Hello, i'm obviously ILI, and my subtype is probably ILI-Ni. Let me tell you a bit about myself. Most of a time i spend in my head, creating stories, reliving past events, modifying them for not so good outcomes to become really cool. Or just imagine... what if i suddenly got popular? What would i do (i know this is not possible, but it's sometime fun, to live as smth else, in my head of course). I don't really think about it, i just find myself in the middle of thought what i'm gonna do 5 years later - my job(i'm university student rn) , my finances, clothes, stuff i bought and everything is really positive (but people think my thoughts are always negative, sometimes i just took attention more on the bad side, to be prepared for the bad outcome, you don't need to prepare for the good one. My motto is to think the worst and if worst happens you wouldn't be surprised, if not - you always happy ). Oh, and i hate materialism, just in case you are wondering. And i love comfort, maybe a little too much. And i hate ppl, sometimes same type as me, not showing any emotions, or being hard to talk, mostly men are like this and these people annoy me so much (well, i'm a girl)

So back to the theme... I don't know if it's just me, but really strong Ni (being in another world all the time) and really weak Se (having no will to do things) it's giving me difficulty to... live and do normal things in life. As most of N people i forget to eat, and it's normal, being immersed into something that you forget everything around you. Oh and i rarely am interested in smth that is real life, mostly i am immersed in games, series, dramas, anime, stuff, books, webtoons, mangas... I have a lot of in my mind, i'm gonna work out, i'm gonna clean my room, i'm gonna take care of my skin, but am i doing any of this in real life? No. And living with my sister LII and some ILE dude as flatmates doesn't help, they say, maybe you wanna to do something? Yes, sure, i say, i want to do but i just can't. I can't say i'm not doing nothing at all, i start doing things, like working out, one day i'm running on the elliptical trainer, another day something interrupts it and it's week and i did nothing AGAIN. Not to mention cleaning, in my head i think, i gonna wash dishes after i eat, it's the easiest, but then i have smth i wanna do after in my head and i forget and then i plan to do it later, later until mountain of dirty dishes piles up and i have to suffer cleaning it all at once.

Do any of ILI also struggle with these things? How to make yourself do stuff?

I also want to do fun stuff, not alpha fun, but... maybe smth active, like indoor rock climbing, or archery. But i only imagine. Do you know any ILIs like me? Let's talk