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    Default Psyche-Yoga personality test

    Test for the Psyche-Yoga system that is in English and also comprehensive. (96 Questions)

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    Chakram's Avatar
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    My results: VLEF

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    [1E] - Confident Emotion: Openly express their interest in any subject or lack thereof. Will walk you through their emotions and how they feel about anything or anyone. Often give out advice on handling or dealing with a relationship. Understand the importance of culture and focus on translating cultural practices into meaningful endeavors. Are quick to dole out value judgments, express anger, sadness, concern, and all emotions. May act as they see fit in any situation regardless of what the other party feels is emotionally appropriate. Can openly refuse to conform to social norms in regards to their emotional state. Do not feel like they owe anyone any explanations on how they feel, though this does not stop them from explaining their emotions to others. Trust their own intuition and sense of right and wrong – which is always involved in their worldview. Are guided by their inner intuitions about people and use this to deal with friendships and relationships. Do not respond well to continuous questions of their feelings and constant attempts at redefining relationships. Can lead spiritual movements and guide others into new and uncharted emotional territories. Expect that others feel the same way as they do. Dislike to be constantly questioned or challenged about their emotions – will double down on said emotion. Prefer to view relationships as static and are quick to change their mind if things sour too quickly on the other end. May obsess over certain kinds of art, music, or people. Are intensely and profoundly affected by emotional landscapes. Relate all incoming experiences into how they make them feel over many axes. The 1E function is formed by combining the emotion aspect (E) with the confident attitude (1st). Confident emotion (1E) has a strong interest in one’s own concept of emotions. All 1E types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the emotional world. They may be aggressive about their opinions on relationships, personal feelings, culture, art, deep desires, and person to person interaction. These types tend to focus intently on the personal results that can be obtained from the emotional world which they use to solidify their opinion on these matters. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** (2L) - Flexible Logic: Love to openly philosophize of underlying theories and pieces of knowledge. Will go to great lengths to explain in detail inner workings of an idea. Tend to be fascinated by rules and formal logic. Are open to others’ confusion and are quick to help unsure attitudes regarding logic. Have an inherent hope for the future of human intelligence. Are great at evolving discussions by playing devil’s advocate. Will argue for the sake of arguing without becoming too offended. May bother other people too much about their opinions which can cause tenseness. Believe that anyone can learn anything if they’re willing to invest time into pondering. Willing to share sources and help others understand their reliability. Walk people through their proofs and arguments with unambiguous explanations. Are drawn to philosophical thoughts and exercises with multiple participants. May spend too much time on very simple ideas in order to expand their mind. Highly trust their own abilities to investigate reasons behind any action. Are accepting of those who ask for help with logical puzzles – while also demonstrating this behavior themselves. Are extremely patient with those who are insecure about their intellect. Appreciate honest opinions regardless of how aggressive they are. The 2L function is formed by combining the logic aspect (L) with the flexible attitude (2nd). Flexible logic (2L) has a strong and open interest in all logical concepts. All 2L types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the world of the mind. They are mostly diplomatic about their opinions of higher knowledge, political arguments, scientific thought and their own abilities to reason. These types tend to focus intently on processing, improving and negotiating all things related to the material world. They use this ability to keep others at ease on all matters related to logic. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [3V] - Insecure Volition: Find work ethic to be a confusing concept. Often do not know how to react to their responsibilities as a human. Prefer to process the tenets of their willpower – and will react very negatively to those who push them to make a move. Can completely ignore any sort of question regarding their identity until it’s safe or comfortable to do so. Will feel anxious about large workloads and often insecure in how their duties to perform are perceived by others. May feel like constantly proving themselves in order to settle the inner conflict of their capabilities. Tend to not understand their potential and how they can affect others. Overestimate how much motivation something actually requires. May panic when they are not feeling as energetic as they’d wish. Tend to become anxious over obstacles and unsure of how to pass them. Do not know how to go about their obligations. May make promises but then become unsure of how to keep them. Will over-analyze and replay all the things they’ve accomplished in their recent history – unsure of the next steps to take. The 3V function is formed by combining the volition aspect (V) with the insecure attitude (3rd). Insecure volition (3V) has an apprehensive and unsure attitude towards all manifestations of human willpower. All 3V types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to volition. They are mostly anxious about their understanding of responsibilities, obligations, goals, willpower and how to overcome obstacles. These types tend to have a shaky and unstable relationship with how they process all things related to the human drive. They tend to need clarification and feedback from others when engaging in matters of volition. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [4F] - Oblivious Physics: Unattached to the physical world around them. Have a very hard time paying attention to own comfort levels. May miss opportunities on bettering their living environment. Can forget to fix or upgrade necessities. Leave belongings lying around until they become a hazard. Have an easy time adapting to others’ physical and practical needs. Ability to relax anywhere, regardless of activities going on around them. Will engage in practical living when it supports a particular goal or other life interest. May form habits at a young age to deal with the obliviousness to their health. Will try any sort of new food or style and form an opinion after experiencing it. Have to experiment often to figure out their personal tastes. Do not like to go in depth about their food preferences. Averse to being reminded of practical measures that need completed. Forget to schedule doctor check-ups and follow-ups. Have an ability to detach from what is going on around them to dive into the intuitive nature of the moment. Do not notice dust, clutter, or filth unless it’s directly impeding a project or goal. Trust in the practical advice they receive. Do not usually care about the value of objects and possessions. Usually have an odd and unorthodox sense of style. Tend to completely forget how much money they have. Can lose track of their belongings until later stumbled upon – usually by surprise. Accept food and comfort from others without hassle or second thought. Rarely picky about where they are located in a public space. The 4F function is formed by combining the physics aspect (F) with the oblivious attitude (4th). Oblivious physics (4F) has an ignorant and carefree attitude towards all concepts of the physical world. All 4F types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to the material world. They are mostly easygoing and neutral about their opinions on tastes, belongings, comforts, aesthetics and practical skills. These types tend to focus intently on the results that can be obtained from the material world, though this is not a top priority for them. They tend to trust in the feedback that they receive from others when inquiring in all matters related to physics.

