Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
This theory is not entirely satisfactory. It seems to me (at this point) a watered-down version of socionics. It is similar, only that it handpicks and clumps a few of the functions (it seems to me; V - Se, L- Logic and [less so] Intuition, E- Ethics and [less so] Intuition, and F- +Si), which then tries to organize in a priority arrangement. It could have uses to sure-type people in socionics (as some psyche-yoga types would make sense with some types, and not other), it could also be used to identify anomalous people who don't prioritize the expected aspects of reality according to their socionics and enneagram types (but I doubt it: these two typologies combined explained the full picture much better than psyche-yoga). The duality mechanics are dubious, and it doesn't seem as a whole that the theory is grounded in underlying archetypes like enneagram and socionics are.
Psyche-yoga has many many more types than socionics does, so how do you call it watered down?