Hi guys. I'm a socionics and enneagram freak and have read a lot of descriptions from this site. So the time has come to introduce myself. I'm very reserved so I won't talk much about myself but more about what I'm thinking about right now so you can get a better idea about me.
I chose this username because the thought that similar explorers have existed thrills me. In a simpler and purer world, where exploration was true exploration. Imagine being a person of his time and travel to these exotic places... now you go to different countries and you still only hear the same english or spanish reggaeton songs and go eating to Mc Donalds. Ok, I exaggerated a bit. But yeah, I'd like to try living like that. Maybe one day I'll be able to replicate the sensations similar explorers have felt. Or maybe not.
That said, I won't tell you my types and maybe never will. See you around in here.