    ELVF (Andersen)

    [1E] First Emotion: Andersen is a very emotional, mystic type. Many people of this type are distinguished by a very emotional and sometimes a heart-breaking response to the world; as they are very vulnerable. ELVF’s emotions are very strong, but often they are quite tragic in aspect, their subject matter is very common - a regret that the world is getting worse. Probably one of the examples of such a reaction to the world; the letters J. R. R. Tolkien, which is a very frequent motif of nostalgia in pre-industrial times, when there were railroads and factories. Besides, this type is prone to sudden changes in emotions and optimism, now counterbalanced with a deep inner uncertainty. Perhaps it is because they did not know about moderation in anything: love, intellectual excitement, disgust, anger, self-doubt, guilt, joy. Any passion can be absorbed by them entirely, and at that moment, none other emotion could serve as a substitute.
    [2L] Second Logic: For ELVF, they have a characteristic philosophical mind. People of this type are very much in the underground (amateur artistic and intellectual communities - such as science fiction clubs) and it is in antegrade than anywhere else. Andersen offers their perspective for the development of their concepts, which are normally very unusual, but their ideas can not always be taken seriously by society. ELVF nonetheless builds these theories (and absorbs new theories) with great pleasure and it is one of the major pleasures of life for them.
    [3V] Third Willpower: Willpower is a sore point for ELVF, caused by the tragedy of their world. Decision-making and forcing oneself to be active is difficult for them. For example; there are cases where students who had the type of ELVF, even when they knew the material, they still did not dare to go to take the exam due to the fact that they were not confident in their ability to meet the standard for the exam. This causes their pessimism, implemented in the conclusion that the world is getting worse for them.
    [4F] Fourth Physics: ELVF invests in the material world at a minimum, usually because of their preoccupation with philosophical reflections. Sometimes, it is due to the fact that the material world is not just perceived as a burden for them, but as something that has to change as well. By virtue of their global values of what is impossible, as well as what can be sacrificed without regret. (This type is the most prone to develop doomsday predictions).
    Last edited by Muddy; 04-05-2019 at 12:14 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgana View Post
    hi dual
    “You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.”
    - Epictetus

