Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
It's an issue which has been on my mind for a long time. I don't identify as LGBTQI but it has always been interesting for me from a scientific and social point of view.
From my own observations democratic types are less sensitive about sexual preferences and differences, and the most homophobic people I have met were betas. Not unnecessary to point out that I was born and raised in an Islamic dictatorship, yet from a very young age was OK with such matters.
I think aristocratic types have more potential for being homophobic.

***might have mentioned it at some point in the past, so excuse me if I'm being repetitive, just making a comeback after a long time away from the forum.
It depends on the upbringing, not on the sociotype or reinin dichotomy. Socionics is nice and all but useless when people try to apply it to complex matters like homophobia.
IME most alphas I've met are vegans but that does not mean that alphas are more likely to be vegan. It's a coincidence. Or if I try really hard: a correlation. But not a causation like alpha=>vegan