Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@wonderwoman, the way I approach my Extinguishment/Contrary partners is with a respect for their viewpoints and a minimum exchange of personal information. I take it as a given that we are not going to agree on how we view anything that has a value-judgement attached to it, so I try to stick to the simplest facts and never cross into motives or advice.

I try to keep the conversation topics focused on simple facts only. I can easily respect them because I think that they see certain things much more clearly than I do, but I don't dwell on those topics; I just listen to what they say and agree. And I never try to socialize with them. Too many opportunities for things to go wrong.

Why get involved with the worst parts of the interaction when you can stick to the best parts?

Post Script.

I just re-read your post and I see that you are trying to engage with her on a social level by exchanging stories (value judgements! No no no.) and trying to find common ground.

That is a huge mistake. You don't have common values in anything. The more you interact this way, the more you see each other for the aliens that you are to each other.

Instead, stick to cookie recipes and an appreciation of her taste in whatever things you can honestly appreciate, and save the outpourings of your heart or assertions of your own style or feelings for a Gamma.
@Adam Strange, you're right. Thing is, the shift is going to take time. She takes the lead with telling all those stories lol

We'll see. I'm trying to go slowly because I'm still afraid of hurting her by pulling back/away. *shrug/confused face. We've been pretty close for a long time, so try to picture that. I appreciate your input and (again, lol) we'll see how things go! Right now, the in-person time is heightened due to the holidays.

/ *upside-down smiley*