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    (◡‿◡✿) moloko's Avatar
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    neat, i got VEFL

    “You are a little soul carrying around a corpse.”
    - Epictetus

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    ELVF whoa... Interesting... I need to look into it. I have quite expressive face and so on and I have huge need to investigate stuff so I suppose that L and E have to be there in top 2. And ****** would be my identical... w00t.. such an honor.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 04-06-2019 at 11:24 AM.
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    LEVF. Seems correct, either that or LEFV.

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    vfle - didn't expect that one. i could buy vlfe

    [1V] – Confident Volition: Prefer to quickly understand what needs to be done in any situation. Highly trust and value their own sense of time and dignity. May go long periods of time thinking about their own identity and how they can apply themselves to the changing the world. Put a lot of attention on work ethic and responsibilities. Tend to trust their own knowledge of human endeavors over others. May be entrepreneurial and a one-(wo)man show. Take on the task of being a leader and responsible for others – even when not in any position to do so. Will overestimate own abilities due to often discounting others’ motivation. Do not like to be constantly reminded of their responsibilities. Tend to feel completely in control of their desires. Will decide how to reach a desired goal without second thought. Focus on how and when to show self-control in any situation. May do things for other people without realizing because it’s what they wanted done. Often override others wishes in place of their own. May talk extensively about how to get something accomplished, but usually already has a firm grasp on own sense of energy. Does not require others to intervene or help unless it has been decided by the 1V themselves. The 1V function is formed by combining the volition aspect (V) with the confident attitude (1st). Confident volition (1V) has a strong interest in one’s own concept of willpower and volition. All 1V types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to what makes up one’s identity. They may be aggressive about their opinions on responsibilities, obligations, goals, willpower, and how to overcome obstacles. These types tend to focus intently on the personal results that can be obtained from human willpower which they use to solidify their opinion on these matters. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [2F] – Flexible Physics: Have a natural ability to show others the physical beauty of the world around them. They want to share their thoughts on healthy living while incorporating all feedback. Will give others resources, and provide advice on the application of resources to practical needs. Pay close attention to how others physically express themselves. Notice quality of clothing and have a keen sense of what patterns and colors work together. Tend to offer solutions on how to keep things tidy and neat. May converse about sensory experiences for long periods of time. Look for feedback on how others are experiencing their environment. Usually tend to everyone in a room and offer negotiable solutions to differing wants and needs. Have a hard time taking ownership over objects. Can sometimes become offended by overly critical remarks on appearance as they are sensitive to taste in fashion and aesthetics. May leave things entirely messy but still have a strong understanding of where and why things are in their current place. Are wonderful at curbing others’ health and body related neurotic anxiety. May become very materialistic but not in a selfish manner. The 2F function is formed by combining the physics aspect (F) with the flexible attitude (2nd). Flexible physics (2F) has a strong and open interest in all concepts of the physical world. All 2F types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the material world. They are mostly diplomatic about their opinions on tastes, belongings, comforts, aesthetics and practical skills. These types tend to focus intently on processing, improving and negotiating all things related to the material world. They use this ability to keep others at ease on all matters related to physics. