Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Here are some words of wisdom from Amber. I believe she is an LSI sx/so, and I (an sx/so) instantly thought she was hot from the moment I first started reading her posts. It was like a house on fire can recognize another burning house.

Amber said: "Sx first is the most compatible .... to such an extent that a relationship with an Sx often proves superior to one that should be mana-from-the-sky socionically.
Sx/so is incredibly compatible, but there's lots of tension as well due to a form of "total commitment anxiety". You feel the Sx pull that wants to merge and give it all, but at the same time Sx/so has to feel free to be safe. If you let them be, they come to you. If you make them jealous, they can be like puppies. If you make claims, you risk losing them.
Sp/so is very calming, very dedicated and trustable usually ...it makes for an interesting dynamic.... but I don't think I actually ever had such a partner. So/sp has a fetish for power stuff that -- must admit - sometimes turns me on. It's engaging and demanding, makes me work and think and asks stuff from me, which can be cool. So/sx is very positive, very sweet, but sometimes I don't know if they don't like everyone the same way.
We flirt a lot and keep the vibe up high, but there are attachment questions at play. Sp/sx is the most far-off , autistic, and bland to me romantically or erotically speaking."

I will admit that I find sx-first women instantly attractive, and sx-last women cold and remote. @Olimpia claims that the best match for someone who is sx-first is someone who is sx-second, but to the best of my knowledge, I haven't tested that theory.
What is all this sx/so stuff and where can I read about it lol. I'm a beginner I'm trying to keep up