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Thread: Let's talk about Homophobia + Aristocracy and Democracy

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  1. #1
    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
    It's an issue which has been on my mind for a long time. I don't identify as LGBTQI but it has always been interesting for me from a scientific and social point of view.
    From my own observations democratic types are less sensitive about sexual preferences and differences, and the most homophobic people I have met were betas. Not unnecessary to point out that I was born and raised in an Islamic dictatorship, yet from a very young age was OK with such matters.
    I think aristocratic types have more potential for being homophobic.

    ***might have mentioned it at some point in the past, so excuse me if I'm being repetitive, just making a comeback after a long time away from the forum.
    Democrats and aristocrats have an equal capacity for homophobia. The Democratic quadras can at times have a very despotic mindset that outstrips the aristocrats and their shenanigans. Aristocrats are usually mindful of organizing and ordering competing factions without letting any one have all the control. Democrats on the other hand expect monolithic adherence to a singular entity. Look at France during the Reign of Terror period if you want to see Democratic quadras gone bad.

    Oddly enough, you are correct, and I agree, that Betas in my experience are the most openly homophobic and aggressively against people who don't fit their norms. I can't understand why myself. What causes such a strong emotional reaction in these people? It's possible, though, that while Betas are the most obviously homophobic, other quadras have the same degree of homophobia, but aren't as combative with things they disagree with. Betas tend to have fairly strongly held principles and they get mean when they see other people not toeing the line with what they see as right.

    I imagine that the Beta quadra just has a very reactive immune system. Anything that doesn't fit the plan or the vision must be exterminated to preserve the goal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Look at France during the Reign of Terror period if you want to see Democratic quadras gone bad.
    Interesting. Any suggestions for books/resources?

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