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [3L] – Insecure Logic: Very skeptical of all logical thought. Unsure of how to organize information and ideas. May spiral into anxiety when thinking about intellectual pursuits. Feel trapped when expected to offer in depth explanations. May choose to obsess over formal logic or reject it all together. Are very sensitive to criticism of their ideas and being told they are incorrect. Prefer to engage with others about the tenets of logic so long as they are communicative. Tend to spend hours rewriting any sort of opinion piece. Have a distrust of their own concept of reality. Can get pulled into religious zealotry and cult ideology as a place-marker for lack of assured logical thought. Worry about the meaning of life and existence. Prefer to check in with others rather than openly assert their opinions. Feel regret when they make their academic work public. When speaking, can overemphasize odd and out of place words. Have a hard time understanding how language and communication are developed. Often have a fascination with foreign language but insecurity in expressing thoughts outside of their native tongue. Overthink almost everything they communicate. Can be prone to aiding conspiracy theories and distrust of popular sources of information. See the underlying negative possibilities that others ignore or miss. May become trapped in negative thought loops. Twist or misrepresent others’ logical explanations through their own language rather than how they were initially presented. Have a hard time trusting in their memory when it comes to detailed logic – which can lead to repetition and obsession. The 3L function is formed by combining the logic aspect (L) with the insecure attitude (3rd). Insecure logic (3L) has an apprehensive and unsure attitude towards all logical concepts. All 3L types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to the logical realm. They are mostly anxious about their opinions of higher knowledge, political arguments, scientific thought and their own abilities to reason. These types tend to have a shaky and unstable relationship with how they process and logically organize the world around them. They tend to need clarification and feedback from others when engaging in all matters related to logic. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [4E] – Oblivious Emotion Are quick to decide what an emotion means whenever it gets in the way of other life circumstances. Are very easy going and relaxed. At any given time, are unsure of what their true feelings are. Do not like to be bothered about what they are feeling or intuiting. Can go for long periods of time without feeling any sort of relevant emotion. Do not concern themselves too much about the things they do feel. Trust that their partnerships and friendships will let them know when something is wrong. Tend to feel that their relationships will come and go when they are destined to. Do not react to cultural differences between people. Prefer to judge people by their merit and accept any sort of emotional reaction from anyone. Can remain cool under most emotional pressure so long as they are not expected, themselves, to emote. Do not get many shots of intuition – but when they do, are quick to move forward with what they did figure out. Enjoy listening to music and watching others perform and create art. Will listen to others talk about conceptual ideas related to emotions for hours on end. Trusts those who wear their emotions on their sleeves as they generally do not pay attention to this thing in themselves. Always trust others to correctly integrate and identify their own emotions. The 4E function is formed by combining the emotion aspect (E) with the oblivious attitude (4th). Oblivious emotion (4E) has an ignorant and carefree attitude towards all concepts of emotion. All 4E types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to the realm of human expression. They are mostly easygoing and neutral about their understanding of relationships, personal feelings, culture, art, deep desires and person to person interaction. These types tend to focus intently on the results that can be obtained from expression and emotions, though this is not a top priority for them. They tend to trust in the feedback that they receive from others when inquiring in all matters related to emotion.

