Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
i remember one russian socionics article (might have been parfenov) branding beta as the most bigoted quadra 

personally i'd think... wouldn't beta rile the most for a social cause i.e. against oppression and discriminatory bias? it really depends on what group they are part of, though. what branch of historical ideology you belong to is everything in beta, that is what makes them aristocratic.
Actually they do both being authoritarian by nature - whatever moral institution they favour, they actually "fight" the cultural war to make sure only their worldview is the most dominant one. Beta have the aggressive defense of which ever values their demand to be the only one present. Betas are loud, brush, and "unstable" - in their desire to domineer culture. I distinctive describe them as relatively "unstable" because the influence of Betas is only felt as long as they overall domineering force present.

Deltas are passively authoritarian, inflexible on their own absolute morality. They influence society through passively upholding their values and influencing the fabric of society. A delta dominated social fabric is more stable - difficult to uproot given how it's impervious to force only changing with great difficulty through changes made to the culture's soul.

If you want to look at historical parallels:
The American Civil Rights revolution was a Beta upheaval, whilst the British equivalent (60s cultural revolution) despite hostility was more relatively "orderly" were the morality of the culture and underlying institutions were what had to be changed.

Gammas are chaotically individualistic whilst Alphas are passively individualistic - but things get complicated because all quadras have an both an active and suppressed side. Individualists have a suppressed authoritarian side and it's vice versa for authoritarians.