Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
good point.. but that's not how the Model A works, is it? by what you're saying, Te could be demonstrative, the seeking function is unconscious, not much expressed verbally, and definitely less than the base anyway... the mobilizing, hmm, yes, I've read many people can aspire to rule their mobilizing.. but I've just never seen such a scheduled IEE before... he could well be an expection, sure.

who knows.
"Demonstrative" in which social context? The OP is alone in his room with a webcam. The Demonstrative function is always used, if used, in a social context.

As to "scheduled", I've been like that when I was younger, I did all kinds of self-enhancement things. Such perfectionism wasn't abnormal in the Eighties. but now in 2019, on a sociological level, we have a lot more kids who seem to think they already are great (I'm generalizing to the absurd, of course, but in comparison there is a big difference today's adolescent culture and the one of the Eighties). The OP might be an exception to that 'rule', and there is indeed sociological research that shows in some subcultural groups, attitudes of 'unrelenting standards' are pretty common.

One thing every Socionics enthusiast must master, is how the Mobilizing function manifest itself. Each one of us has to construct concepts of the Mobilizing from the perspective of their own strong Information Elements. Start with Expat's The Pathetic Hidden Agenda post, which is imho the best start for understanding the Mobilizing Function.