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    What the hell, I've got everything that is the right opposite of me... Everything I consider to be my strong side is my weak side according to this test and vice versa... Is it broken? LOL, I got FVLE . I actually think I'm really ELVF how did I get the opposte result?

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    Your Result:

    [1F] – Confident Physics: Have a strong understanding of where to place objects in their environment. Confident in their use of money and evaluating an object’s worth. Trust their own judgment in determining what is comfortable. Prefer to follow their own sense of aesthetics rather than deferring to mainstream fashion. Are rarely bothered by others comments on their appearance and will not change accordingly. Quickly figure out what is wrong when health problems arise. Can be extremely picky about what they believe looks and feels the best. Are unwilling to compromise their own living style according to others needs. May come off as greedy, selfish or spoiled due to getting what they want, whenever they want. Pay close attention to preferred textures, flavors and cuisines. Offer food without inquiring too much into others’ tastes. Give detailed stories of practical on goings in their lives. Change up their style freely without constraint. Are sufficient in developing practical skills to deal with life’s daily hiccups. Will engage in fun activities regardless of how acceptable it is by society. The 1F function is formed by combining the physics aspect (F) with the confident attitude (1st). Confident physics (1F) has a strong interest in one’s own concept of the physical world. All 1F types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the material world. They may be aggressive about their opinions on tastes, belongings, comforts, aesthetics and practical skills. These types tend to focus intently on the personal results that can be obtained from the material world which they use to solidify their opinion on these matters. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [2L]- Flexible Logic Love to openly philosophize of underlying theories and pieces of knowledge. Will go to great lengths to explain in detail inner workings of an idea. Tend to be fascinated by rules and formal logic. Are open to others’ confusion and are quick to help unsure attitudes regarding logic. Have an inherent hope for the future of human intelligence. Are great at evolving discussions by playing devil’s advocate. Will argue for the sake of arguing without becoming too offended. May bother other people too much about their opinions which can cause tenseness. Believe that anyone can learn anything if they’re willing to invest time into pondering. Willing to share sources and help others understand their reliability. Walk people through their proofs and arguments with unambiguous explanations. Are drawn to philosophical thoughts and exercises with multiple participants. May spend too much time on very simple ideas in order to expand their mind. Highly trust their own abilities to investigate reasons behind any action. Are accepting of those who ask for help with logical puzzles – while also demonstrating this behavior themselves. Are extremely patient with those who are insecure about their intellect. Appreciate honest opinions regardless of how aggressive they are. The 2L function is formed by combining the logic aspect (L) with the flexible attitude (2nd). Flexible logic (2L) has a strong and open interest in all logical concepts. All 2L types are sufficient at being involved in matters relating to the world of the mind. They are mostly diplomatic about their opinions of higher knowledge, political arguments, scientific thought and their own abilities to reason. These types tend to focus intently on processing, improving and negotiating all things related to the material world. They use this ability to keep others at ease on all matters related to logic. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [3V] – Insecure Volition Find work ethic to be a confusing concept. Often do not know how to react to their responsibilities as a human. Prefer to process the tenets of their willpower – and will react very negatively to those who push them to make a move. Can completely ignore any sort of question regarding their identity until it’s safe or comfortable to do so. Will feel anxious about large workloads and often insecure in how their duties to perform are perceived by others. May feel like constantly proving themselves in order to settle the inner conflict of their capabilities. Tend to not understand their potential and how they can affect others. Overestimate how much motivation something actually requires. May panic when they are not feeling as energetic as they’d wish. Tend to become anxious over obstacles and unsure of how to pass them. Do not know how to go about their obligations. May make promises but then become unsure of how to keep them. Will over-analyze and replay all the things they’ve accomplished in their recent history – unsure of the next steps to take. The 3V function is formed by combining the volition aspect (V) with the insecure attitude (3rd). Insecure volition (3V) has an apprehensive and unsure attitude towards all manifestations of human willpower. All 3V types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to volition. They are mostly anxious about their understanding of responsibilities, obligations, goals, willpower and how to overcome obstacles. These types tend to have a shaky and unstable relationship with how they process all things related to the human drive. They tend to need clarification and feedback from others when engaging in matters of volition. ************************************************** ************************************************** *************************** [4E] – Oblivious Emotion Are quick to decide what an emotion means whenever it gets in the way of other life circumstances. Are very easy going and relaxed. At any given time, are unsure of what their true feelings are. Do not like to be bothered about what they are feeling or intuiting. Can go for long periods of time without feeling any sort of relevant emotion. Do not concern themselves too much about the things they do feel. Trust that their partnerships and friendships will let them know when something is wrong. Tend to feel that their relationships will come and go when they are destined to. Do not react to cultural differences between people. Prefer to judge people by their merit and accept any sort of emotional reaction from anyone. Can remain cool under most emotional pressure so long as they are not expected, themselves, to emote. Do not get many shots of intuition – but when they do, are quick to move forward with what they did figure out. Enjoy listening to music and watching others perform and create art. Will listen to others talk about conceptual ideas related to emotions for hours on end. Trusts those who wear their emotions on their sleeves as they generally do not pay attention to this thing in themselves. Always trust others to correctly integrate and identify their own emotions. The 4E function is formed by combining the emotion aspect (E) with the oblivious attitude (4th). Oblivious emotion (4E) has an ignorant and carefree attitude towards all concepts of emotion. All 4E types are insufficient at being involved in matters relating to the realm of human expression. They are mostly easygoing and neutral about their understanding of relationships, personal feelings, culture, art, deep desires and person to person interaction. These types tend to focus intently on the results that can be obtained from expression and emotions, though this is not a top priority for them. They tend to trust in the feedback that they receive from others when inquiring in all matters related to emotion.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    This wasn't very easy to answer due to the wording. I didn't know what I was actually agreeing or disagreeing with on some questions. Despite that my results are the same as I got when choosing based on the descriptions and what I got on another test.

