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Thread: Let's talk about Homophobia + Aristocracy and Democracy

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  1. #11
    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    i remember one russian socionics article (might have been parfenov) branding beta as the most bigoted quadra ��

    personally i'd think... wouldn't beta rile the most for a social cause i.e. against oppression and discriminatory bias? it really depends on what group they are part of, though. what branch of historical ideology you belong to is everything in beta, that is what makes them aristocratic.
    I think it's more that Betas like blabbing about their perspectives and views a lot more openly. So they can be homophobic or SJW, but either way you're going to know it. Forthright I guess. Look at Hillary Clinton and the way she said flatout "No" to gay marriage in the past. Then when she was the Democratic candidate she said she had always supported gay rights. It was a total lie and contradiction that was made because she had openly expressed her personal perspective against it in the past. She did all that in spite of boos from the audience of the time and just laughed openly at them. That's beta. Speak their minds all the time and if anyone doesn't like it, screw them. Unless the betas are scheming, then they're the most obsequious fucks on the planet.

    This applies more to Beta Js but still.

    Deltas are always half nice and half rude.
    Last edited by Aramas; 04-19-2019 at 12:53 AM.

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