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So the viergruppe is kind of a picture of two types of individuals communicating on a parallel journey, sharing club and process properties.
The ones who harmonize with this, have the opposite club and belong to the results group. They do not share the journey, so how are they harmonizing with this thing anyway?

First of all, why do opposite clubs harmonize? Do they somehow help each other? No. They have the opposite tools. Their point is to not interfere, and to protect the weak spots of the one they harmonize with. So they kind of just bear witness in the sense of the direct events of the journey, but also serve to focus the individual to the journey. How?

Let's go deeper...

So the activity partner... They harmonize with the emotional quality of the 'journey'. If the process is positive, the activity partner enhances the feelings with their own positivity, both partners seeking to maintain and enjoy the process as long as possible. This is the case with static process individuals and their activity partners.
When the feeling of the process is negative, the other partner is also negative. This leads both partners to desire an end to the process. The activity partners makes the process even more disagreeable advancing the interest to focus on getting to the finish. Pushing forward.

So what about the conflict partnership? If anything, it seems to belong in the group as a way for the 'result' group participants to see two different travellers seeking sort of the same thing, and this allows them understanding of their 'team', what to support, what's the alternative.