Thread: Let's talk about Homophobia + Aristocracy and Democracy

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    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YXPR View Post
    Don't worry, you don't account for all betas and thank god for that.

    Spreading the idea that the "ACT" of homosexuality is unacceptable equals to saying that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to be living their life freely according to their sexual orientation.
    This also justifies all kind of repressions against homosexuals. Especially when you compare them to liars, cheaters and even murderers which are considered morally wrong in our society as they evoke distrust and danger. Do you consider homosexuality to be dangerous? Wouldn't that be homophobic?

    It seems that people are scared to be called homophobic but they don't mind actually being homophobic at all.

    Homophobia is way more dangerous for society than homosexuality is. See, people murder other people in the name of the "ACT" of homosexuality being unacceptable. Homosexuals don't seek to oppress anybody. They don't tell you how to live your life, they just want you to let them live theirs. As human being and as part of society they have the right to that.

    Also this victimization of people spreading hate speech is getting tiring. As somebody said (I don't remember who) Free Speech and Democracy isn't about 5 minutes for the Jews and 5 minutes for ******. Some ideas aim to persuade a category of the population that they are worth better than another one. That their lifestyle should be the only lifestyle allowed and that anything that is unlike them is wrong. This kind of ideas have lead to the most horrific events in human history. So no, these ideas should not have the same weight as the advocacy for the right of minorities to freely live their lives.
    Homosexuality has gotten a lot of attention over the past decade because it’s the only sin being redefined as not a sin.

    Imagine if embezzlers, murderers or rapists demanded that they be given protection - not punishment - by law because of their wrongful deeds? Or imagine that any of these people got together and paraded down Main Street in a ‘Murderers Pride Parade’? Most would gasp in amazement. Yet most embrace the notion that because someone engages in sex with a person of the same gender - and then chooses to broadcast that fact - they should be protected, even though God Almighty has forever denounced that practice and called it an abominable sin. Amazing!


    Christians (via doctrine) believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. When you force people to go against their beliefs/redefine them... that’s intolerance.

    When you condemn pastors and shut down churches because they don’t believe in homosexuality, that’s intolerance.

    When you force a Christian bakery to cater to a gay wedding, that’s intolerance.

    Outside religious doctrine, we can discuss philosophical/moralistic perspectives on whether it’s harmful if you want... But that'd be OUR opinions against each other. Christians use the Bible and God's word as the standard. With that being said, just because you aren’t directly harming someone doesn’t make it okay; not only that but you are also opening the floodgates and boundaries as to what is acceptable in the future.

    I’m not against freedom; people can do as they choose, we aren’t running around knocking doors down forcing guns to anyone’s heads telling them stop what they are doing lol. There are plenty of bakeries and places for gay people to get married. Just leave innocent people the fuck alone.

    And Ironically as a matter of fact, it’s actually the liberals and LGBT groups that have been trying to force their religion upon society.

    THEY are the ones:

    -Putting their movement on the front page of every major newspaper, in every phase of the entertainment industry, and in the schools.
    -insisting that they have special legal rights.
    -marching up and down the streets demanding that people accept and respect us

    How do you not see the hypocrisy?


    Nobody is saying one group of people is better or that one group should be hated, there’s no evidence of that. Sure, there may be stupid people that actually do claim hatred towards homosexuals (similar to KKK groups) but they don’t represent what’s actually being claimed.

    But more often than not,

    This perception exists because people lack the ability to see nuance and think deeply so it’s no wonder this ignorance grows rampant; people just get emotional and have already decided what they want to believe in their minds.
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 06-09-2019 at 10:10 PM.

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