    Your Result:

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Took the test again got FLEV this time instead

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Took the test again got FLEV this time instead
    Hahah, me too! I took it again right after because the wording kind of bugged me and got:


    I think the EVLF is a bit more fitting when I read the more in depth descriptions on other sites and ignore the cute but air-headed drawing posted on the forum. Wasn't going to mention retaking it until you did.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    I think the EVLF is a bit more fitting when I read the more in depth descriptions on other sites and ignore the cute but air-headed drawing posted on the forum. Wasn't going to mention retaking it until you did.
    So looks like you have found a home in one sexta?

    Sexta 1

    [1&4] Result aspects: E and F [2&3] Process aspects: L and V
    Generally, this sexta is characterised by open emotional displays and a deeper connection with the darker aspects of life. This is not to say that everyone in this sexta is evil, but most will have a natural gravitation towards exploring or understanding what other people shun away from. A good way of putting it, is that they seem more comfortable with exploring the negative side of humanity through confrontational expressions, trying to make other people come to terms with it.
    So, their focus on the negative leads to a catharsis through which they develop and understand themselves and the world better, which makes self-development a very important value in this sexta. They will often have powerful emotions and expressions, including a strong interest in intellectual, scientific discussions and overall self improvement. However, this is only coupled with a tendency to rile people up and create tense atmospheres.

    Generally they feel a strong attachment to basic human needs, and wish for a life of comfort where these needs are taken care of. Quite focused on the immediate terms of survival as well. They may have a tendency to embrace or disregard the physical aspects of life, turning rather greedy or detaching completely from the physical surroundings.
    Winning is for losers


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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    So looks like you have found a home in one sexta?
    Yes, it seems to be the most fitting.


    Sexta 1

    [1&4] Result aspects: E and F [2&3] Process aspects: L and V
    Generally, this sexta is characterised by open emotional displays and a deeper connection with the darker aspects of life. This is not to say that everyone in this sexta is evil, but most will have a natural gravitation towards exploring or understanding what other people shun away from. A good way of putting it, is that they seem more comfortable with exploring the negative side of humanity through confrontational expressions, trying to make other people come to terms with it.
    So, their focus on the negative leads to a catharsis through which they develop and understand themselves and the world better, which makes self-development a very important value in this sexta. They will often have powerful emotions and expressions, including a strong interest in intellectual, scientific discussions and overall self improvement. However, this is only coupled with a tendency to rile people up and create tense atmospheres.

    Generally they feel a strong attachment to basic human needs, and wish for a life of comfort where these needs are taken care of. Quite focused on the immediate terms of survival as well. They may have a tendency to embrace or disregard the physical aspects of life, turning rather greedy or detaching completely from the physical surroundings.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The wording of those questions...

    Edit: it has changed
    Last edited by Aeris; 12-21-2019 at 06:11 PM.

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    I always wondered what my type is in this system and found it hard to figure out, so a test is cool.

    I got fevl.

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    Default Psyche-Yoga Test

    Personality theory that is popular in Russia.

    Here you can find more info:
    Last edited by mclane; 12-12-2019 at 12:23 PM.

  21. #21
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    The test is trash.

    The theory is awesome though.

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    It worked for me. It gave me LEVF, which I tend to agree with.

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    We love Psycho-Yoga!

