Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
well I know EIIs who seem and maybe are ok with LGBTQI, because they believe in humanity, "the humanist", known as "dostoyevsky" who even tried to understand and believed in the humanity of murders, criminals, etc. The type's philosophy of existence perhaps is to bring more warmness into relations.

Still often EIIs have or agree with the aristocratic standpoints for example: ok love whoever you want, that doesn't harm humanity, but why are you also sucking marriage which is a tradition between a man and a woman into your own socio-cultural movement? I knew a bisexual EII once who was against gay marriage because it is a disgrace to traditions.

Also about
I think judging and making fun of people does equate to you causing trouble for them in the long run, therefore does say something about how you feel about them or how you will make them feel about themselves. But very true about Delta.
That’s possible that the EII was against traditions. But remember that EII battle shame and agonize over their flaws. Take a transexual EII who feels himself to be a man yet can not open up emotionally to his close relationships (parents).

My parents are Gamma irrational pair and they were often more traditional and unforgiving than I. I don’t think that they would ever accept anyone in the family that comes out as gay and my ILI mother may either attempt to sweep it under the rug, say “it’s shameful don’t talk about it” or would try to change your own views of yourself by many guilty manipulative tactics like convincing you to do things her way or the way that she sees them to be correct. Playing politics.

I think the level of acceptance in Delta comes from their culture (doesn’t everybody’s?” Certainly my ESI aunt (born in the 1940s) and I view human sexuality differently. She is certainly against having gay people in society. I think that the world without diversity is boring.