Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
That's where the LIE sits the kid down and says, "Kid, we can't really force you to do anything you don't want to do. But consider this; your mother and I are on your side. We want you to grow up to be happy and successful. She's giving you good moral advice on how to relate to people, and I'm showing you what will happen if you follow some of your bahaviors to their logical conclusions. You have our unquestioned support, but you are going to end up with the life that you, yourself, make. And you make that life by the tiny decisions that you make every day.
Now let's take a drive around town and look at some of the citizens and the lives they have made for themselves.
Yes, it seems essential for an ESI to have a partner who can take over in times of stress. I know of one ESI who left her husband and young children for an LSE who had previously left his three young children with their mother; both had nothing to do with the raising of their children once they left. Oddly, the ESI still does a fair amount of babysitting of infants for relatives.

a.k.a. I/O