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    LEVF is the most philosophical attitudinal psyche type. They are highly attuned to mathematical thinking and can easily apply principles they’ve gathered to society and human nature. LEVFs tend to focus heavily on how culture affects the human drive. They enjoy creating novel ideas and bringing order to chaotic information. Generally they remain quiet and observant in conversations which may lead them to appear shy and meek at first. This stereotype usually fades quickly as the LEVF will not stumble away from explaining their thought processes when prompted. LEVFs generally do not pay close attention to the physical world as their mind is too busy wandering in the possibilities of self-development through human relations and logical analyses. However, when the environment needs to be changed in order to progress, the LEVF will make quick work of what’s necessary.
    1L – Confident Logic

    LEVF is one of the most intellectually focused types. They love to pursue all systems of knowledge and gather as much information on whatever it is that’s inspiring them at the moment. LEVFs prefer to analyze and conceptualize all the things around them. They tend to strive for a universal ideal and dedicate their time gaining insight into whichever philosophies support this ideal. This type does not worry so much about their comforts as they see theoretical information as paramount. They do not put stock into money and indulgence in the physical world. They are truly searching for the philosophical “theory of everything”. For this reason, they are often interested in self-improvement.
    2E – Flexible Emotion

    LEVFs are keen on understanding the emotional rifts within a certain setting. This type is always willing to listen, empathize, and fully identify with whatever emotions others are conveying. They frequently refer back to prior experiences when theorizing how to classify new standards of interaction and generously share this information with those in need of emotional support. They’re great at describing situations and recalling all of the feelings, expressions, and thoughts of everyone who participated. There is always a focus on the purpose of an action or idea. No pattern escapes the mind of an LEVF. They do well at ignoring their own physical needs in order to be there for others, but easily take advice from those who notice this lack of attention to their environment.
    3V – Insecure Volition

    LEVFs are profoundly aware of the negative pitfalls that have plagued humanity and can fall into dark obsessions. They may tend to find fault in those who aggressively push their ideals and visions onto others. They can become combative and flighty if they are not given the proper space to ponder what it is they desire. LEVFs are extremely skeptical towards anyone who defines their identity without asking their opinion. They prefer to stay surrounded by those who aid in understanding their possible place in the world. They are firm believers of the saying, “Imagination decides everything.” Feelings of vulnerability, insignificance, dependence, and imperfection can invade their thoughts. At times, this may cause the LEVF to become misanthropic and remain on the outskirts of society. However, they are generally resilient and will continue to promote a positive emotional atmosphere and mindset, sometimes totally ignoring their insecurity towards their own volition.
    4F – Oblivious Physics

    LEVFs may abstain from worldly pleasures and comforts to maximize the attention they put into their inner logical world. The mind of an LEVF is constantly wandering and imagining so it’s easy for them to put objective reality on pause. They tend to have explored many different aspects of life and usually have something interesting to say about any subject except when it comes to all things physical. When they have a need or physical desire, they figure out the most efficient way to satisfy them. They prefer to quickly think of novel and timely ways to feel better and more in control of their body. They will take advice and pointers from others so long as they are not expected to waste too much energy in this realm. LEVFs prefer to use any nervous energy that crops up to decide what their responsibilities are, rather than how they look or feel physically.
    Some things are completely off like the idea that I'm mathematical or particularly logical (I hate math, and I see myself as more irrational than logical), and I don't agree with much of anything in the Insecure Volition section. Most of it is fairly accurate, though, although very little of it really hits home.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Some things are completely off like the idea that I'm mathematical or particularly logical (I hate math, and I see myself as more irrational than logical), and I don't agree with much of anything in the Insecure Volition section. Most of it is fairly accurate, though, although very little of it really hits home.
    Try VELF then. I don't take this very seriously, but still.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Try VELF then. I don't take this very seriously, but still.
    Volition is not really my strong point or even my second strongest point out of the four. I think third place for it makes good sense, as does last place for Physics. So it would really come down to ELVF OR LEVF for me. I don't know how to access the profile for ELVF, so I unfortunately can't say for sure whether it matches me more than LEVF.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nunki View Post
    Volition is not really my strong point or even my second strongest point out of the four. I think third place for it makes good sense, as does last place for Physics. So it would really come down to ELVF OR LEVF for me. I don't know how to access the profile for ELVF, so I unfortunately can't say for sure whether it matches me more than LEVF.
    If you really aren't a logician, go with Andersen. Andersen is the non-emo EL type, but your dual is Napoleon so you have to deal with not being able to talk shorty out of Waterloo. Also, since so many people on these kinds of forums are ELFV and ELVF, a joke was Napoleon and Goethe have elf harems.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    If you really aren't a logician, go with Andersen. Andersen is the non-emo EL type, but your dual is Napoleon so you have to deal with not being able to talk shorty out of Waterloo. Also, since so many people on these kinds of forums are ELFV and ELVF, a joke was Napoleon and Goethe have elf harems.
    I finally found a profile for ELVF. It certainly appeals to me more than LEVF. I'm some sort of cross between the two, though. The exact ratio of ELVF to LEVF depends on my mood and general circumstances. That's one of the problems with all of these typologies. They assume that the personality is very static.

