Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
You are concluding without evidence. Bring examples and reasoning for why Socionics has "nothing" to do with it please. Cause that is what we do in the 21st century. Openly discuss ideas and reason.

We know as a fact that Socionics can predict parameters such as empathy and general openness to a good extent.
And no. Homophobia is not a joke. Nobody said it was. Socionics isn't a joke either
Yes she was concluding without evidence but her intuition on the matter is true, a lot of reductive approaches to socionics that generate easy answers aren't rooted in fact but rather anecdotal conjectures.

The more cultures one get's exposed to the more it becomes apparent that some values aren't type related at all. Furthermore, the more you honesty try to type people, the more you'll honestly realise that shoehorning labels doesn't work (to many contradictions and overlaps) - unless you personally want to retard your socionics.