Quote Originally Posted by Smilex View Post
Jung got the concepts of thinking, intuition, ethics and sensorics from observation. He also observed introversion and extroversion. Combining these two concepts together is what got us the informational elements.

Aushra, being ENTp, chose these existing concepts and decided to maintain them and run as far with them as she could. She introduced the concepts of Se, Te, Fi and so on. And she got magnificent results.To get there she decided to call what we now observe as fields by the name introversion and what we now observe as objects, extroversion.

Now in general, expecting that the results that exist are the only possible results is a mistake.

From the nature of relations and the mathematical aspect of socionics we know that we can turn concepts around with mathematical inversion and we get a similar system.

The only power of Aushra's 8 informational elements is that they have been researched while there are 16 others that haven't had that much attention.

Let's try making an alternative choice. Let's connect the jungian types with introversion and extroversion in another way. Let us consider the people who prefer using an introvert function and who use sensorics. This is synonymous with the group of temperamentally rational sensory types. This is also synonymous with the words creative-sensory. Creating-sensorics or Sc is completely analogous with Se or Si. It is an informational element. We could give it a picture, a grey circle with an arrow pointing away from it. We can start talking about it's properties by observing a number of people who have high preference for this informational element.

The choice of Sc immediately leads to the other elements of Sa (accepting sensory, symbolized by grey circle with an arrow pointing to it) and of course similarly Tc, Ta, Fc, Fa, Nc and Na. We could even make an analogous grid for the model A. The first slot in the model grid is the Introvert slot and the second slot is the Extrovert function and so on.

Now this defines 16 types of people. And they are the same 16 types that exist with the original choice. The choices are equivalent.

Now we can through the power of opening our minds start discussing how creative thinking relates as a concept to accepting thinking and we can start considering what attributes are typical for the social relations between individuals of these and other groups defined along these lines. (For the first, it's of course supervisory-mirror relations) And so on. Why do this? Because it increases you understanding. Sometimes you are in a group of people who are defined better by these informational elements than Aushra's 8.

The final 8 functions are of course :
liberating-sensory for which we can use a symbol of a grey ball with 4 dots around it (and we can use Sb as short name.)
limiting-sensory for which we can use a symbolf of a grey ball with 4 dots inside it (and we can use Sm as short name)
And so on.
Again we have a cross section of elements of information and a treasure of understanding that can be gleaned the world through this point of view.

There's nothing wrong with choosing the traditional 8 elements to understand socionics. But it's a subsection and choosing to limit yourself to this point of view may allow you to proceed but in the end it will limit you and make you small.
where did u get the creating and accepting thing from