    I would be thrilled to death to be in an elf harem, and I would be even more thrilled to have one--which, unfortunately, I can't, because I'm no Napoleon, and probably not a Goethe, either.

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    this test is blasphemy

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    Quote Originally Posted by bouncingoffclouds View Post
    this test is blasphemy

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    Because my results were inaccurate. I had a similar experience to Space. Maybe I middle-grounded too much

    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post

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    This theory is not entirely satisfactory. It seems to me (at this point) a watered-down version of socionics. It is similar, only that it handpicks and clumps a few of the functions (it seems to me; V - Se, L- Logic and [less so] Intuition, E- Ethics and [less so] Intuition, and F- +Si), which then tries to organize in a priority arrangement. It could have uses to sure-type people in socionics (as some psyche-yoga types would make sense with some types, and not other), it could also be used to identify anomalous people who don't prioritize the expected aspects of reality according to their socionics and enneagram types (but I doubt it: these two typologies combined explained the full picture much better than psyche-yoga). The duality mechanics are dubious, and it doesn't seem as a whole that the theory is grounded in underlying archetypes like enneagram and socionics are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    This theory is not entirely satisfactory. It seems to me (at this point) a watered-down version of socionics. It is similar, only that it handpicks and clumps a few of the functions (it seems to me; V - Se, L- Logic and [less so] Intuition, E- Ethics and [less so] Intuition, and F- +Si), which then tries to organize in a priority arrangement. It could have uses to sure-type people in socionics (as some psyche-yoga types would make sense with some types, and not other), it could also be used to identify anomalous people who don't prioritize the expected aspects of reality according to their socionics and enneagram types (but I doubt it: these two typologies combined explained the full picture much better than psyche-yoga). The duality mechanics are dubious, and it doesn't seem as a whole that the theory is grounded in underlying archetypes like enneagram and socionics are.
    Psyche-yoga has many many more types than socionics does, so how do you call it watered down?

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Psyche-yoga has many many more types than socionics does, so how do you call it watered down?
    That doesn't necessarily mean it is somehow more complete or more adjusted to reality.

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    I think I've noticed that each type as per my quatritypes theory has its own psyche-yoga type. So there are four, and it depends on which cognition you are using for which is the dominant one at a given time.

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    It does have some cute pictures for the types. E is backward 3, V is B, L is doorway with tail, F is I with wings

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    I take it back, my type could be right... maybe. Kind of interested in this theory now, sexta info seemed to fit pretty well anyway

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    Based on type descriptions I still find it quite impossible to say but positionally it is so much easier. Last one physics F and I have a perverse drive to do things my own way hence V. I also tend to be quite lively via via L logic and E emotion.

    So LEVF or ELVF seems clear to me.

    LEVF in terms of Lewis Carrol . I tend to be quite like that. Surreal imagination. Fascination towards mathematics.

    As for ELVF: I have darker side in me. I hide away my immediate reactions and I'm quite stormy inside those times. It is bit questioning. Sometimes it surfaces. Very expressive, yet not very assuring.
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